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Controller/Financieel manager

Controller/Financieel manager

Werkervaring interimmanager

· Aug 2002 - present: Various assignments for the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Central Bureau and Financial Administration Department of the EU Paying Agency of the Government Service for Land and Water Management ( Dutch: Ministerie van LNV - DLG Betaalorgaan).

Assignments for the Financial Administration Department of the EU Paying Agency:
· Financial administration for the Dutch RDP (Rural Development Program) (Dutch: Plattelands Ontwikkelings Plan -> POP)
· Year-end and monthly declaration for the EU Paying Agency with the EU
· Describing a settlement process for money flows between the Government Service for Land and Water Management and its EU Paying Agency
· Describing financial reports for a grant settlement system for the RDP in Oracle
· Taking part in a conversion and EDP-audit regarding a new grant settlement system for the RDP
· Giving presentations about financial reporting for the EU Paying Agency to foreign delegations
· Improving Accounts Receivable and Revenue Assurance for the EU Paying Agency: Reducing accounts receivable with over 90 days outstanding by 80%
· Assisting the Financial Administration Department during EU-Audits and improving financial administration and control in accordance with audit observations
· Improving Administrative Organization and Internal Controls for the EU Paying Agency

Assignments for the Central Bureau of the EU Paying Agency:
· Knowledge management: Improving content management of intranet and archive of the RDP and designing and implementing a Frequently Asked Questions database for the RDP.
· Assisting in the budgeting process of the PULSE EU Interreg project.

· July 2003-present: Various assignments for the Board of Directors of the Social Security Agency UWV in cooperation with Ernst&Young Business Risk Services:
o Development of a Cost Accounting Model for UWV
o Describing and reducing the product catalog of UWV
o Verification of the cost price of non-core business tasks not required by law
o Developing an accounting protocol for use between UWV and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment

· February 2002-july 2002: Business research for the management of a medium sized road construction company, “Jaartsveld Wegenbouw BV”, in order to reduce transportation costs. Resulting in a 25% cost reduction.

February 2001-December 2001: Internship and assignment at ABN AMRO Private Clients & Asset Management. Position: Assistant project manager migration during the strategic reorientation of ABN AMRO. Task: Migrating 2.500 high net worth clients to a new Strategic Business Unit.

May 2000-December 2000: Project manager Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Strategy Award 2000 (thesis prize in the field of Strategic Management).

October 1999-December 2000: Project manager Dutch Society for Strategic Management (Dutch: Vereniging voor Strategische Beleidsvorming).

October 1998 - October 2000: Assignments for Ernst & Young Accountants:
· Implementing a knowledge management model for the sector group national government.
· Doing various financial analyses
· General audit work for different public clients
· Management accounting for the management of the sector group national government.

Opleiding interimmanager

2001-2004(diploma): Master of Science in Business Administration, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Average score over 80%
1997-2001(diploma): Bachelor in Financial Economics, Amsterdam Academy, Diemen, Average score 80%
1991-1997(diploma): Pre University Education, Coenecoop College, Waddinxveen.

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

- result oriented
- analytical
- sensitive to the organisation
- proactive

Talenkennis interimmanager



Businesscourses, seminars en workshops:
· ABN AMRO Corporate Finance: Business Course
· Cap Gemini: Workshop Innovation & Creativity
· Aglink Business Constructors: Workshop Business Constructing
· Trompenaars Hampden Turner: Workshop Managing Cultural Differences
· Ernst&Young: Workshop Knowledge Management
· Ernst&Young: Seminar on Trends in IT
· KPMG Consulting: Workshop Virtual Communities
· KPMG Consulting: Workshop E-markets
· KPMG Ebbinge: Workshop War for Talent
· ING Groep: Business Course Globalisation/Localisation
· National Strategy Day (2X)
· Ernst&Young: Integral Riskmanagement in the Public Sector


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