Flex Manager
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Work Experience

October 2001 to current date
Company : Elmstone Consulting Limited
Job Title : Director
Job Summary
Self employed consultancy and interim services specialising in Operations, Logistics , Project Management and Systems. Mission is to provide cost effective solutions to small and medium companies by the application of experience, analytical skills and where appropriate the application of computerised software ( ERP, MRP, Finite Scheduling , Project Time/Resource Management ) . Competitive advantage is to provide rapid solutions.
Obtained contract via Pera ( Highly professional engineering research organisation ) to manage a new site set up project for McLaren

September 1996 to September 2001
Company : Ducal , Andover
Product : Market leading, high quality solid wood furniture
Turnover: £40m Total Staff : 800
Job Title: Operations Director
Job Summary
Functional responsibility for management, direction and budgetary control of 10 operational units in Andover and 1 unit in South Wales. Budget responsibility approx. £20m. Inventory responsibility approx. £3m. Staff responsibility for approx. 530 direct skilled and semi-skilled operators plus approx. 100 indirect. Directly reporting staff: -
Logistics Manager, Process Engineering Manager, Machine Shop (Components) Manager, Assembly Manager, Quality Manager, Warehouse and Distribution Manager.
Improved Customer service levels ( on-time and lead-time ) by introducing assemble to order policy.
Reorganised to provide focused teams for process engineering, planning, quality and distribution.
Implemented a Balanced Scorecard method of measuring KPI’s.
Introduced new MRP system to provide standard costing plus improved planning and control.
Devised a new distribution planning system to improve efficiency of planning and transport.
Started a joint consultative forum with production staff to improve communications
Implemented Investors in People principles leading to award.
Set up cellular Manufacturing processes to provide increased labour efficiency and teamwork.
Introduced double day shift working to reduce space requirements and increase output.

February 89 to September 96
Company : Viking Johnson
Product : Market leading range of pipeline products for gas, water and contract use.
Turnover: £30m Total Staff : 300
Job Title: Production Planning and Control Manager
Job Summary
Responsible for all supply chain planning and control activities including: - Material Control ( £11M per annum procurement), Finished goods Stock control ( £2M), Raw Material and WIP stock levels(£1.5M), Shop loading / Scheduling , Production Control ,Warehousing , Manufacturing Control Systems , Preparation of Material/Labour budgets v forecast.
Introduced an order tracking system to improve customer service and manufacturing visibility.
Introduced a Finite Scheduling System to reduce work in process, improve on time delivery and reduce production set-up costs.
Inventory levels reduced through improved control, reduced batch sizes and consignment stock.

September 74 to September 89
Company : Hunting Engineering Ltd.
Product : Design, development and production of hi-tech defence systems.
Turnover: £250m
Total Staff: 1000
Job Title: Production Control Manager

Job Summary
Joined Hunting as a Production Co-ordination engineer and progressed to the role of Production Control Manager for a new Division manufacturing a new weapon system ( relatively high volume) for the MoD.
Set up a new Production Planning and Control Department including staffing, procedures etc..
Novel bar-code tracking systems were used for process and inspection operation checking, resulting in a “paperless” traceability system running from raw material through to despatch.

September 66 to September 74
Company : Vauxhall Motors Engineering and Styling Division
Product : Prototype passenger and commercial vehicles
Job Title: Apprentice then Manufacturing Engineer


Grammar School - 6 GCE O Levels

Higher National - Production/Aero. Engineering

Diploma in Mangement Studies ( Dip MS )

Diploma in Industrial Management


A highly motivated and experienced manager with a strong background in logistics and operations management, gained in a variety of industries, ranging from consumer goods through to complex defence products. An analytical approach to problem solving and an ability to plan strategically result in a preference for working in an organisation with a market leading product that needs to improve the logistic and operational organisation to support further expansion, increased efficiency and the highest levels of customer service.


Enlish and very poor French


Personal Details and Outside Interests

Date of Birth : 12th. November 1949
Place of Birth : Luton
Nationality : British

Interests : Family Life ( 2 children ) , Theatre , Travel , Digital Photography, Gardening


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