Flex Manager
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General / Marketing Management

General  / Marketing  Management

Work Experience

2003 - now: Company active in development and supply of software for the publishing industry. Interim Buss. dev. Establish marketing/business plan to expand internationally. Setting-up European dealer/support network.

1998-2003: small company developing and supplying chips for Cons. Electr. applications.
[2001-2003] Managing Director, Integration of this
company into bigger US company after its acquisition.
Emphasis on development, marketing&sales, support,
finance. Opened 2nd satellite developm. office. Made
contracts with major international semiconductor
[1998-2001] Commercial Director, Initially responsible
for market repositioning of small company from design
house to Supplier. Created and implemented marketing &
business plan with emphasis on product plan,
promotion, distribution, service, manufacturing. Many
international contacts with suppliers, distributors
and customers. To prevent bankruptcy in 1999, searched
and found private investors, and joined the Management
team. Established a big (royalty) contract with large European
semiconductor supplier for co-development and marketing.
In 2001 initiated and negotiated together with supervisory
board the above mentioned acquisition.

1993-1998: Equipment supplier for production of optical discs.
[1996-1997] General and Commercial Manager of small new
business unit supplying products for encoding signals.
Responsible for positioning (brand awareness) and
implementation of business plan. Emphasis on setting up
sales- and distribution channels, service and support
organization, resulting in 3 times higher revenues in 2 years
[1995-1996] Acquisition of small US based company,
developing CD test equipment. General and Strategic
Management. Making and implementation of Business plan.
In 2 years time sales revenues more than tripled.
[1993-1996] Product Manager of Test and Conversion
Systems. Steering the development group. Responsible
for product planning and pricing, market intro’s,
promotion material, sales-support

1990-1993: Product Manager Europe for High-end consumer Audio products. Main tasks: specifying products, initiated new product range development, market/competition research, sales support, product training, promotions, shows. Setting up organization for Professional Audio w.r.t. different distribution channels, service organization and products.

1987-1990: International Product Marketing Manager for semiconductors for Audio applications.
Main activities: product development plan, pricing, promotion, steering Sales organizations worldwide. Direct contacts with Consumer Electronics and Automotive manufacturers in Europe, Asia and the USA .



1973–1979 VWO, Ath-B,
1979–1986 Eindhoven University of Technology, M.S. degree in Physics and Business Science
1987-2001 Various courses on Product Management, Marketing, General Management


Technical/commercial, international experience, marketing & general management, good presentation skills, company acquisition experience (Both buying and selling)


NL, English, Deutsch, Francais


- carried out in 1985 a 3-month practical study in Buenos Aires.
- During study, joined a 3-yr choir-director course. Was director of 2 (youth) choirs.
- Also during study, worked as a ‘summer sailing instructor’, and as weekend-salesman in a musical instruments shop.
- Hobbies: Sailing, tennis, squash, Skiing, playing music, maintaining/working on own sailing boat.


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