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Work Experience

Sep 2002 - Present : Group Finance Director, Telecom Access (Holdings) Ltd. The group provides telecommunications services through subsidiaries in the UK, Germany and France. Instrumental in planning and implementation of successful MBO of group from Venture Capitalist investors (January 2003), followed by putting in place financial systems in all operating divisions to ensure ongoing profitable growth.

Jan 2000 – Aug 2002 : Non-executive Chairman. Telecom Access (Holdings) Ltd. Appointed to the position by the financial investors and, prior to above MBO, acted in standard non-executive Chairman role.

Jan 2002 – Present : Datasphere Limited, Non-executive Director. The company specialises in touch screen technology (both hardware and software), particularly for networked and Internet enabled applications. Role encompasses standard non-executive director responsibilities.

Jun 1999 – Present : Montrose Media Group Limited, Non-executive Chairman. Through its subsidiary, Montrose Filmworks Limited, the company provides broadcast and non-broadcast programming, in-stadium TV services and DVD authoring.

Jun 1999 – Aug 2002 : Milieutech plc, Chief Executive Officer. Environmental Management group. Following exit from OSI (see below), orchestrated and funded the acquisition of the Unidata group, manufacturers of electronic data logging equipment. The group has subsidiary operations in Australia (where it manufactures), the UK, the United States, Germany and India. Integrated the Milieutech and Unidata operations and transferred Milieutech manufacturing to Australia.

Feb 1987 – Jun 1999 : OSI Group plc, Strategic Development Director (initially also including Finance Director and Company Secretary roles). Provider of management support and consultancy services to help clients deliver complex or large programmes and projects. Co-founded OSI with a former colleague. In June 1999, orchestrated a merger with FI Group plc. By that stage OSI had grown from the original two founders to a group with an annual turnover of over $US 100 million with approximately 500 professional staff.

Jun 1985 – Jan 1987 : Unidata Europe Limited, Managing Director, Provider of electronic data-logging equipment. Established European arm of Australian group by forming subsidiary companies in the UK, Germany and France and creating a European-wide network of distributors. Built sales in period up to a level of approximately 25% of group’s turnover.

Jan 1980 – May 1985 : ICL plc. UK’s leading computer manufacturer.

1983 – 1985 : Deputy General Manager and Business Planning Manager, European Institutions Division. General management of 70 staff and responsibility for all planning activities of the division. ICL representative on several collaborative ventures with outside manufacturers, software houses and consultancy firms. Control of a major hardware and software development project for electronic data transfer. Operations covered Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.

1982 – 1983 : Manager, Professional Services. Responsibility for the development of all Services business, as well as management and deployment of approximately 40 staff throughout Europe.

1980 – 1982 : Chief Business Consultant. General systems consultancy and project management, both for external clients and for the ICL Group, with a particular emphasis on the development of management procedures and processes.

Nov 1977 – Dec 1979 : Unilever NV, Independent Management Consultant. Consultancy to Unilever companies in various industries and countries throughout Europe. Working at board level and usually with full project management responsibility, covered such areas as general management, administration, management information systems and computing applications, including feasibility studies and requirements specifications.

May 1977 – Oct 1977 : Management Centre Europe, Programme Director. Brussels based internationally recognized management training organisation. Responsibility for profitability of divisions, development of meetings, location and procurement of speakers, advice on promotional methods and supervision of support staff.

Jun 1976 – Apr 1977 : Independent Consultant. Melbourne based consultant providing advice to companies, government bodies and individuals on strategic decision making, business methods and finance, computer feasibility studies and operations research modelling.

Jul 1973 – Jun 1976 : ICI (Australia) Limited. Australian subsidiary of UK’s largest chemical company.

1975 – 1976 : National Sales & Development Manager, Industrial packaging films. Nationwide responsibility for all aspects of products, including liaison with the UK parent company. Tripled sales levels during twelve months in position.

1973 – 1975 : Operations Research Analyst. Responsible for all management sciences in the Plastics Group. Determination of problem areas and selection and supervision of project teams. Liaison officer between the Plastics Group and the Management Services Department. Responsible for development of marketing models throughout ICI Australia.

Jan 1973 – Jul 1973 : Australian Bureau of Transport Economics, Research Officer. Canberra based. Economic studies and the resolution of problems for various transport bodies within the Australian government.

Jan 1971 – Dec 1972 : Western Australian Institute of Technology (since renamed Curtin University), Lecturer. Lecturing of courses within the Business School to undergraduates, postgraduates and executives on all aspects of management and organisational theory.

Jan 1970 – Dec 1970 : University of Western Australia, Computer Programmer & Research Assistant. Whilst undertaking postgraduate studies, programmed on a wide variety of machines using several programming languages and specialised applications packages.


Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and Statistics,
University of Western Australia

Bachelor of Business (Accounting and Finance)
Western Australian Institute of Technology
(since renamed Curtin University)

Master's Preliminary in Commerce(Organisation & Business Management, Operations Research)
University of Western Australia

Post-graduate studies in Economics & Operations Research
University of Western Australia,
Australian National University,
La Trobe University,
Warwick University

Currently studying for Doctorate of Business Administration
University of Southern Queensland (External part-time student)


C.Math. : Chartered Mathematician
FCPA : Fellow of CPA Australia (Australian
Society of Accountants)
FORS : Fellow of the Operational Research
Society ( UK )
FIMA : Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and
its Applications ( UK )
FIoD : Fellow of the Institute of Directors ( UK )
FAIM : Fellow of the Australian Institute of
FAICD : Fellow of the Australian Institute of
Company Directors
Emeritus Member of the European Foundation for Management


English : (mother tongue)
French : ( fluent )
Dutch : ( fluent )
Spanish : ( working knowledge )
German : ( working knowledge )
Italian : ( some )


Honorary position

Jun 1999 – Present : Chairman, Institute of Directors, Continental Europe (covering centres in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Switzerland)


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