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project manager

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1. November 1991 to date: Africon Consulting, a multi-disciplinary consulting firm that employs 1200 staff in over 16 countries in Africa, the Middle East, Pacific Rim and Australasia.

Public Works Programme (Lilongwe, Malawi) 2001. Short-term Technical Assistant. Africon was appointed by the Government of Malawi to manage a three year rural roads, forestry and irrigation pilot programme funded by the European Union. The programme budget is approximately EURO 13million. The in-country management team required specialist project management expertise in the start-up phase to configure the programme management processes, draft the project plan and other start-up reports, and assist with the mobilisation of the programme resources. Duration of involvement 1,5 man months. (Government of Malawi, Department of Local Government and European Commission Delegation to Malawi)

The Point Waterfront Durban (Durban) 2000 to date. Project Director and lead development manager. Africon was appointed as the outsourced development manager for the Point waterfront development in Durban to oversee a transition in the development management. The 10-year project will ultimately involve total development expenditure of over GBP 30 million, in a variety of up-market entertainment, retail, commercial and residential developments. The development activities consist of the overall development visioning, planning and packaging of parcels of land for development. Duration of involvement, August 2000 to date. (Rocpoint – a JV company of Renong Overseas Corporation (Malaysia) and Vulindlela Holdings)

The General Valuation of Properties (The Cape Metropolitan Area) 2000. Project Director and project leader for a multi-disciplinary project team that planned and prepared for the execution of a General Valuation (appraisal) of Properties in the metropolitan area. The aim of the General Valuation is to derive a common valuation role for an estimated 470 000 residential and 130 000 non-residential properties. The project commenced in May 2000, is due for completion in June 2002 and has a budget of over GBP 12 million. Project team members include PQ Africa, Marriott Property Services, the Barents Group of Boston, Massachusetts, Dr D Ward of Toledo, Ohio and a SWB Communications. Due to successful High Court challenges of two previous valuation rolls and negative public perception the project has a high political and economic risk that had to be catered for in the project planning. Duration of involvement 3 man months. (The Cape Metropolitan Unicity Commission)

The Sale of State-financed Houses & Apartments in Scottburgh-Umzinto North TLC (Scottburgh-Umzinto North) 1999 – 2000. Project Director for a multi-disciplinary project team that co-ordinated the sale of 1101 Council-owned housing units in terms of the discount benefit subsidy scheme. The project involved the preparation of the units for sale (including the opening of sectional title registers), the sales administration, home-ownership education for the claimants and the conveyancing work. Duration of involvement 14 man months. (Scottburgh-Umzinto North Transitional Local Council)

Study into the Management of Support Services at SA Breweries Prospecton Plant (Durban) 1999 – 2000. Project Director & Leader of a study to determine the feasibility of restructuring the management of the support services provided at SA Breweries Prospecton plant with the aim of outsourcing the management function and service provision in a turnkey package. The project involved research using questionnaires, and the development of a business case to support the proposal. Duration of involvement: 2 man months (SA Breweries)

Study into the Outsourcing of a Technical Support Help Desk (Durban) 2000. Project Director & Leader of a study to determine the feasibility of outsourcing the support functions of the technical services provided by Ithala Development Finance Company for a commercial/industrial/retail property portfolio of over 1,400,000 m² in lettable area. Ithala could not provide an effective 24-hour, seven-day-per-week support through a help desk (call centre). Duration of involvement: 1,5 man months. (Ithala Development Finance Company)

The sale of state-owned rented houses in R293 & section 30(2) towns (KwaZulu-Natal Province, Durban and South Coast areas) 1997 – 2000. Project Director & Leader of Regional Project Management Consortium (Representative of the Lead Member) – consisting of 3 Member firms and 7 sub-consulting project management firms in a program to sell 14 000 state-owned rented houses in a subsidy programme known as the extended discount benefit scheme. Duration of involvement: 33 man months. (KwaZulu-Natal Department of Local Government and Housing)

Scheduling of the Feasibility Study for the Second Phase of the Mozal Aluminium Smelter (Maputo, Mocambique) 1999 Scheduler. Supported on-site Owner’s Project Team with the scheduling requirements for the pre-feasibility study of the second phase of the $1,800m aluminium smelter in Maputo, Mocambique. Role involved developing and integrating the time-line for the feasibility studies and preparation work for the commencement of the second phase construction programme. Duration of involvement: 0,5 man months. (Mozal, subsidiary company of Billiton plc)

Identification of State Domestic Land Uses in R293 Townships (KwaZulu-Natal province) 1999 Project Director representing a consortium that took part in the preparation of a brief for the identification of land used for state domestic purposes in townships falling under the jurisdiction of the Ingonyama Trust Board. The brief included the use of a desk-top study to prepare for fieldwork that would be the basis for compiling a database of land uses in approximately 14 townships in Durban and the KwaZulu-Natal south coast area. Duration of involvement: 2 man months. (Ingonyama Trust Board on behalf of the Department of Land Affairs)

Public Private Partnership feasibility study into the Richards Bay water supply (Richards Bay) 1999 Acted as client liaison A feasibility study into the privatisation of the Richards Bay bulk water supply that was jointly sponsored by the Richards Bay local authority and the Development Bank of Southern Africa Municipal Infrastructure Investment Unit. Duration of involvement: 0,25 man months. (Richards Bay Transitional Local Council)

Survey of State-financed housing stock in BCDA Towns (KwaZulu-Natal) 1999 Project Director and co-ordinator of the survey of 91 towns & settlements in the Durban, Ugu and iNdlovu areas of KwaZulu-Natal province to determine the status of the state-financed housing stock in those portions of the towns formerly administered by black local authorities (Act 4 of 1984). The aim was to make recommendations for the rapid sale of these houses to the occupants using the discount benefit subsidy scheme. Duration of involvement: 2 man months (KwaZulu-Natal Department of Local Government and Housing)

Survey of Identity Numbers of Property Owners in R293 Towns (Durban, KwaZulu-Natal South Coast) 1999 Project Director and client liaison for a team that surveyed 40,000 home-owners to update the national subsidy database with respect to their identity numbers. South African identity numbers had been updated into a new format, but the subsidy register did not reflect the update for many residents in R293 towns. Duration of involvement: 4 man months. (KwaZulu-Natal provincial Department of Housing)

Securing of Voting Stations in the Durban Metro (Durban) 1998 Project Director & Leader of a 200-member team that identified and secured 600 voting stations in the Durban metropolitan area in a 4 week period before registration for the 1999 South African general elections could take place. Duration of involvement: 1 man month,. (South African Independent Electoral Commission)

Short-Term Monitoring and Support to the Independent Electoral Commission (KwaZulu-Natal province) 1998 Leader of a support team that provided emergency project management intervention and registration monitoring in KwaZulu-Natal province during the registration period for the 1999 South African general election. Duration of involvement: 0,5 man months. (South African Independent Electoral Commission)

Condition Inspection of Various Buildings (Durban & Pietermaritzburg) 1998 Project Director and Co-ordinator. Conducted a condition inspection to determine long-term maintenance needs in preparation for the client to take over the management of the buildings. Duration of involvement: 0,25 man months. (Old Mutual Properties)
Management of a Housing Delivery Programme (KwaZulu-Natal province) 1997 Leader of a team consisting of 5 Project Managers and an Information Technology specialist. Role was to co-ordinate teams of Regional Project Managers in the packaging and delivery of low-cost housing projects in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal. Duration of involvement: 4 man months. (Provincial Department of Local Government and Housing)

Securing of Wayleaves for Wireless Local Loop Masts (KwaZulu-Natal province) 1998 Project Director of Africon’s team that assisted Telkom access planners to locate suitable sites and secure wayleaves (site acquisition) for masts for its wireless local loop infrastructure role-out in KwaZulu-Natal. Duration of involvement 0,5 man months. (Telkom)

Formulation Of Policy And Establishment Of An Asset Register of State-owned Rented Housing (KwaZulu-Natal province) 1997 Project Director and project leader for the formulation of a policy to implement the discount benefit subsidy scheme to sell into private ownership the state-owned rented housing in KwaZulu-Natal. Approximately 120,000 houses from 26 towns where added to an asset register compiled during the course of the project. Duration of involvement: 6 man months. (Provincial Department of Local Government and Housing)

Independent Monitoring And Evaluation Of Special Integrated Presidential Projects (Cato Manor Development Project & KwaZulu-Natal Urban Renewal Fund (KwaZulu-Natal province) 1996 - 1997 Project leader. Cato Manor is a GBP 200 million development project set in the precincts immediately west of the Durban city centre. The Urban Renewal Fund consisted of a grant of GBP 4 million to Pietermaritzburg and GBP 4 million to Port Shepstone for urban development/renewal projects, and GBP 1 million to a number of other local authorities in order that they may conduct integrated development planning exercises. Independent evaluation of the project management of these projects was required after the initial disbursement of the SIPP funds. The role included providing project management guidance, mentoring and support where such skills were lacking. Duration of involvement: 6 man months (Office of the State President, Reconstruction & Development Programme Office)

Investigation Of The Condition Of On-Site Sanitation And Water Facilities Of Rented Housing Stock In Former Provincially Administered Towns (Durban) 1996 Leader of a research team that investigated the condition of water & sanitation appliances in state-owned rented housing stock (approximately 40,000 in all) in the Durban metro area. Duration of involvement: 0,5 man months (Durban Metropolitan Water & Waste Department)

Survey Of VIP Latrines In The Durban Metro Area (Durban) 1996 Leader Project consisted of a desktop survey and interviews of various local authority functionaries to determine the status of VIP latrine servicing throughout the metropolitan area. Duration of involvement: 1 man month (Durban Metropolitan Water & Waste)

Investigation Of The Institutional Capacity And Needs Of Local Government For The New Dispensation In KwaZulu-Natal (KwaZulu-Natal province) 1996 Co-ordinator and lead researcher. In association with Prof. Louis de Clercq and University of Durban based research & transformation group, CART. Comprised the research of the status quo concerning local government administrative resources deployment, development of a mechanistic model and other strategies to determine resource needs, and provide recommendations to guide the re-deployment of the available resources. Duration of involvement: 3 man months (provincial Department of Local Government and Housing)

RSA/KwaZulu Development Project (Durban & Pietermaritzburg) 1987 – 1996 Role varied from Area Project Manager, to Regional Project Manager to overall Project Leader The project was a joint socio-economic development programme of the RSA and KwaZulu governments. The RKDP Initiative’s mission was to establish viable communities in the Durban and Pietermaritzburg Metropolitan areas, while being sensitive to broader community development. It addressed physical development and institutional needs, as well as socio-economic development through meaningful involvement with the communities concerned. 32 480 housing sites were established through this project. The social infrastructure to support these sites was also created, along with the upgrading of existing facilities and infrastructure. Projects to the value of GBP 180 million were ultimately implemented through this programme. Duration of involvement: 40 man months. (provincial Department of Local Government & Housing)

Formulation Of A Sanitation Strategy For Servicing VIP Latrines At Besters Camp (Durban) 1995 Leader and analyst. Besters Camp is a dense, informal settlement of 8,000 dwellings, that is situated on sloping land with very little physical access and that has been serviced with improved pit-latrines. Durban required a sanitation strategy that could be implemented taking into account the socio-economic realities of the area to be serviced. Duration of involvement: 2 man months (Durban Metropolitan Water & Waste)

Regional Co-ordination of the Town Engineering Services of 7 Towns in Durban and Ugu Region (KwaZulu/Natal) 1986 - 1999. Commenced as Assistant to Regional Co-ordinator then became the Regional Co-ordinator. Responsibilities were for the management and co-ordination of operations and maintenance of town engineering services, private sector development initiatives, and the preparation and implementation of infrastructure repair, rehabilitation and upgrading projects. co-ordinated and controlled 350 consultants and Provincial Government personnel performing maintenance work and capital works projects to an annual value of R 250 million. Involved on project for 27 man-months. (Provincial Department of Local Government and Housing).


BSc Engineering (Civil)
Registered Professional Engineer (South Africa)
Project Management Professional (Project Management Institute USA)


Since graduation Morgan has worked primarily in the field of civil engineering, project management and programme management. He has wide experience in development programmes, policy formulation, strategic planning initiatives and in project management of socio-economic and high technology projects. He is an expert in multi-sectoral project management, having lead multi-disciplinary project teams in a range of initiatives. Morgan has worked in both the public and private sectors as an official and external consultant, and understands the dynamics characteristic to these environments. Countries that Morgan has worked in include Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, and the RSA.



"Community Participation in Infrastructure Development Projects: Help or Hindrance?". Paper presented at the Young Engineers' Festival Conference (South African Institution for Civil Engineering), Botha's Hill, Durban, South Africa, 17 July 1996.

Author of draft "1996 Model Form 1 Annexure C-2 : Public Participation Manager" model forms of agreement for engineering consultants for the South African Association of Consulting Engineers.

“Institutionalising Water Supply”. Paper authored with L Ngubane and N Alcock for the 23rd International Water and Environmental Development Conference, hosted by Loughborough University in Durban, South Africa, in September 1997.

Co-author with Ms H Burden of a paper Facilities Management from a Project Management Perspective. The paper was presented at the Project Management Institute of South Africa regional congress in Johannesburg, in November 1999. It was subsequently published in two parts by ProjectPro the Journal for Project Management Vol. 10 No. 3, May 2000 and the following edition.


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