Flex Manager
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Creative, commercial heavyweight.

Creative, commercial heavyweight.

Work Experience

Career History:

Advies (08/2006 – present)
Consultant, owner

Advies is a 100% owned Consultancy Company which provides pragmatic guidance in the field of commercial strategy, branding, positioning, and organisation.

• Investigated market circumstances in The Netherlands Antilles and Aruba for ArkeFly .
• Wrote position paper on this topic.
• Formulated commercial strategy including description of business cases for said markets.
• Reported on commercial and organisational issues to board members of TUI Netherlands.

• Guided MT of the biggest Dutch Natural Stone production company on formulating commercial business plan during their first big consolidation phase.
• Facilitated discovery of their corporate identity.
• Defined branding accents.
• Supported marketing manager in formulating the marketing plan.

Fun Miles Antilles & Aruba N.V. (02/2003 – 06/2006)
Curacao, Netherlands Antilles,
Managing Director

Fun Miles is a multi partner loyalty program for consumers on the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. After a successful launch in 1998, the company entered a downward spiral, resulting in loss of partners, dramatic decrease in cardholder portfolio, deteriorating image, downsizing etc., not to mention business results. Because of strategic importance for shareholder, it was decided to continue although liquidation was considered.

• Formulated business- & commercial strategy for turnaround, growth and profit.
• Re-designed business model to better fit local market requirements.
• Re-designed ICT architecture and infrastructure in line with business plan.
• Acquired in-depth knowledge on SQL database structures to deal with related matters
• Re-launched the ‘brand’ and accomplished 70% turnover increase within 12 months thereafter.
• Prepared and launched the ‘brand’ successfully on Aruba.
• Consolidated the organisation towards professional customer service, account- and product management and prepared for further international expansion.

Sabbatical (06/2002 – 02/2003)

SN Brussels Airlines (02/2002 – 06/2002)
Consultant to the President

After the Bankruptcy of Sabena, a group of investors created a new Airline on the foundations of DAT (Delta Air Transport) an operational carrier and before, a 100% daughter of Sabena.
This new carrier started with 32 aircraft including aircrew but no operational, service or commercial organisation. In order not to loose market clout, flights commenced immediately although organisation in Brussels and in the outstations was non-existent.

• Analysed the situation and planned priorities in a hectic “no-time” environment.
• Formulated commercial strategy for short and medium term.
• Designed and proposed commercial organisation for the airline at Head office level.
• Designed and proposed commercial organisation for all the sales & marketing offices in major European countries.
• Interviewed, selected and proposed candidates for key commercial positions.
• Got all proposals accepted and adapted before the end of the assignment.

Beyoo Nederland BV (08/2001-11/2001)
Managing Director

Beyoo Nederland BV was a 100% daughter of Beyoo AG in Zurich Switzerland. This company was, in turn, 100% owned by Swissair. Beyoo was a technically very advanced online travel portal with neutral, online (book able) availability of flights, hotel-rooms, rental-cars, package holidays etc. It also provided valuable information for travellers before, during and after their Journey. As a pan-European start-up company, Beyoo was implementing its roll-out plan and opened offices in Germany and Holland (for Benelux) after a successful kick-off in the Swiss market in April 2001. Because of bankruptcy of Swissair, Beyoo was forced out of business since a substantial part of the investment plan could no longer be funded. Beyoo Nederland B.V. was liquidated in June 2002.

• Founded and incorporated Beyoo Nederland BV.
• Traced and interviewed staff for the new organisation.
• Participated in, and headed pre-launch sessions on content improvement, testing, marketing etc.
• Planned soft- and hard launch, online and offline marketing communications activities with a budget for 2001 of over € 1.5 million and a planned budget for 2002 of € 3 million.

TakeABreak Holidays (11/1997 – 07/2001)
Managing Owner

TakeABreak Holidays is a Dutch Tour operator company, founded by undersigned
in 1997. It markets package-holiday programs to the Arabian Gulf and The
Indian Ocean, sells airline tickets to companies and individuals and they are
reseller of package-holidays, mainly to offer a comprehensive range of
products to its client base. Turnover in 2000 was approx. € 2 million.
Sold the company in the beginning of 2001. Brand still exists and is further developed to be an up-market travel company.
• Deployed and developed the company from zero turnover to present
level with high-end quality products, well trained staff, up to date
automation and focus on new media. The above was achieved with hardly any
foreign capital.
• Fought ourselves into the Arabian Gulf Holiday-market and became
market leader in less than two years time.
• Obtained SGR and ANVR membership within one year.
• Developed and built a web site for our company.
• Worked as interim manager for a medium size Dutch tour operator and
initiated a full charter operation into the Caribbean with less than two
months lead-time. Consequently, reorganized the company to fit its new
• Successfully sold the company and integrated it in the existing travel company of the new owner.
• Re-structured this company as interim manager, including formulation of strategy, branding, structure/organisation etc.

Martinair Holland, Passenger Division (05/1996 - 09/1997)
Marketing Manager

Martinair is a leading Dutch Charter airline with increasing
scheduled-airline characteristics. Annual turnover approx. € 0.6 billion
(passenger division € 350 million). Was co-responsible for the passenger
sales and marketing division and at the time reporting directly to the
• Designed a new organization structure for the Passenger sales &
marketing division and implemented parts of the plan.
• Developed new revenue management principles for the company, defined
processes and information needs and embedded those in the new organization.
• Formulated a distribution strategy for the company and implemented
parts of it.
• Participated in strategic projects, partly self-initiated, in the
field of market-development, (interline-) cooperation, information
technology, organization structure, automation, training and HR management.

KLM Netherlands, Passenger Division (04/1995 - 05/1996)
Revenue Manager

KLM Netherlands is the Dutch sales and marketing organization of KLM, one of
the leading global airlines with annual turnover of € 3.2 billion. KLM
Netherlands had a turnover budget of € 0.7 billion. As revenue manager was
responsible for underlying seat-capacity and pricing.
• Defined, built and managed a completely new revenue-management
department with the goal to optimise capacity-control and pricing structure
for the Dutch market, developed instruments to visualize (structural)
problem-areas and designed a structure to enable targeted sales action.
• Developed, implemented and chaired a "war-room" concept to swiftly
analyse, market-developments on any of the 155 destinations of KLM and come
forward with action-plans and/or strategic proposals.
• In close cooperation with the marketing department, developed (last
minute) pricing tools to optimise load factor. "Zwaanzinnige aanbiedingen"
(Swansational offers) and "Call & Go" were introduced.
• Participated in strategic work-groups in the field of network
development, capacity issues and strategic positioning on senior-management

KLM, Passenger Division (09/1993 - 04/1995)
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Marketing Manager & Deputy Area Manager Middle East & South-East Asia

KLM is divided into six regions, one of which is Middle East and Southeast
Asia, covering all countries between Cyprus and Bangladesh. Area
turnover-budget was € 300 million. Over 200 staff was active in the area
at that time.

• Facilitated general management support to cope with substantial
growth of the area (35% to 45 % annually) in the field of staffing,
organization, sales, marketing and service.
• Developed revenue management structure for the entire area, later
used as a model for other areas within KLM.
• Executed turnkey and interim management assignments in Qatar, Syria,
Yemen and Bangladesh.
• Defined and implemented an interline (cooperation) strategy for the
• Was responsible for area quality improvement plan and participated
in implementation of it.
• Was member of the Marketing Board, an advisory body to KLM senior
management on strategic, commercial issues.

KLM, Passenger Division (05/1991 - 09/1993)
Kuwait City, Kuwait
General Manager Kuwait

At the start of the Gulf war, KLM ceased operation into that area. After the
end of the conflict, KLM wanted to re-establish its position and re-build
the organization there. Starting from scratch the objective was to put
together a sales- and service organization, swiftly ready to receive and
handle flights. As General Manager I had overall responsibility for all
activities of KLM in Kuwait.
• Deployed and rebuilt the KLM organization in the challenging
circumstances at that time.
• Achieved turnover increase from zero to € 9 million in the first
• Adapted the organization to a frequency (weekly flight) increase
from zero to three in six months.
• Moved the organization under the wings of a new General Sales Agent
due to lack of performance of the former one. A delicate and politically
sensitive project, demanding cautious and well-orchestrated moves.

KLM, Passenger Division (05/1990 - 05/1991)
Consultant Strategy Development

As a staff department of the Passenger Marketing Division at head-office,
the internal consultants were responsible for strategic studies on various
issues related to the commercial course of the Passenger Division.
• As a client-team member, I have participated for six months in a Mc
Kinsey study looking at ways to improve yield (per seat) and load-factor. As
a team we came forward with recommendations to Division management.
• Co-responsible for implementation of the outcome of the afore
mentioned study, by "spreading the gospel" and discussing implications
for/with the (mainly European) field organization.

KLM, Passenger Division (11/1989 - 05/1990)
Vienna, Austria
Project Manager Corporate Account Sales

KLM Austria is one of the medium size European establishments. Annual
turnover was € 22 million. The sales department, including reservations
consisted of 14 staff. As a pilot country, I introduced a direct
market/sales approach towards Corporate Accounts in the whole of Austria.
• Deployed a Tele- research team to map turnover potential with
Austrian Firms.
• Translated outcome of the study into sales oriented recommendations.
• Proposed a new Sales Department structure, later adapted by

KLM, Passenger Division (07/1988 - 11/1989)
Management Trainee

As Management Trainee within the Passenger Marketing Division, I was
involved in short-term assignments with various departments, mainly to
familiarize with the different aspects of aviation.


Webster University Leiden/Vienna (1988)
Master of Arts; double major in Management and Marketing

H.E.A.O. Eindhoven (1983)
Bachelor of Arts, Communications Science


Optimistic, strongly solution oriented executive. Very analytical, strategic thinker and always exposing structure and process. ‘Coaching’ management style, looks for overlapping areas in conflict situations. Straight, no nonsense, integer and honest personality.
Feels comfortable in dynamic environments (growth, start-up, turnaround, etc.) Fast thinker and doer with clear focus on goals and results.
Performs best with high degree of freedom and independence.
Vast experience in -, service-, loyalty travel- and (air-)transport industry on senior management level.
Creative, commercial heavyweight with strong feeling for and understanding of complex ICT and/or technical issues.


Dutch (Mother tongue), English (Fluent), German (Good), Papiamentu (Basic), French (Basic)


International Experience
Netherlands Antilles & Aruba-, Netherlands-, United Arab Emirates-, Kuwait-, Austria-
Worked on interim assignments in Belgium, Syria-, Qatar-, Yemen-, and Bangladesh-.

Other activities

Advisory Board member
Am commissioner for Tania Multi Media (TMM), a media production company on the Netherlands Antilles. TMM hosts and exploits a daily breakfast show and a weekly talk show, broadcasted on five islands through National Television. It also produces Tania Magazine, a glossy lifestyle magazine.
Advisory Board member
Have been appointed commissioner by Fun Miles shareholder with effect of June 2006.

Military Service
Between my BA and MA studies, I was called for Military Service.
Successfully completed Officers training for the Armoured Infantry after
which I was active as a platoon commander in Breda and Germany. Later promoted to 1st Lieutenant.

During my MA studies, I worked as a steward for Martinair Holland, to
finance my studies and to see the world. Had short-term postings (due lease
contracts) in Singapore, Australia and Nepal and saw a lot of U.S.A. Canada, etc.

Golf, Cycling, Skiing-, Formula 1, (Classic) Cars, Guitar, Jazz music.


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