Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
21218 professionals


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Work Experience

Assistant Manager 02/09/1996 till 09/01/1997 Hotel*** in Belgium.
Assistant Manager 14/01/1997 till 10/12/1997 Hotel*** In The Netherlands.
Manager 10/12/1997 till 31/10/1999 (Hotel & restaurant *** 54 rooms)Netherlands
Manager 01/11/1999 till 15/08/2001 (Hotel & restaurant *** 85 rooms / 4 meeting rooms Belgium
01/09/2001 till now Establishment & exploitation of apparthotel (Belgium)


Basic training
· Industrial Sciences at the Don Bosco Institute of Ghent- Diploma achieved
· Higher Economical graduate in «Hotel management » - Diploma achieved

Additional training
· « Certificat de Français du tourisme et de l’hôtellerie de la chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Paris – Certificate achieved
· In possession of the necessary permits to establish a business in the Hotel Industry in Belgium & The Netherlands
· “Train the trainer” management seminar Siebenheller & Partners
· Commercial training seminar Siebenheller & Partners


During my career till now I have been able to specialise in the following fields

New hotel / Apparthotel Concept
· 1 research on feasibility of new hotel projects, on financial, commercial & operational level.
· implementation of marketing strategy & customer development management
· Coaching during architectural design & construction of a hotel in order to combine esthetical, operational & economical requirements.
· Implementation of GDS & IDS

Operational management of a hotel
· Food & Beverage
o Practical knowledge of cooking & serving
o Food cost calculation & ratio control
· Staff hiring & planning
· Cost control, financial management & budgeting
· Practical experience in all departments of the hotel industry
· Customer relation management & Total Quality Management, training of the staff.

Financial Management
· Development of a management in order to control the staff costs in relation to the turn-over
· Input & control of the book-keeping
· Debtors control
· Development of a automation program for the calculation of the ratios & GOP from the accounting ledger. The result was a huge time saving on reliable management data.
· Development of a historic of details figures of turnover & occupation per department. The result was that we were able to make more precise budgets.

Marketing & Customer development
· Research on the different targets groups and niche markets
· Setting up commercial actions, each customized on the different target groups
· E-marketing
o Website promotion towards the different search engines
o Creation of E-mailings & follow-up afterwards

Human resources Management
· Recruitment & selection of staff for several departments
· Budgeting & the pointing-out of a personnel strategy
· Development of rewarding-& quality program
· Application of the legislation of Belgium & the Netherlands


· Dutch : Native speaker
· French: good knowledge of written and spoken language
· English: good knowledge of written and spoken language
· German : good knowledge of the spoken language and basic knowledge of the written language


During my rather short but very intensive career I have been able to experience in most parts of the hospitality industry. I hope to share my experience also in other industries. That way I can also enlarge my own experiences.


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