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Interim manager communication & marketing

Interim manager communication & marketing

Werkervaring interimmanager

2007 - date
Location: The Netherlands
Company: B.V. Company
Position: Interim manager in the field of (international) communication and marketing for a university in The Netherlands

April 1999-2007
Location The Netherlands
Company: B.V. company
Position Director and owner
Description Consultant on marketing and communication strategies (including development and implementation of web strategies), and their implementation, and evaluation for both private and public organisations.

Date: from (month/year) to (month/year)
December 1995- 2000
Location Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Company Netherlands Economic Institute (Now Ecorys B.V.)
NEI B.V. is a subsidiary of the NEI Kolpron Holding B.V. since January 1999)
- Acquisition manager for international projects
- Head of the Department of Marketing and Communication (including intranet and internet strategy)
- Marketing and Communication Advisor to the Management Board of the NEI Kolpron Group

-Supporting project managers in NEI with the initiation, preparation and qualification for international projects (funded by EU, Worldbank, Dutch funds and the Asian Development Bank)
-Development and implementation of the marketing and communication strategy for NEI B.V.
-Development and implementation of the marketing and communication strategy for the NEI Kolpron Group

Date: from (month/year) to (month/year)
October 1991-December 1995
Location: The Hague, the Netherlands
Company: Nethconsult (multidisciplinary group of (mainly Dutch) consultancy and engineering firms)
Position: Marketing Manager
- Business development and marketing support to the foreign activities of the 40 firms affiliated organisations to Nethconsult
- Supporting managers of individual organisations with the definition, set up and implementation of international organisation strategy (especially for the EU and Dutch Government funded projects)
- Final responsible for ict strategy and implementation

Date: from (month/year) to (month/year)
July 1989-October 1991
Location: Hellevoetsluis, the Netherlands
Company: Ph. Borst BV
Position: Deputy Director
- Day-to-day management
- Business strategy development (national and international)
- Internal and external communication (including ict)
- Marketing
- Finance and organisation

Assignments and projects executed:

1996-date Analyses, development and implementation of several business concepts. Strategic projects have been implemented together with or for business partners on a project by project basis.
Key ‘words’ are: mutual understanding on objectives of trategic projects, clear targets, result driven, team work, in time action and evaluation of results.
Business concepts have been developed for a.o. Nethconsult, NEI/Ecorys, IRC, LEI, NWP, TNO, IHS, CourseLine, C4Control, China Art Trade and Flexcal (last 2 are under construction)

2004-date Supervisory director of a trade organisation with offices in Belgium and The Netherlands named GSI. Activities of this trade organisation
includes the sales of decorated glasses, flags and other materials used by breweries etc. for marketing purposes in restaurants and pubs.
Responsibilities: overall responsibility.

2003-date Development and implementation for SenterNovem and Uneto-Vni of a training programme and workshops for the development of marketing and communication skills of technical people (directors and
staff) in the installer branch. Over 50 workshops have been organised and a number of workshops are planned for the coming year.

2003-date Several in-company workshops concentrating on the hands-on development of marketing, sales and communication skills of both management and staff.

2000-date Development and implementation of internet strategies for several organisations (engineering and consultancy, education, trade, accounting, banking and art)

2002-date Support to several municipalities in the Netherlands on the development, execution and evaluation of communication strategies.

2001-2002 Business development and market research on the possibilities for subsidising specific country related products and services of SGS Monitoring Services.

2000-2002 Medium sized Economic Consultancy and Research Organisation. Formulation of overall strategy and marketing policy. Starting with an SWOT- analysis the strategic framework has been identified. After definition of the overall strategy and marketing plan support has been given to the general management on the implementation. Support concentrated on internal communication, external positioning and profiling.

2001-date Support to the marketing oganisation ‘Investors in People Netherlands’ an organisation erected under the Dutch Ministry of
Economic Affairs responsible for the marketing of IiP principles to the Dutch business community. Support included support to develop and implement the communication strategy, development and production of newsletters, and the preparation and printing of books and other materials.
Also active support was given to identify potential IiP-organisations, contacting the top-500 organisations/decision makers and inviting them for a number of high level decision makers lunches. Also the
underlying strategy has been developed.

2000-2001 Management consultant in the field of marketing and communication for the definition, set up and implementation of the company strategy for a Dutch private research organisation.

2000-2003 Management consultant in the field of internal communication for one of the largest Dutch private banks. Consultancy included assistance to the head of the internal communication department on the definition, set up and implementation of communication strategies for several distribution channel change programmes.

2000-2002 Internal communication campaign for an industry -in the past with a top-down structure- service organisation with some 2,500 people. Objective of the campaign is to realise a pro-active attitude of the employees on themes like safety, quality and efficiency.

2000-2003 Lecturer on a private College for Higher Economic Education in the Netherlands on marketing and communication of services. Programme is to train managers active in transport sector.

2000 Advice towards a Dutch flower import organisation to acquire a subsidy for foreign investment in the flower production from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (PSOM-programme).

2000 Market research and consultancy in Belgium, France, Germany and the United Kingdom, for a Dutch technical research organisation on the market possibilities and introduction of knowledge service centre.

Opleiding interimmanager

Institution: Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Date: from (month/year)to (month/year): 1984-1989
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Business Economics. (drs.)
Specialisation: marketing

Institution: College for Higher Technical Education (HTS),
‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands
Date: from (month/year)to (month/year) 1979-1984
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Electrotechnique (ing.)
Specialisation: Energy-techniques

Institution: School of Higher Secondary Education (Havo), Gouda, the Netherlands
Date: from (month/year)to (month/year) 1973-1979
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Havo diplom

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

Result driven business strategy development, marketing strategy development and implementation. (including web applications, PR and lobby). Training of, and coach for management on marketing and communication.

Talenkennis interimmanager

Dutch and English


Membership of professional bodies:
2004-date Member of Lions
2003-date Treasurer of Kivi-Niria Commercial Engineers
2000-2003 Chairman, fellow initiator and member of Business Network of Starting Companies Rotterdam (CJB Rotterdam), an association supported by a.o. the Chamber of Commerce Rotterdam, Rabobank and PWC.
1999-date Member of the Netherlands Institute for Marketing (NIMA)
1989-1999 Chairman, treasurer and member of Junior Chamber “Rotterdam -Port”

2004 Research in some technical branches on the link between marketing and innovation. Both branch organisations and private organisations have been interviewed.

2003 Research in several branches on how sales activities were realised in a declining economic environment. Results of research have been presented via workshops and seminars.

2002 Research in several branches in the services industry on out-sourcing. Branches interviewed include the cleaning, ict, security and temporary employment agencies.

2001 Research under over 100 municipalities on their internal and external communication policy.

2000 The Strategic Vision of the Management of Consultancy Organisations, Engineering Bureau’s and Research Organitions on the Year 2005.

1989 1992, Droomkans of Angstdroom? De toets van uw onderneming en haar markten na 1992 (Translation: 1992, Chance or Nightmare? The evaluation of your organisation and her markets after 1992)


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