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CFO, controller, projectmanager

CFO, controller, projectmanager

Work Experience

Experienced and broad interim finance professional. Background in one of the Big 4 accounting/auditing firms, with customers primarily in the IT en telecom industries. I have carried out a number of interim controllers assignments (UvA, TomTom, en DHL/Exel) and multiple projectmanagement engagements in the area of systems implementations (Getronics, Nuon, Alliander) and IFRS implementations (SNS Reaal, Achmea, Maxeda). Lecturer in financial accounting and reporting with Nyenrode Business University.

2008/10 – 2009/04 Alliander, Arnhem/Haarlem (formerly Nuon’s network company)
Project management engagement: Project manager of roll-out/implementation of uniform time recording for external employees
Main responsibilities and duties:
• rolling out/implementing uniform time recording for external employees in all
26 divisions/departments of Alliander;
• effectively reducing processing time of supplier invoices;
• making preparations for implementation of selfbilling.

2007/12 – 2008/09 Nuon, Amsterdam
Project management engagement: Project manager of implementation of uniform procedures and accounting & reporting for IT projects
Reporting to: CIO
Main responsibilities and duties:
• developing uniform procedures and system setup for IT projects (project accounting in SAP PS, time recording in SAP ESS, project reporting in SAP BW);
• implementing the solution in all Nuon divisions and BU’s;
• leading the implementation team (10-15 members).

2007/01 – 2007-08 Maxeda (formerly Vendex KBB), Amsterdam
Project management engagement: senior IFRS project manager
Main responsibilities and duties:
• establishing implementation and consistent application of IFRS throughout the Maxeda group, which included:
• preparation of implementation guidelines;
• BU visits and BU implementation reviews;
• overall project management of IFRS implementation;
• communication with external auditors;
• overall transition documentation.

2006/12 – 2007-01 Gemeente Amsterdam, Dienst Werk en Inkomen, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Consultancy engagement: Internal control planning 2007

2005/10 – 2006/10 DHL Exel Supply Chain, Hoofddorp, the Netherlands
Interim management engagement: interim controller 3 contract logistics sites
Reporting to: CFO Benelux, site managers
Main responsibilities and duties:
• assuming full responsibility for finance and control for three contract logistics sites, including managing the finance department (8 persons);
• establishing transfer of activities from local finance to a shared service centre and reorganising local finance and procedures;
• implementing Oracle for the sites.

2005/04 – 2005/07 Eureko-Achmea Group, Zeist, the Netherlands
Interim management engagement: IFRS consistency co-ordinator
Reporting to: Director Consolidation & Reporting
Main responsibilities and duties:
• reviewing and co-ordinating consistent IFRS application and reporting throughout the Eureko-Achmea Group;
• identifying and co-ordinating the follow up on remaining IFRS 2004 reporting issues, including hands-on IFRS problem solving;
• writing and co-ordinating documents surrounding the IFRS 2004 press release.

2005/02 – 2005/03 Nivra-Nyenrode Business University, Breukelen
Position: lecturer IFRS

2004/04 – 2005/01 SNS Reaal Group, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Project management engagement: Projectleader IFRS implementation, subproject Financial Reporting & Information Management (“FRIM”)
Reporting to: Steering committee IFRS implementation FRIM, deputy director FRIM
Main responsibilities and duties:
• assuming full responsibility for the planning and timely realisation of the implementation of IFRS in FRIM’s systems and procedures;
• leading 15 implementation workgroups (approximately 40 persons);
• facilitating and co-ordinating close cooperation between subproject FRIM and two other subprojects, and ensuring sufficient reconciliation with the IFRS competence centre on important technical issues.

2003/04 – 2004/04 TomTom, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Interim management engagement: Interim controller
Reporting to: CEO
Main responsibilities and duties:
• assuming final responsibility for the finance and financial control functions;
• building up the finance team (from 2 to 6 persons), including recruiting of a permanent controller;
• implementing an ERP solution (Navision Attain);
• implementing a management reporting structure;
• setting up a system of accounting procedures and internal controls;
• preparing IFRS financial statements.

2002/12 – 2003/04 Finsens ABCM Accountancy, Hoofddorp, the Netherlands
Interim engagement: Senior accountancy manager
Main responsibilities and duties:
• assuming final responsibility for audit engagements;
• leading a small audit team.

2002/08 - 2002/11 Solon Groep Corporate Finance, Nieuwerbrug, the Netherlands
Consultancy engagement: Divestment of companies
Main responsibilities and duties:
• carrying out business valuations of the companies concerned;
• preparing (and/or co-ordinating the preparation of) documents relating to the transactions (e.g. valuation reports, information memoranda, letters of intent).

2001/07 - 2002/05 University of Amsterdam, ICT department, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Interim management engagement: Interim controller
Reporting to: managing director
Main responsibilities and duties:
• leading the finance department (5 persons);
• remodelling the budgeting cycle and internal management reporting;
• restructuring the financial accounting template (SAP);
• carrying out and/or managing various tasks (preparation of business plan, accounting procedures, recruitment of new controller, etc).

2000/11 - 2001/02 Getronics System Integration, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Interim management engagement: Co-ordination of the 2000 (financial) year-end closing procedures
Reporting to: Financial controller
Main responsibilities and duties:
• organising and realising the year-end-closing planning (managing approximately 40 persons);
• ensuring sufficient quality of the year-end closing procedures;
• acting as a liaison with the external auditors;
• establishing standards for monthly and quarterly closing procedures.

2000/03 - 2000/09 Getronics System Integration, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Project management engagement: Team leader Finance in SAP implementation team; assistant to project leader
Reporting to: Project leader, CFO
Main responsibilities and duties:
• leading the finance team (10 persons);
• investigating whether the business model is supported by the SAP template;
• co-ordinating business processes modelling (process integration);
• managing the financial conversion processes;
• co-ordinating key-user and user training;
• co-ordinating user-acceptance and integration testing;
• realising SAP role profiles for end-users.

1999/01 - 1999/12 PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (PwC)
Position: Manager
Main responsibilities and duties:
• serving clients, primarily in the telecommunications and technology sectors, mainly comprising of:
• managing audits and audit teams (leading teams varying in size from 3
to 8 persons, usually simultaneously);
• leading client discussions and chairing meetings;
• managing multi-location/international audits;
• co-ordinating the services to clients of PwC’s other lines of services;
• participating in and leading various special engagements for clients (e.g. due diligence investigation, special purpose audit for EU, etc.);
• being actively involved in PwC’s CWEP programme (“Companies With Extraordinary Potential”) which included providing advice and assistance to young, start-up and fast-growing companies in the technology sector;
• acting as HR-manager for a group of 21 assistants (i.e. coaching, career development support, etc.);
• being involved in employee selection and recruitment activities.

1993/01 - 1997/06 Coopers & Lybrand Accountants, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (C&L - legal predecessor of PricewaterhouseCoopers)
Position: In-charge, Supervisor
Main responsibilities and duties:
• serving clients primarily in the telecommunications and technology sectors (further details, see PwC);
• two (short) international exchanges with C&L Stockholm and C&L Madrid;
• being actively involved in product development ("Revenue Integrity in Telecommunications");
• being involved in employee selection interviews;
• acting as trainer for “CLASS” training courses (C&L Audit Support System - advanced Lotus Notes application);
• acting as trainer for Dutch salary audit.

1991/09 - 1992/12 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Internal audit department, The Hague, the Netherlands
Position: Assistant auditor (alternative military service)

1986/09 - 1991/08 Van Dien & Co Accountants, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (legal predecessor of PricewaterhouseCoopers)
Position: Assistant auditor


1993 – 1998 Post-graduate Course in Accountancy
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Econometry, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
1986 – 1992 1st phase of Accountancy Course
Royal NIVRA (Netherlands Institute of Registeraccountants), Amsterdam, the Netherlands
1979 – 1986 Pre-university education (VWO)
RSG West-Friesland, Hoorn, the Netherlands


Financial competency, decisiveness, energetic, enthousiastic, solid, structured, smart, easy communicator with different disciplines and levels (Board to worker).


Dutch - native speaker
English - fluent (written and spoken)


Enthousiastic sporter (squash, watersports, running).


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