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Project management

Project management

Work Experience

• General management: accounting, cost calculations, recruiting of employees, work with and steer a team.
• Project management: budgeting projects, planning of project workload and deadlines, quality assurance of software and documentation, motivation of team members.
• As software auditor: generate ideas to improve software quality, portability and architecture.
• As system auditor: verification of security infrastructure, networking, reliability, …
• As system administrator: Experience in networking and everything related with it. (mail server, web servers, databases, routers, firewalls, virus scanners, backup procedures and recovery, VPN networks…)
• As software designer: design of multi-processor and interconnected systems. Use of CASE tools and development methodologies. Good understanding of the hardware / software interfaces and real-time critical technology.
• As software developer: development of relational databases and websites linked to these, writing of real-time critical software for NASA and ESA.

Some projects he was involved in:

1) Audit of an ICT environment: during the transformation of a state institute to a private company
This audit was done during the transformation of a state institute to a private company.
The aim was to minimise the ICT budget, which was on that moment a main part of the company budget.
The audit went through the complete ICT infrastructure: from PCs to servers, from a simple text processor until the ERP software used. Also the complete LAN/WAN infrastructure was reviewed. This lead to a significant cut in the ICT budget without loosing any functionality.
Companies/products involved: Peoplesoft (ERP), EasyPay, Siemens Business Services, Belgacom, Econocom, Software AG.
The three most important tasks were:
- audit of the Strategic IT plan: where are we now, what will it be at the end, how will the transition occur.
- audit of the “as is / to be” of people soft
- audit of the network infrastructure: connection of extern offices to the central office and safety implications.
Main problem noticed during the audit, was the lack of financial information (from VDAB) resulting in incorrect conclusions.

2) Dynamic websites
Developed and designed different dynamic database driven websites build around SQL server using ASP and .NET.
Main quality of these websites is the fact that they are fast using cheap hardware even with a large number of visitors.

3) System administration.
Set up company network infrastructure: internal, DMZ, external.
Some tasks:
- Configuring routers and firewalls
- Set-up mail-servers, web-servers, database-servers, mail gateways (for virus scanning)
- Set-up of backup procedures and recovery mechanisms (mirrored disks, stand-by servers, remote duplication…)
- Set-up virtual private networking for home workers.
Worst case disaster ever managed: lost of all servers, firewall and routers after a burglary in the server room. Web and mail services were back online within 24 hours.

4) Project Manager for DIFA: system to test the different communication channels of the International Space Station.
This project was developed for Alcatel Bell Space. The developed test equipment consisted of a distributed multi-processor system. It is used to simulate and analyse in real-time the communications between the different parts of the flight equipment under test.

5) Projects done in the real-time embedded field.
- Design and development of software ADSL modem for Windows, design and development of USB ADSL modem.
- RTOS evaluations (framework set-up, inventions of tests, measurements methods, analysis of results)
- Adaptation of PLC software and machine settings to improve the productivity of a production line.
- Other embedded: weaving loom control, mopier and copier software, digital television software, …


Masters degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Official degree in Dutch: Burgerlijk Elektro-Werktuigkundig ingenieur, optie elektronica
KU Leuven: 1990.
Masters degree in Industrial Management
Official degree in Dutch: Burgerlijk ingenieur in het Industrieel Beleid
KU Leuven: 1991


Programming languages: OO related: C++, C#, Java, ADA.
Structured: C, Visual Basic, Pascal, Fortran.
Script languages: csh, perl. Relational DB: SQL.
AI based: prolog.

Operating Systems: General Purpose: Windows NT/98/95/2000/XP, UNIX/Linux, Solaris, DOS
Both as user, developer and system administrator.
Real-Time Operating systems: QNX, VxWorks, OSE, pSOS, VRTX, Windows CE, Nucleus, …

Real-Time Systems: Multi-threading applications, multi-processor environments, device drivers, interrupt handlers, distributed applications, time-critical software, PLC Systems, Motor control, expert in hardware / software interfaces.

Protocols : TCP/IP, DHCP, DNS, SNMP, POP, HTTP, ADSL, ATM, and many others …
Designed different proprietary protocols.

Busses : Parallel: VMEbus, PCI, CPCI, IP-module, PMC, PC-MIP (was a reviewer of this IEEE standard)
Serial: Mil-1553-Std, TAXI, CAN, PROFI, AdvancedTCA, PCI-Express, Ethernet, …

Internet : Routing, Firewalls, DHCP servers, DNS configuration, VPN, SNMP monitoring, HTML, Virtual Private Networks, RAS, NAT, Proxy servers, Active Server Pages, .NET, CGI scripts, XML, CSS, …

Processors : Motorola 68K and 88K, PPC, Intel x86, i960, ARM, MIPS, SH-4

Databases : Microsoft SQL Server, Access, and general relational database technology

CASE Tools : object oriented analysis and design, structured analysis and design, UML, business modelling

General SW : Text processors, Desktop publishing tools, spreadsheets, drawing and CAD packages, Project managing software,...


Dutch (mothertongue), English, French


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