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Corporate Development & Sales

Corporate Development & Sales

Work Experience


- Increased Hays BPO-DM exposure to project & contract revenue opportunity from c.£7.5mln to c.£37mln (estimated contract value in 1st year) in through accelerated sales activity, initiation of relationships with client board and senior management contacts and new service development.
- Built c. £76mln Hays BPO-DM pipeline in c.5 months focused business development time (estimated total contract value, typical contract duration = 3 years, with 1st year running at c.50% of annual value). Typical contract value of a relatively larger prospective deal: c.£5-20mln
- Increased sales effectiveness & productivity of Hays BPO-DM Business Development Managers by c.200% through training in key account management & sales and service delivery.
- Increased number of Hays BPO-DM prospect relationships initiated with board and senior management contacts from 9 to 55 in c.3 months through change in initial approach enabled by research in industry sectors, individual companies, market trends and external environmental factors.
- Initiated, managed and closed managed agency staff resourcing deal with Schneider in the UK: estimated £1.5mln-2.4mln contract value (c.100 positions to be recruited for annually). Contract automatically renewable at the end of each year.
- Initiated, managed and closed managed agency staff resourcing deal with Hewlett-Packard Europe: estimated £800k contract value (c.200 positions to be recruited for HP Shared Service Centre in Brussels through pan-European campaign over 2 years).


Employer: Hays plc, Guildford, Surrey, UK

Role: Corporate Development Consultant
SBU: Hays Business Process Outsourcing
Period: Mar 2001 - Present
Services: Outsourcing of Accounting, Transcription, Data Processing and Back-Office.

Objectives: Initiate and manage change management programme, develop and market new high value-add off-shore services.

- Re-engineered business unit sales model and identified overall client engagement issues
- Held interim temporary management role including training of sales team with a particular focus on key account management
- Executed initial sales skills assessment and identified relevant formal skill assessment and training tools
- Assessed sales and account management team in terms of relative roles, commission schemes and interaction
- Defined service offering, market, customer and sales approach relevant to outsourced & outlocated IT Enabled Services, in particular accounting and transcription services
- Designed solution for transcription services in terms of identification and integration of partners and products
- Performed in business development role regarding outsourced & outlocated accounting and transcription services
- Assessed client relationship initiation and management practices across the Hays Group including identification of cross-selling opportunities, group-wide approaches to industry sectors and specific clients
- Performed in role in “Project Astra” (integrating four business units into Hays BPO) – initial focus on evaluating Sales, Marketing, Account Management, Solution Design and Implementation resources across the business units prior to integration into Hays BPO

Role: Business Manager
SBU: Hays Personnel Solutions
Period: Sep 1999 – Feb 2001
Services: Outsourcing of HR & Recruitment Management.

Objectives: Initiate board-level client relationships to win and supply chain management in multi-position, multi-country campaigns.

- Performed in business development role including Hays Personnel group client acquisition and account management
- Provided HR and resourcing consultancy and developed bespoke client solution models
- Contributed to service integration of Hays Personnel group companies through preferred supplier, master vendor and managing agent arrangements
- Performed project management role regarding the development of the e-business concept for Hays Personnel Solutions
- Managed the EMEA-wide delivery of managed service model within the Gateway account
- Invited to be part of the Hays Personnel Services steering committee tasked with the development of the group intranet and extranet functionality including the overall e-commerce concept (now realised in the form of www.haysworks.com)
- Provided general support in other areas as the business was in its infancy phase of development
- Invited into the change management and business development role in Hays Business Process Outsourcing business unit due to career development ceiling reached in Hays Personnel Solutions

Role: Business Manager
Period: Sep 1997 – Sep 1999
SBU: Hays Executive – International
Services: Outsourcing of Executive Resourcing.

Objectives: Support in establishing pan-European network of executive recruitment offices, business development across Europe.

- Performed in business development role regarding pan-European client account acquisition and management
- Handled middle to senior management recruitment assignments and campaigns across industry sectors in Finance, IT, Sales & Marketing, HR and general management
- Trained executive sourcing consultants and managers in London, The Hague and Hamburg
- Provided legal advice & expertise relating to recruitment related contractual and license issues in The Netherlands
- Managed ad hoc projects relating to IT systems, marketing and other organisational issues throughout the set up of Hays International
- Provided general support in other areas as the business was in its infancy phase of development
- Promoted into the newly established Hays Personnel Solutions business unit based on expertise, performance and continued promotion of the business concept underlying the new business unit

Employer: Randstad Uitzendbureau N.V., Apeldoorn, Netherlands

Role: Sales Manager (Contracting Role)
Period: Mar 1997 – Sep 1997
Services: Local Recruitment of Temporary Staff.

Objectives: Establish required improvement of service delivery, initiate client relationships in current and new markets.

- Performed in business development role regarding regional client acquisition
- Developed new markets including the health, education and construction sectors
- Trained recruitment consultants across the mid-East region
- Performed in Quality Control Management role relating to service delivery of regional offices

Employer: Global Healthcare Services B.V., Apeldoorn, Netherlands

Role: Managing Director (Set-Up Role)
Period: Apr 1996 – Mar 1997
Services: International Recruitment of Healthcare Professionals.

Objectives: Establish first continental European foothold for US parent company, expand the operation across continental Europe.

- Re-engineered the US business concept of NES International for the continental European market
- Set up and developed the first continental European office in The Netherlands
- Performed in Client acquisition, development and management role
- Handled junior and middle management recruitment assignments

Employer: ACG AG, Bodenheim/Mainz, Germany

Role: Project Manager (Contracting Role)
Period: Nov 1995 – Mar 1996
Services: Consulting in Smartcards and related Data Processing Systems.

- Identified and managed project partners on a global basis
- Conducted project feasibility analysis and provided preparation support for (inter)national tenders
- Developed and presented chipcard applications & information systems project concepts in healthcare and other areas such as electronic payment and access control
- Provided general support in other areas as the business was in its infancy phase of development

Employer: Tyco International, Inc., Neustad a/d Donau, Germany
Role: Assistant to Senior Product Manager Anaesthesia & Intensive Care (Student Placement)
Period: Oct 1994 – Mar 1995

- Executed market research projects in preparation for a global new product launch
- Managed ad hoc marketing projects

Employer: CIEMS, Wiesbaden, Germany
Role: Research Assistant (Part-Time)
Period: Oct 1994 – Mar 1997

- Prepared and analysed EMS (Emergency Medical Services) projects
- Provided support for (inter)national conferences and presentations

Employer: PricewaterhouseCoopers B.V., Groningen, Netherlands
Role: Assistant Auditor (Prior to BSc degree course)
Period: Sep 1989 – Aug 1991

- Executed local and regional financial audits
- Managed small-size audits
- Composed accounts and annual reports for small and medium-sized clients



Continuing Education:

- Maximum Achievement Workshop, Brian Tracy International / CCG
- Relationship Selling Seminar, Brian Tracy International / CCG
- The STEP-UP System of Selling Seminar, Tom McCarthy Enterprises, Inc.
- Mastery of Visionary Leadership Seminar, Tom McCarthy Enterprises, Inc.
- Peak Performance & Team Building Workshop, Tom McCarthy Enterprises, Inc.
- Communication Training and Leadership Skills Development Workshops, Toastmasters International
- Mastery University, Anthony Robbins

BSc in International Marketing & Management: International Business School, Groningen, Netherlands including 1 year student placement and study in Bavaria, Germany

Koninklijk NIVRA (Royal Dutch Institute of Chartered Accountants): started this 8-year qualification programme parallel to employment with PwC, completed year 1 and 2 modules.



Key areas:

- Executive Boards
- New Business Development
- Key Account Management
- Client Relations & Education
- Communication Skills
- Problem Solving
- Business Plans
- Project Management
- Training & Coaching
- Performance Improvement
- Business Solutions Design

Additional Areas:

- Corporate Liaison
- Market Analysis
- Planning & Organization
- Interpersonal Relations
- Service Research & Development
- Cross-Service Partnerships
- Process Management Consulting
- Process Improvement
- Vendor Relations
- Special Projects
- Start-Up Operations
- Recruiting & Staffing
- Time Management
- Professional Networking
- IT Literate
- www/Internet
- Multi-Media Presentations
- European Social & Business Cultures
- Multilingual: Dutch, German & French


English, Dutch, German, French


Happy to travel worldwide if required


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