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(International) HR en interim management

(International) HR en interim management

Work Experience

Extensive (international) professional experience at executional, preperatory and management level in HR/Admin. and General management position in Computer sales and marketing-, Logistics-, Specialty Chemicals-, Automotive-, and IT-organisations.
Held mostly HR positions on local operational, regional supervisory and globally directive.
Interim assignments included:
Director HR for a subsidiary of a cable communication provider. Position in a start-up phase of the operation included (regional) creation of an HR infra structure. Succesfully introduced Recruitment processes; Compensation and Benefits programmes; Performance management plans; HR admin. reporting facilities etc;
Reporting staff included 4 professionals.
Regions and countries covered were Scandinavia; The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland; France, Spain.
Economical circumstances weakened further growth opportunities. Decision was made to discontinue activities.
Company needed downsising. Exececuted downsising programme.
Next assignment included a HR technical position in the automotive branch with one of the global leaders in interior design and manufacturing.
Assignment included development of a job evaluation programme including a compensation structure of the European Operations. Company size at that 25.000 employees in most of the European countries.
Job started in april and was succesfully finished by end of december in the same year, through acceptance of the project results by the European management committee.
Next interim assignment was in the sales and marketing organisation (whole-sale and retail) of capital investment equipment company to do an HR audit on acquisitions of previously privately owned companies.
Developed an HR due dillengence programme and succesfully applied the programme in the various companies which were audited. Presented a report including results and recommendations for change. Programme duration was approximately 12 months.
Next interim assignment included initially restructuring the HR function of a high tech IT company. Company today is a US subsidiary of a global player in the field of automation.
Soon after the start of the interim assignment market circumstances required repositioning, resulting that the first round of dismissals needed to take place. Developed together with the management team restructuring and a lay-off strategy and the plan of execution.
Market circumstances did not improve and required a new round of actions. Was given full and sole responsibility to downsise organisation from approx. 180 to 80 employees.
Succesfully executed the plans as developed, including the effects of a merger, within a period of 3 months after announcement, by obtaining 99% of resignation acceptance without one conflicting courtcase and using 75% of the budget available.

Within a two months


High school
HBO AP/PB (HR graduate)
(mini) MBA from Harvard faculty in Cambridge Mass.
various management courses
principles of accounting


results driven;
mediator looking for win/win
problem solver
down to earth
capable to work at all levels
cultural awareness


English (speaking/reading/writing excellent)
French (speaking/reading good)
German (speaking/reading excellent)
Dutch (native tongue)


Have been working in Europe, United Sates and Far East
Have had experiences working with people from all parts of the world, both directly in peer/peer situations but also as subordinate and manager/supervisor


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