Flex Manager
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Work Experience

I am an ambitious business leader, with a distinctive record of achievement. I have extensive experience as a Managing Director since 1993 and in functional management from 1976, in the UK and international markets.

After 25 years working in corporate blue chip organisations I moved out in 1997 in order to undertake the challenge of starting my own business and adding value to a portfolio of clients in a range of business environments. After 7 successful years I am now seeking to return to a more hands-on involvement in business.

My history demonstrates leadership and the successful implementation of commercial strategy in a series of start ups and change programmes with blue-chip companies and new entrants. This includes the creation of new businesses for:
• Vertically integrated production to retail of £500m
• Procurement in excess of £15bn
• Commodity trading in excess of £1.5bn / annum
• Multi-product retailing (£2bn)
• Asset acquisition (circa £200m)
• Management consultancy services.

Portfolio Assignments include:
4 years US Based Major International Banking Corporation: Commodity and bond trading, asset acquisitions
Project based
UK & US markets • Commercial performance of power generators, modelling, pricing, risk management and forecasting
• Identification of asset acquisition targets, models and techniques for valuing power capacity
• Training for traders, UK power market rules
3 months Ruhrgas: German gas wholesaler and transporter
Part time
German market • Commodity market sales implementation strategy, trading techniques, marketing, regulation, commercial contracts, risk management and auction arrangements
3 years Deloitte & Touche: Management consulting and systems integration European energy market
UK, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Netherlands, & Belgium markets • Belgium power market modelling, pricing, forecasting, establishing the rationale for power releases forced by regulation
• Scenario analysis framework, retail strategy development
• Sales strategies, implementation plans and value propositions for European power and gas companies
• Information system strategy for the trading division of a vertically integrated Italian power company
• Management organisation and business models for the energy management division of an Italian industrial conglomerate
• Training in awareness, transaction and commercial issues and consulting opportunities.
5 years sentri Ltd: Start up and growth of networking, training and information service company, European power and gas sector
Part time
Western Europe Director
• Business planning and implementation strategy, including organisational design and the business model.
• Management of a European energy news service
• Seminar and events leadership and operational management
4 months Electricity Direct: UK power supplier seeking migration to multi-product retailing
Full time
UK • Business planning and implementation strategy, organisational design, business model, change management requirements
• Procurement, regulation, marketing and brand management, including modelling, pricing, risk management and forecasting
• Leadership, communications, recruitment & training requirements
4 months Aquirente Unico: Start up of a power procurement subsidiary of the Italian Grid operator
Part time
Italy • Business planning and implementation strategy, including organisational design, business model, processes and systems.
4 years Electricite de France: Power generator and retailer
Project based
France Adviser to the Trustee, European Commission, virtual power plant auctions
• Commodity market sales implementation strategy, trading techniques, marketing, regulation, commercial contracts, risk management and auction arrangements
Project team Generation Division
• Analysis and proposals for organisation, business model and processes for new sales and marketing arrangements
2 years Enron Europe: Power and gas trader
Regular UK • Induction training for back and middle office staff
18 months Reliant Energy and Una: Project team to develop systems and processes to support power generator and trader, the Netherlands
Project based
Netherlands • Selection and implementation of business infrastructure, technology, and processes
• Scenario models for systems testing
• Recruitment support
• Review of Houston (US) trading operations, modelling, pricing, risk management and forecasting
1 year Northpower: Electricity distribution and retailer, New South Wales, Australia, seeking market change with liberalisation
Project based
Australia • Review of change management programmes, organisation structure, business model, brand management, regulation, procurement, risk management and forecasting
1 week South China Power Corporation, Guangzhou, China
Full time
China • Review of wholesale electricity market, including pricing and implementation strategy
1 month Enercomm: Start up power consultancy, Ireland
Irish market • Commercial strategy and business model
5 months Sema Group: Project team to develop an outsourced web based energy and telecoms retailer. Proposition to PowerGen
Part time
UK • Developed the organisational design, business model, regulation and brand management strategy
3 months Arthur Andersen (Client confidential): Client project team, UK gas market
Part time
UK • Developed the marketing segmentation analysis, commercial strategy, start up, margin and operating cost and forecasts
5 months PowerGen: UK based power generator
Part time
Western European markets • Developed a market model including cost and pricing forecasts for European power trading and identified trading hubs and opportunities
• Designed and led a training programme using game based techniques to explore the issues and challenges of the market.
2 years PipeCo GB Ltd: Start up UK public gas transporter
Part time
UK Chief Executive
• Led the start up including strategy and implementation plan, business modelling, pricing and forecasting, network code, processes and Memorandums of Understanding
18 months
Price Waterhouse: Management consulting and systems integration market entry, Spanish power market
Spain • Value propositions and business models
• Business models for generation, trading and wholesaling
1 month Union Fenosa: Start up energy management division, Spanish power generator
Spain • Developed new organisational design and business model
6 months The Energy Group: UK based international power and gas
Middle East & Asia • Strategic rationale, country and asset analysis for organic growth strategy: Middle East and Asia

Corporate Career Record
1996 to1997 Eastern Group plc, subsidiary of The Energy Group: Start up new entrant competitive power and gas retailing business (£2bn turnover)
Director of Business Development: Off site location, 30 direct staff, budget £2m and multiple consulting services.
• Leadership: Business concept and strategy, business model, management organisation, operational processes, and Government, legislative and regulatory influence, technology, human resources, marketing and brand.
1993 to1996
Eastern Natural Gas, subsidiary of Hanson plc: Start up and operational management, vertically integrated natural gas production and supply business.
Managing Director: Integrated well head to retail business, £250m retail turnover, 15% market share, £250m wholesaler/shipper, offshore production and public gas transportation. Over 200 staff, budget £10m and £200m acquisition budget.
• Leadership: Start up and organic growth to £500m turnover wholesale sales and retailing. Hands–on planning, implementation and operations, organisation design, marketing, regulation, brand management, procurement, human resources.
• Change management: ‘Sold’ new entrant gas business concept to the Board and led group-wide risk management, performance management, quality and process re-engineering.
• Acquisitions: off-shore gas assets, on-shore gas pipelines and competing retail businesses, £50m.
1989 to 1993
Eastern Electricity plc: Energy procurement, strategy development, power trading, power and gas wholesaling, risk management, generation operations and dispatch.
Head of Energy Purchasing Division: £1.5bn turnover, 13% of the UK power, over 50 staff, budget £3m and technology investment £20m.
• Leadership: Start up of new Division with the privatisation of electricity. Business planning and implementation strategy, including organisational design, communications and recruitment. Extensions to the Division to include gas wholesaling and trading, large customer retailing, power plant dispatch and energy management.
• Established the procedures and processes for procurement, trading, risk management, operational modelling, transfer pricing, tariff setting, dispatch, transmission optimization, portfolio management, pool bidding, forecasting, and settlement complying with legal requirements, energy regulations and the permissions of the FSA. Managed regulatory reviews of electricity purchasing.
• Procurement strategy and negotiations with Government contracts (£1.7bn), facilitating the privatisation of British coal; independent power plants, including Peterborough, Barking, and Kings Lynn (excess £450m).
1988 to 1989 Commercial Division, National Grid Company: Pooling and settlements.
Commercial Manager: Pooling and settlement systems, 20 in-house staff, project budget £5m, business turnover 15bn.
• Leadership: Start up and business planning and implementation, including organisational design and operational processes, design and selection of settlement system, technology platform and IT providers.
• Modelling, pricing, risk management and forecasting for the definition of the power pool rules, the development of the ancillary services, requirements for metering and electricity pricing, advising the UK Government on the value and pricing of the generation and downstream supply businesses.
1985 to 1988 Central Electricity Generating Board, HQ: Power System Planning, System Technical Branch, Operations Section
Section Head: Impact assessment for development projects, research and technical support to operations. 4 direct staff, research and University projects.
• Project management and technical leadership: Economic operation of the power system, plant management, scheduling, transmission security and operator training, security standards best practice benchmarks, international comparisons and emergency generation, automated control and communications.
• UK expert on international trading arrangements, UNIPEDE and UCPTE power system operations group, and European power system planning forums. Training power system planning and design.
1977 to 1985 Central Electricity Generating Board, HQ: Power System Grid Management Operations, National Control Centre.
Project Manager: Enhancements to the operation and control of the England and Wales power system. Market turnover £15bn/annum.
• Leadership: System manager for live trials of automated generation dispatch, and development of plant scheduling and operations (GOAL), innovative methods to maintain security of supply and economic dispatch during the period of the 1984/5 UK coal miners strike.
• Change management: Business planning and operational management of field trials for automated generation dispatch and other system management tools including economic and technical development of generation scheduling and dispatch software

Assistant National Control Engineer.
• 24 / 7 management of the England and Wales power system, dispatch, scheduling, network operations, optimisation and control, commendations for performance associated with a number of power system emergencies.
• Operational planning and implementation of system management techniques to reduce operating costs and the application of Load Management schemes.
1975 to 1977 Central Electricity Generating Board, South East Region: Real time management of the regional power system
Assistant Grid Control Engineer, Regional Control Centres
• Operations: 24 / 7 management of the South East Regional power system, dispatch, scheduling, network operations, optimisation and control.
• Operational and business planning for the closure of un-economic power stations.
1970 to 1975 London Electricity: Power distribution
Services engineer, connections, construction, fault management and maintenance, Student Apprentice.


Chartered Engineer, 1981.
MBA, City University Business School (London 1981).
BSc Electrical and Electronic Engineering, City University (London 1975).
UK Electricity Council Power System Protection Course (1976)
UK Central Electricity Generating Board, Power Station Practice Courses (1977)
Advanced level certificates: Physics, Mathematics and Economics, London.
Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1981.
Alumni of the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), OWP, Lausanne, 1994.
Member of the Institute of Directors, 2001.


My experience, training and personal development provided the opportunity to enhance my specialist skills in 3 key start up areas.
• Business planning and implementation strategy, including organisational design and the business model
• Procurement, regulation, marketing and brand management, including modelling, pricing, risk management and forecasting
• Leadership, communications, recruitment & training
In addition I have extensive general management experience.




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