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Founding Partner Automotive Finance Platform; verschillende

Founding Partner Automotive Finance Platform; verschillende

Work Experience

6/’07 - : Automotive Finance Platform., a new initiative that focuses on offering asset-based financing to small- and medium-sized automotive groups, initially in the Netherlands and as envisaged subsequently in Germany and France. Through advanced structuring and credit analysis combined with transparency the purpose is to combine loan pools in respect of auto leases and loans originated and held by AFP customers (dealers, leasing companies) and refinance these using securitisation and tax-efficient funding solutions. In addition, certain portfolio servicing roles can be outsourced to Automotive Finance Platform. It is envisaged as well that similar platforms will be set up in health care and real estate sectors. My role largely involves the structuring process as well as the (initial) origination process. As the business becomes more or less established I am interested in seeking new challenges that match my structuring and origination background.

2/’01 – 6/’07 : Director International Securitisation Group and Head of Amsterdam Team ING Bank N.V. Hired to rebuild a previously loss-making team the success of several high profile, complex transactions supported ING’s move from ‘volume to value’ wholesale banking business, particularly in sectors in which ING held a strong position: infrastructure, transportation and real estate. Significant effort was made to initiate ‘co-selling’ with other specialised products such as financial engineering, leveraged finance and project finance, which resulted in increased success rates on complex tenders, incl. whole business securitisation. Annual net contribution per member increased from € 0.5 mln to € 2.5 mln as the team grew from 2 to 7 people. Side-attacking (Dutch) competition in niche areas also led to increased success in ‘flow’ deals. Poor performance in the rest of the world resulted in significant downsizing of the business with increased focus on own asset transactions and flow business in Northern Europe. Also, the separation of origination and execution functions resulted in a de facto fall-out of the teams (Amsterdam, London, New York).

8/’99 – 1/’01 : Director Debt Capital Markets & Head of Amsterdam Team Société Générale S.A. (London) / (Amsterdam) and Director of Société Générale Bank Nederland N.V. The product focus included securitisation, financial engineering and leasing for listed Dutch corporates and involvement of the Dutch leg of other cross-border client business. Successful deals concluded involved a pan-European trade receivable securitisation for a multinational, a Dealer Loan securitisation, US lease-in lease-out transactions, tax driven IT equipment and transportation asset leasing. The team in Amsterdam expanded from 1 to 3 persons and later also included responsibility over 2 product specialists in Brussels. In early 2000 a refocus became necessary following a reorganisation of Debt Capital Markets; securitisation became the main focus with increased responsibility for Northern Europe.
7/’98 – 5/’99 : Associate Director International Securitisation Group ABN AMRO UK Services Ltd. The group originated, structured and assisted in syndicating so-called term securitisation transactions, particularly in Europe, the Middle East and the Near East Asia region. Underlying asset classes financed through securitisation included mortgage, corporate loans, transportation assets, receivables originated under commercial take-or-pay contracts.

2/’98 - 6/’98 : Project Co-ordinator Investment Banking Credit Trading Pilot ABN AMRO Bank N.V. The project involved an innovative Value at Risk based bond portfolio trading and risk management approach. Reporting responsibilities were directly to the Managing Board. Project responsibilities have been handed over upon my transfer to International Securitisation Group in London.

Project Team Member Investment Banking Credit Risk Management ABN AMRO Bank N.V. In recognition of increased counterpart risk within the Investment Banking division, the objective of the project was to propose a substantive revision of risk management policies and practices. This allowed for expanded credit approval authority within Investment Banking whilst maintaining the high standards of group credit policy. Substantially all recommendations, including significant investments, were approved by the Managing Board.

1/'95 - 1/’98 : Senior Credit Analyst Risk Management Department ABN AMRO Bank N.V. Credit risk analysis on French and Italian (until Oct. '95) as well as US and Latin American clients of ABN AMRO. Analysis among others related to a large number of high profile (size, nature) acquisition, energy and media & telecommunications type financing transactions; in certain cases this involved direct exposure at the Managing Board level.

Temporary credit assignment with ABN AMRO London (summer ’96), North American Risk Management in Chicago (fourth quarter ’96), and as secretary to ABN AMRO’s Central Credit Committee (summer ’97).

7/'93 - 12/'94 : Product Manager Structured Finance/Asset-Based Finance & Leasing ABN AMRO Bank N.V. This sub-department (consisting of 5 people) focused on lease and project finance of media and transportation assets. Business was either generated through specialised arrangers, marketing of internally developed structures or solutions to specific issues addressed to the department by (global) clients. Apart from (co-)responsibility for France and the UK, specific product responsibilities applied as well.

Projects included tax sparing loans to Asian and South American based borrowers, film financing structures for several US studios using (Canadian and Japanese) partnerships, small ticket leasing (Germany, Luxembourg), intangible asset leasing structure for a major pharmaceutical company using (US) partnerships, several so-called Dutch ‘green leases’ for US utilities and (French and Belgian) capital gains tax leasing.

2/'91 - 7/'93 : Financial Engineer, Product Development Department ABN Bank N.V.. Integrated (tax, accounting, legal) development, marketing and execution of complex cross-border finance and investment structures. A key success factor involved the increased cross-development and cross-marketing of products through a global network of so-called Structured Finance Units, co-ordinated by Product Development in Amsterdam.

Specific focus on tax driven real estate lending (France, Germany, Netherlands), interest and dividend stripping schemes (Australia, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland, UK, US), preferred share structures (foreign subsidiaries of Dutch and US multinationals), Irish Financial Services Centre finance and investment structures (Belgium, Canada, France, Germany), several prepaid swap and lease transactions for US companies.
8/'88 - 2/'91 : (Assistant) Account Manager, New Issues Department ABN Bank N.V. Origination and execution of domestic and Euro equity and debt capital market issues. Early focus on product development and reversed engineering of existing structures.
Apart from straight issues, innovative transactions included the first ever mortgage backed bond issue in Dutch guilders, issuance by three multinationals of tax driven so-called ‘Clausthaler’ bonds, a tax and accounting motivated perpetual bond issue for a major European airline, an auction rate preferred share issue by ABN North America, development and implementation of anti-takeover mechanisms and employee share option schemes, both for several Dutch medium and large sized companies.

4/'87 - 8/'87 : Traineeship with Pt Stowindo Power (subsidiary of Wärtsila Diesel, manufacturer of diesel engines) in Indonesia and Singapore on the subject of inventory management and intercompany pricing.


Education : Part-time Masters in Financial Economics at Amsterdam‘s Vrije Universiteit (W.O., 1989 - 1991) whilst employed by ABN Bank. Terminated after two years due to extended work abroad.

Bachelor's Degree in International Management from the Amsterdam Business School (H.E.A.O., 1985 - 1988). Majors included International Management, Corporate Finance, Accounting, English.

Secondary modern school (V.W.O., 1979 - 1985)

Thesis on export finance sovereign incentives in the US and Japan.

Corporate training programs on (specialised) financial services including Capital Markets, Treasury Management, Leasing, and Advanced Credit Analysis


Capital raising, new business development


Dutch (native speaker), English (strong), German & French (working knowledge


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