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CRM / BI Manager-Consultant

CRM / BI Manager-Consultant

Work Experience

1985 - 1986 : AMN (Automatisering Management Nederland)
Position: Programmer

1986 - 1987 : Military Service

1987 - 1989 : AMN (Automatisering Management Nederland)
Position: Programmer/Designer

1989 - 1990 : UNIT 4
Position: Information Analyst

1990 - 1995 : International Consultants and Computers (ICC)
Position: (Management) Advisor ICT / Business Intelligence

1995 (interim) : Vortex Professionals
Position: Independent Sr. Advisor / BI - CRM Consultant

1995 - 1997 (interim) : Kredietbank Nederland NV (Current KBC bank)
Position: Head of Automation (development) and Operations

1997 - Present : CRM-BI consultancy firm

Position: Sr. Business Consultant (CRM and BI)

Specialty: Combination of Marketing and ICT
Implementation/Architecture/Data warehousing, (Analytical) CRM / CRM systems, BI tools, partnerships

- member of Management board
- responsible for overall Management, ICT, BI, CRM and Data warehousing and CRM Intelligence Center (Operational Campaigns)
- budget responsibility
- services: CRM software and implementation, database development, Product development and sales, data warehousing, database hosting (outsourcing) with infrastructure in Intelligence Center, business intelligence, campaign management, e-commerce and overall consultancy
- Interim CRM / BI consultant/manager
- results: start-up new CRM Intelligence Center in 2000 with outsourcing facilities, helpdesk, call centre. Extending unit from 3 to 10 employees, structuring AMI products and profit models, strategic partnerships (SLA) with tool and hardware suppliers (HP, Sun, Business Intelligence, E-Commerce, CRM etc.)
- responsible for personnel management (contracts, evaluations, recruitment etc.)
- responsible for named and strategic accounts


Novi Institute - AMBI modules (eq. HEAO-BI)
ICT management skills
Door Institute - Management negotiations
Boertien & Partners - Time Management
Presentatievaardigheden, Ernst & Young
Bonneke & Zegers - Individual Management Coaching

CRM courses : loyalty, list & campaign management, data warehousing, analysis techniques & Business Intelligence

Introduction MicroStrategy,
Copy management tools (Data Stage/Informatica),
Advanced Database Marketing,
MicroStrategy Fast track
Valex (Campaign Management)
E-piphany Fast track
Information Builders Reporting and Development
Microsoft CRM


- IT expertise since 1988
- BI and CRM expertise since 1992
- On the area of management, sales, strategy, tactics and operations
- Deep knowledge of the CRM market and all major players (mainly via personal relations and partnerships)
- Deep knowledge of the BI market and all major players (mainly via personal relations and partnerships)
- active speaker on seminars


Dutch : mother tongue
English : fluent
German : fluent
French : basic


- Oracle 7.x, 8.x
- Sybase
- Terradata
- Microsoft SQL Server

Methods & techniques:
- Data Warehouse snowflake and star schema
- Yourdon

- MS Office 2002 / XP (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook)
- MS Project
- MS FrontPage
- Visio professional
- Windows NT/98/2000/XP
- Oracle tools from version 7.x and 8.x (Designer, Developer, PL/SQL, Toad etc.)
- Microsoft SQL Server (DTS, Enterprise Manager)
- MicroStrategy 7.x
- Business Objects 5.x
- Cognos
- MS-Access
- SQL (all compliant versions)
- SPSS 10.x
- Valex (Xchange 8)


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