Flex Manager
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Work Experience

Free-lance Consultant in ICT and Serviceorganisation

Freelance Consultant in ICT/Telecom en Serviceorganisation since 2005

Presently active as Transition Manager within the frame of SITA Airport IT GmbH, Düsseldorf , Germany , an outsourcing joint-venture of SITA INC and FDG/Dusseldorf Flughafen. Members of Staff outsourced : 65.
Services covered by this outsourcing are : trunkradio, full airport networking on site, provision of telephone systems, IT desktopservices including helpdeskservices, FIDS applications, SAP applications development, management for airport related projects.

This position entails mainly a provision of an overall management support during the changes towards a new cost-effective 24h service structure.

Major projects which are now implemented and rolled out are :
 Replacement of the analog trunk radio system by a digital trunkradiosystem provided by EADS
 Move to a new datacenter and the full implementation thereof
 Replacement of all server- and back-up farms
 Replacement of telephoneswitches.
 Implementation of operational processes according to ITIL recommendations aiming at obtaining an ISO 9000 certification in the near future.




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