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Human Resources Manager

Human Resources Manager

Work Experience

2/2004 - until now: Biotech company
Interim management mission.
HR Audit and action plans for developing:
- compensation policy
- working conditions
- training & development
Merger preparation of dutch and belgian sites

10/2003 - 12/2003: BM-Liege
Consulting mission
Audit of personnel administration and payroll.
Personnel cost calculation: per cost centers, per vehicle.
Negociating with Social Security and Sectoral Funds on retribution of payments.
Rightsizing of working conditions and compensation advice.


Innogenetics NV is a Belgian, public biotechnology company. Established in 1985 it employs currently 600 highly qualified employees worldwide, the largest part (430 FTE’s) in Ghent, Belgium. The Diagnostic Business Unit has commercial branches in the USA, Germany, Spain, Italy and France, an R&D unit as well as two important production facilities in Ghent.
My position reported to the CEO and was responsible for all Human Resources activities of the different companies in Belgium as well as for the smaller entities in Delft (The Netherlands), Lille (France) and Rome (Italy). The larger branch offices have more autonomy and are supported through international HR policies and programs. I was in charge of a team of 5 direct reports and 10 in total.
An important focus in this position was on budgeting and cost containment trough rolling forecasts and manpower planning.
In 1997 and 1998, after the initial public offering, the company grew explosively and recruitment and selection was a major activity (150 positions annually on average). Major investments were focused on adapting and building HR systems for the diagnostic operations and commercial departments.
As of 1999 the development of a human resources strategy, a company-wide performance management system and a complete overhaul of all compensation programmes became important. Furthermore the operational activities in Belgium were put trough an important change program for which HR is providing the contracting and implementation of the specific training and development programs.

Some Achievements:
· Compensation & Benefits structure (pay scales – broadbands) for Belgium – Germany – Spain – Italy.
· Bonus plans and Management by Objectives system (management bonus, sales bonus & stretch bonus plans).
· Jobdescripton and job grading (Belgium: Orba & GGX).
· Employee Stock Option Plans, 1996 and 1999 (Belgium & US): design, distribution and personnel communication.
· Competence Evaluation system for R&D personnel.
· Career ladders for R&D professionals, linked with compensation system.
· Implementation of the annual development cycle and training programs.
· Initiating management development programs for senior management (360° Feedback).
· Biotech training program, in collaboration with FCN, Vion, Janssen Pharma, Gist-Brocades.
· Responsible for internal communication and internal newsletter (2000 – 2001).
· Internal surveys and action plans for communication and for stress.
· Job Satisfaction Survey (Belgium & international) and action plan.
· Installation of the Works Council and SHE committee and chairing both of them. Industrial relations with union representatives.
· Redundancy programs in 1993 and in 1999.
· Restructuring and communication of the closing of a production site in Belgium and sales office in the US.
· Communication and social program for a geographical move of personnel from Antwerp to Ghent.


Marketing of optical inspection and laser plotter systems for the printed circuit board industry and plotters for the graphic art market in Europe. The company in Brussels was the European headquarters with branches in France, Germany and the U.K. Optrotech employed 80 people over Europe. Employees were mainly highly specialised technical engineers, of which 30 percent were Israeli expatriates. I reported to the Vice-President Finance and Administration and was responsible for all day-to-day HR matters such as payrolls for all branches, expat’s, hiring’s, car policies and office management. A team of 2 collaborators supported me.


Marketing of plastics and petrochemicals and production and marketing of specialty chemicals. The group employed approximately 550 people over Europe (including 120 in the European HQ in Overijse). Employees were mainly high-level sales engineers or technical support engineers.
In my position, I reported to the Vice-President Personnel Administration EMEA and was responsible for implementation and compliance of HR-policies and procedures, recruitment, training and development and supervision of pay roll and general services. Furthermore I was chairman of the Safety Committee and secretary of the Personnel Communication Forum.


Providing salary calculations, compliance with social legislation, social administration and pay roll accounting to small companies, from ADMB’s Brussels office. Extensive branch structure on national level, 15 branches. I reported to the Branch Inspector. I managed a team of 9 salary administrators and was for responsible for the day-to-day management of the office and client relations. Main output area was providing legal advice to my clients regarding social legislation and compliance.


Masters in Industrial and Organisational Psychology, KU Leuven, 1986.
Masters in Social Legislation and Personnel Administration, UCL Louvain-La-Neuve, 1987.



Strategy in Action projects
Top management seminar on strategic target setting:
Critical Goals definition
Breaktrough projects
KPI definition
Follow-up of Critical Goals progress

Policy deployment programs
MBO program roll-out
Communication programs on critical goals
Kick-off meetings business process re-engineering programs

Change embedment
Modification of evaluation & performance management systems

Company culture analysis and action plans
Employee satisfaction surveys and mobilisation programs
Change agents project
Competence models and core competence alignment
Communication surveys and action plans
Leadership development


Design of a completely new pay scale & broadband salary structure, including fixed & variable pay components.
Annual benchmarking & captivity checks, compensation survey’s for Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, France & Italy.
Compensation policies and salary administration manual.

Long term planning for total reward system & budgeting.

Redesign of medical plan for all employees.

Implementation of a pension plan for all employees.
Market study:
Insurance vs. pension fund strategy,
Choice of provider.
Budgeting and planning for 3-year plan.
Communication & roll out.
Design of administrative procedures & payroll follow-up.

German & French pension plan modifications.

Executive pension provisions.

Stock option plans:

Employee and managers manual on working conditions and pay:
Writing & compiling,
Employee presentations,
Intranet publication.


Implementation of a performance management system:
Facilitating the goal setting process,
Critical Goals – KPI’s,
MBO – roll out down to middle management level,
Use of Key Result Area’s and Competence evaluation for exempt positions.
Annual evaluation cycle en merit distribution.


Job descriptions for non-exempt positions.
Job grading process (with union involvement & mediation procedure).
Annual review of exempt & non-exempt positions in salary structure.


Design and continuous improvement of a manpower planning and budgeting model, including monthly rolling forecast for the actual year and a preview for the next budget year.
Integration of budget for the long-term compensation plan in the forecasting model.

Review of annual salary increase budgets.
Advice to the Business Unit management on annual merit & salary review.
Control & approval of car policy modifications and benefit programs.


Monitoring of bonus programs.

Re-engineering of the benefits administration, a four party study.

Administrative procedure and administration of the stock option programs.
Outsourcing study for stock option administration with stock lending.

Study for HR software:
Market study SAP, PeopleSoft, IBM & AFAZ
Usermeetings Banksys (PeopleSoft) and Bekaert (SAP)


Introduction of Key Performance Indicators for HR goals.
Annual departmental HR action plan.
Definition of break-trough goals in selected improvement areas.


Installation of a Works council and a Safety & Health Committee.
President of Works council and Safety & Health Committee.
Building a working relationship with the Union Representatives:
Monthly meeting and follow-up,
Setting up a protocol and appeal procedure for the job grading of non-exempt positions,
Redesign of medical plan with union representatives and works council.


dutch, english, french, (some german)


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