Flex Manager
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Poject Manager

Poject Manager

Work Experience

He is a registered Project Management Professional (IPMA-C) with a broad international experience. During his career he successfully completed many implementation and software development projects. Throughout his profession(more then 15 years of IT PM experience) he also build excessive experience on setting up and day to day operation of on the principles of Prince-2 based; Program Management Offices; Project Support Offices and IT Project audits. He owns the company of \"HH IT Projects\" and works as a freenlancer.
His power of discernment lies on; his academic background and many years of PM experience in combination with, on mutual trust and cooperation based, human-oriented, proactive approach. This all, without lose of focus on key project objectives.

Period : From September 2008 until December 2009
Company : KPN-Getronics, Nieuwegein
Programme : KPN Integration Getronics (KING)
Branch : Consulting/Telecommunication
Function : Quality Assurance Manager – Project Manager
Situation : KPN took begin 2008 Getronics over. After the completion of take-over process KPN has decided to integrate several of his business units in the segment \"Business Market” (3500 fte’s) into the similar business units of Getronics.
A new started programme called KING (KPN Integration Getronics) was responsible for the full integration of IT Processes and workspaces within a time frame of two years. Program portfolio included 13 projects with an IT budget of more than 14 million euros.
Tasks & Responsibilities : He was within the program with role of Quality Assurance Manager responsible for:
• Setting up and bringing into use of Prince2 based project standards.
• Design an bringing into use of various Prince2 templates like; Project Brief, Project Initiation Document, Highlight Reports, Project Health Checks, Risk-, and Issue Logs.
• Carrying out of quality controls on some decision documents like; PID\'s, impact analysis, exception reports, change documents etc.
• Setting up and carrying out of Prince2 based internal project audits.
• temporary replacement and/or temporary support of project managers. This in case of temporary absence due to illness or some other conflict situation.
• Writing program PID
• Defining program organization structure.
• Assistance by defining en setting up of Program Management Office
Results : All above mentioned task with success executed and/or delivered.
Methods and techniques : Prince-2

Period : From June 2008 until September 2008
Company : Avery Dennison, Leiden
Project name : Artemis-Legacy Systems
Branch : Production Company
Function : Project manager
Situation : Scope of Artemis program within Avery Dennison was; development and Europe-wide rollout of some production process supporting custom made applications. The aim of the sub-project: \"Legacy systems\" of this program was custom made development of at Power House and Oracle-based applications and related interfaces. Avery\'s wish with this newly developed functionality was realization of standardization in all the factories in the area of inventory and warehouse management, planning / scheduling, coating / finishing and palletizing.
He was during this sub-project as project manager responsible for day to day management of a development team consisting of 10 developers (various nationalities, English as a basis for written and oral communication) and three business analysts.
Tasks & Responsibilities : Typical project management activities like; planning, budgeting, risk monitoring and daily management of the development team. Ensure that all tasks, including related reporting system, so well run and structured that the envisaged results within budget with right quality and associated milestones are met. My responsibility in this particular sub-project was well limited from functional design to User Acceptance Testing.
Results : • All open actions/issues are reviewed and where necessary new impact analysis are undertaken. Dependencies, risks and issues made visible. Project milestones and project costs are with use of Earned Value Analysis monitored where necessary adjusted, base lined and periodically reported.
• A new Checkpoint Reporting system is defined and with success implemented.
• A new Project Dashboard is developed and implemented. Dashboard yield periodically updated information on: costs(actuals, estimates), milestones, stage information, risks, issues, achievements in past period and planned activities for next period of reportage.
Methods and techniques : Prince-2

Period : From October 2006 until February 2008
Company : Municipality of Rotterdam, Business Unit: Knowledge Centrum Rotterdam
Project name : Several projects and programs:
• Program: Rollout Oracle EBS-FIN-HRM
• Program: Rollout Oracle EBS-HRM
• Project: Subsidy
• Project: Central registration of employees,
• Project: Upgrade Oracle,
• Project: Rollout of sickness absence registration portal
• Project: Purchase, etc.
• Project: Hummingbird DMS Rollout
Branch : Local government
Function : Program Manager/ Head of projects departement
Situation : Municipality of Rotterdam had purchased Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) with concern-wide goal; to gain control of all business processes. A newly introduced Business Unit KCR was responsible for the design and deployment of all ICT supported processes. At that time, on time (before at the end of 2010) design and concern-wide deployment of Finance and HRM modules of -e Business Suite was the most important target.

Projects department within KCR where He the manager was, was overall responsible for on time delivery of above mentioned projects. Department had with his clients within municipality a demand-supply relationship. Clients of KCR were 18 autonomous units so called services like; library services, shared service centre\'s, public works, tax offices etc..
Tasks & Responsibilities : End to end responsible for all above mentioned projects and programs from scope definition up to implementation. Daily control of all project managers / project leaders (internal and external). Setup and operation of Prince 2 based project/program control mechanisms. This means; development of custom made Prince2 templates, reporting structures, risk logs, issue logs, progress- and cost control mechanisms etc.
Results : All above mentioned tasks including a fully operational Program Management Office with templates and processes has been realized.
Methods and techniques : Prince-2

Period : From October 2005 until October 2006
Company : Fortis Bank-ASR [via Ordina]
Project name : Release-wise maintenance of marketing and sales (M&S) module of .Net based software application Cockpit.
Branch : Assurance/Banking
Function : Release Manager
Situation : Fortis ASR offers to its customers support in the form of internet application Cockpit. Intermediaries of Fortis Assurance may, for their clients with use of this application; include new transactions, obtain information, place an order and download documents.
Regular maintenance and when needed functional expansion of this application took release-wise (quarterly) place. He was release manager and he was with his team of 15 developers responsible for; determination of release content, execution of impact analysis, capacity planning and implementation of necessary changes in the module Marketing and Sales of Cockpit.
Tasks & Responsibilities : Taking care of impact analysis, determination of release content in close coordination with related business owners, release planning, realization of release from functional design to system- and User Acceptation Test and implementation.
Results : He has in a time frame of 12 months 4 releases successfully delivered. Each release had a average size of 3500hrs. .

Period : From April 2003 until September 2005
Company : PGGM /IFS-AD-PMG

Project name : Several migration and new development projects.
• MAP1: Intake
• MAP2: Pensions in divorce settlement.
• MAP3: Persons works relationships.
• MAP4: Work Flow Management
• MAP5:Fieldwork Control & Management Reportage
• MAP6: Premium exemption / Pension for disability
• MAP7: Financing Continuation Pension Insurance
• MAP8: Basic administration & Participation
• various Microsoft .Net based maintenance releases.
Branch : Assurance/ Investments/Pensions
Function : Project manager/Manager Component Development Centre
Situation : At that time PGGM had been struggling with a number of obsolete systems. Although those systems were still working, they brought some risks like, no more support from the vendor with it. On some of those systems there were even no inside knowledge available. In addition, the PGGM had a large collection of systems, each created in a different programming language and installed on a different platform. Due to this kind of issues PGGM had decided to start a large migration program called: Migration Application Architecture Pension systems. The aim of the MAP was: Redesign of pension systems to support the desired optimal process architecture and obtaining a market infrastructure (logical, technical and physical). PGGM choose for this purpose Microsoft\'s .Net as a standard platform.
He was as Project Manager / Manager Component Development Center(CDC), not only responsible for the organizational setup of CDC but was also responsible for day to day management of the center. This, average 40fte strong club of developers were working on several projects at the same time. Development took place with use of UML methodology on .Net platform. CDC also called Software Factory had within PGGM\'s IT organization an autonomous position. Consequently, it was up to CDC whether the development took on- site by CDC self or outsourced(India) off-shore place. CDC remain in both cases end responsible.
Tasks & Responsibilities : I was responsible for all operational activities within the CDC. These were; contracting with internal- and outsourcing partners, budgeting, planning, progress monitoring and reporting. The project management and time registration tool Clarity (Niku-Time and Niku-Workbench) was used as a standard for; time management, planning, progress monitoring, qualitative and quantitative progress monitoring.
Results : MAP steps from 1 through 4 have been successfully completed and putted into production. At the time of my leaving from PGGM organization; MAP steps 5, 6 and 7 were on the phase of User Acceptance Test, MAP Step 8 was on the phase of Component Design and there were two ongoing maintenance releases active.
Methods and techniques : POEMA .Net development guidelines, Waterfall; UML; Prince-2

Period : November 2001 - April 2003
Company : PGGM /IFS-AD-PMG

Project name : Central Reports Investments
Branch : Investment Banking
Function : Project manager
Situation : Implementation of SYLVAN was in June 2002 completed. Investments had with SYLVAN an integrated performance system in hand. With use of SYLVAN, the old custom made application Equity Performance Measurement System (EPMS) became superfluous.
PGGM business unit Investments would with the introduction of new project: Central Reports Investments (CRI) have a new reporting tool and a new software development infrastructure in place.

Main targets of CRI project was:
• Access (with use of web) to same information as before in case of EPMS-Reports ;
• ability to define new reports;
• a flexible system (including infrastructure) which makes a subsequent expansion to a data warehouse possible;
• have access to new infrastructure (Development, Test, Acceptance and Production Environments) which makes the start of new web-based development projects possible.

Planned outcome of the CRI project was a new reporting tool that meets the above defined customer requirements.
Tasks & Responsibilities : He was end-to-end responsible for entire project from architectural/functional design to implementation.
Results : New application, including related infrastructure is in accordance with the business requirements successfully developed and implemented.
I also used this project by my IPMA-C certification.
Methods and techniques : POEMA .Net development guidelines, Waterfall; Prince-2

Period : June 1996- April 2001
Company : Logo Business Solutions (LBS), Istanbul

Project name : More than 40 ERP standard package implementation projects.
Branch : Automation
Function : Project manager/Project Coordinator
Situation : LBS is a midsize software house. It was with his self developed open ERP package application market leader in Turkey . At the time of my involvement LBS had decided to expand his activities with implementation consultancy services.
Tasks & Responsibilities : From this perspective, I was responsible for setting up and manage of a new project organization which was consisted of several consultants and project managers and responsible for country-wide, on-site, custom-made development and package implementation. I was end to end (from project definition to setup and implementation) responsible for all on-site development en implementation activities.
Results : Within a time frame of 4 years I successfully coordinated, where necessary self managed and realized more than 40 projects.
Methods and techniques : By LBS self developed implementation methodology.

Period : 1995-1996
Company : KPN (PTT-Telecom), Den Haag
Project name : Due date reliability
Branch : Telecom
Function : Consultant production planning (Logistics)
Situation : Because of impending privatization was KPN busy to get its processes under control. One of the main problems was improvement of poor due date reliability of its engineering projects like construction of telephone centrals.
Tasks & Responsibilities : Research to cause of problem and providing advice on the improvement of due date reliability.
Results : I designed, developed and successfully implemented a tool for planning of tasks in engineering departments. Tool took into account with parameters like: available engineering capacity, workload of each task with its start- and end dates. With use of this tool it was possible to find the most optimal production sequence of engineering activities, so that manager could influence desired due date reliability.

Period : 1994-1995
Company : Boliden LDM Nederland BV

Project name : An investigation on due date reliability.
Branch : Metal production company
Function : Consultant production planning (Logistics)
Situation : Boliden LDM want to improve his concurrency position by improvement its production throughput time for \"Time to market\".
Tasks & Responsibilities : I had to analyze existing production process and come up with advise.
Results : Investigation is terminated with an end report which consisted of some advices on, how to reduce throughput times, during the production process.

Period : 1992-1994
Company : TNO Centrum for Mechanical Constructions(CMC), Delft
Project name : Several scientific research projects on the area of mechanical constructions and fiber reinforced plastics.
Branch : Defense
Function : Scientist, Project leader
Situation : CMC was a small business unit within Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research and was mainly working on the area of military defense projects.
I worked on several project like; research on the causes of metal fatigue at Leopard II tanks and material choice for the design and development of a new minesweeper.
Tasks & Responsibilities : Execution of scientific research.
Results : Several reports on related research areas.
Methods and techniques : Finite Element Analysis

Period : 1991-1992
Company : Delft University of Technology, Delft Structures and Materials Laboratory.
Project name : Fiber reinforced air cusion
Branch : Scientific research
Function : Scientist, Project leader
Situation : One of the professors from TUD had developed a theory that made the achievement of a qualitatively superior cushion possible. My task was to develop and test a fiber-reinforced rubber air cushion according to this theory.
Tasks & Responsibilities : I had a overall project responsibility from material choice to development and testing of prototype.
Results : After successfully development of prototype, TUD asked for a patent and received it.


• Delft University of Technology (TUD); Faculty of Aerospace Engineering; Department of Advanced Materials, Structural Design and Manufacturing, [Diploma 1991, Master of Science].
• College of Advanced Technology West-Brabant; Sector Economical Administrative Education and Polytechnic Faculty. Post-graduate education: Logistics Management [Certificate 1995, Logistics Manager].
Project management
• IPMA-C Cito Group 2004
• From Prince 2 to IPMA Project Management PinkRoccade 2004
• Prince 2 Foundation PinkRoccade 2004
• Project Management TNO 1994
• PMI’s Project Management Macro Consultancy Services 2000
• Project IT Management Ordina 2005
• Project Communication Management Ordina 2005
• Project Risk Management Ordina 2005
• Risk Management PGGM 2002
• Projects Finance Practitioner PinkRoccade 2004
• Planning Techniques CapGemini Ernst&Young 2001
Test management
• Advanced in Test Management (TMAP Next) Exin 2011
• Professional Test Management Sogeti 2011
• Result driven Testing According TMap NEXT Sogeti 2011
• Facilitation of Workshops CapGemini Ernst&Young 2002
Management & Leadership
• Professional Leadership PinkRoccade 2004
• Managing Professionals Schouten & Nelissen 2002
• Improvement of Teams: manager as team coach. Schouten & Nelissen 2004
• Co-operation as Surplus Value TNO 1994
• Communication Skills for Successful Management Ordina 2005
• Effective Communication TNO 1994
• Assertive Communication Ordina 2005
• Critical Thinking Strategies Ordina 2005
• Schriftelijke rapportage Technische Universiteit Delft <1994
• Mondelinge rapportage en presentatie Technische Universiteit Delft <1994
• Discussie- en vergadertechniek Technische Universiteit Delft <1994
• Software Configuration Management CapGemini Ernst&Young 2002
• CMM CapGemini Ernst&Young 2002
• ISO-15504 Software Process Improvement Logo Business Solutions 2000
• QSM Slim-Estimate QSM Europe 2004
• Moving up to Niku Workbench (Clarity) Niku Corporation 2001
• Production Control University of Marmara 2000
Marketing & Sales
• Market, Quality and Management TNO 1994
• Sales Techniques Logo Business Solutions 2000
• Business English The British School <1994
• Advanced English The British School <1994
• ISO - Internal audit TMI 2000
• Education of Educator Logo Business Solutions 2000


Program-, Project Management, Release Management , Test Management, Project organizations, Project/Program Offices, Change Management, Risk Management.


Dutch, English


Subject matter knowledge & skills

Knowledge of branch
• Automation 15 year
• Logistics 2 year
• Research &Development 3 year
• Government 4 year
• Pension/retirement 3 year
• Banking and insurance 3 year
• Software Development Project management 15 year
• Standard Software Package Implementation 6 year
• Test Management (TMap) 4 year
• Logistics Management 2 year
• Fibre reinforced plastics 3 year

Computer skills

• MS Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP, Windows7 >10 year
• (Clarity) Niku Workbench (*) 4 year
• Lotus Notes 1 year
• MS Project > 10 year
• MS Office > 10 year
• Visio 7 year
• Irma (**) 2 year
• Visual Source Safe (***) 4 year
• Serena Dimensions 1 year
• QSM Slim Estimate 1 year

(*) Planning and time registration tool
(**) Software development, bug registration and control tool
(***) Software configuration Management tool


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