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Executive Interim Manager/CEO

Executive Interim Manager/CEO

Work Experience


WEEDON ELECTRONICS LTD Privately owned sub-contract assembly company.
Brought in by retired owner to turn round from loss making to success. Increased turnover by Sales initiative to 30% nett profit in one year.

FLAIR INTERNATIONAL Ireland’s largest manufacturer of shower cubicles.
Deputy CEO carrying out company re-structure involving product range rationalisation, market re-orientation and union redundancy negotiations.

BG FOODS UK’s largest individual portion cheesecake manufacturer.
Production controller responsible for production, logistics and plant maintenance.

GILL AIRWAYS UK’s fastest growing regional airline.
Engineering director with full responsibility for maintenance of company and third party aircraft, improving profit and efficiency of the department.

IMPRESS GROUP UK’s largest manufacturer of photo frames.
Consolidated offices, manufacturing and distribution to Telford, purchased and installed 8000 pallet warehousing operation.

MARSHALLS FOODS Food processors.
Project manager. Organised area weighing, labelling, picking and shipping of product to remove bottlenecks. Devised plant production scheduling system.

MEGGITT MOBREY UK’s leading manufacturer of level, flow and pressure controls.
Operations Director controlling four sites, responsible for output, quality, cost.

AEROQUIP Hose manufacturer for Fiat, Italy.
Site manager of the Livorno, Italy plant. Also implemented cell manufacture, overhaul of production requirements planning, purchase order placement system.

EVC COMPOUNDS Plastic processing.
Project engineer at Fleetwood, Lancs, site. Set-up time reductions, headcount reductions. Equipment disposal in Hi-Haz site.

SOUNDCRAFT ELECTRONICS World's largest manufacturer of consoles.
Customer Service Director. Implemented feedback systems for field problems, with rapid reaction problem solving. Introduced culture of customer focus.

Plant General Manager. Production efficiency improvements, set-up time reductions, site management.

AKG (AUSTRIA) Microphone manufacturer.
Logistics Manager. Examined material control systems, proposed and set up logistics function. Set and achieved targets for reduction in stock (30%) and lead time (40%).

1987-1993 NEVE ELECTRONICS INTERNATIONAL (A Siemens Company). Supplied all Siemens requirements world-wide for professional recording and broadcast consoles.

Operations Director - Responsible for setting and controlling performance and delivery budgets for all manufacturing activities, technical service, customer support, drawing office, custom engineering, sales engineering.

* Rationalised sub-assembly operations to satellite factory in Scotland and achieved BS5750 approval. Gained 30% efficiency improvement, introduced work study and team working.

* Completed 100,000 sq. ft. headquarters to budget and on time.

* Carried out successful due diligence on AMS (Burnley) subsequently purchased, and US company in Tennessee (not purchased!)

1986-1987 LANDIS & GYR (Swiss multinational) Manufacturer of intelligent telephones, electricity meters, heating controllers.

Manufacturing Director - Control of budgets and results for all manufacturing activities from order input to shipping.

* Eliminated internal metalshop activity and achieved 30% cost reductions through outside suppliers.

* Examined, evaluated and justified move to manufacturing greenfield site.

1979-1986 ITT/STC TELECOMMUNICATIONS Manufacturer of intelligent telephones, teleprinters and VDU's.

Manufacturing Director - Responsible for manufacture and supply of terminals with a direct workforce of 500 at Brighton and 150 in South Wales, industrial/quality engineering, materials, personnel.

* Converted electro-mechanical operation into electronic assembly plant with output of 20,000 boards per week.

* Introduced appraisal scheme for manual workforce, dismantled piece-work system and achieved headcount reduction of 40% with no IR problems.

1976-1979 KLIX DIVISION OF MARS Designed, manufactured and marketed a range of vending machines.

Engineering Manager - Set up a development team to design a range of industrial and commercial vending machines. Later factory commissioning, fitting out and manufacturing came under my control.

* Completed purpose built 35,000 sq. ft. factory to time and budget.



Chartered Engineer, Fellow Institution of Electrical Engineers
Member Institution of Production Engineers

B.Sc.(Hons) 2(i) Electrical\Electronic Engineering from Leeds University


Senior Executive with experience in the engineering, manufacturing and service disciplines of both multi-nationals and small/medium-sized companies. An agent of change, with practised skills in a wide range of industries, working at all levels with transferable skills.




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