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Sr. Retail ICT Consultant

Sr. Retail ICT Consultant

Work Experience

B.V. 2000 – present
ICT Strategy & Retail consulting company
POSITION - Founder
- Sr. Retail Management & Technology consultant
Diversity of projects and change management assignments for a variety of customers, in brief:
- Point of sale specialist and project manager for Alpha Retail (UK airport tax free retailer); wrote the functional specification and implemented the Point of Sale integration with SAP.
- Selection of Point of Sale for several retailers; Ranzijn Tuin & Dier (Gardening retailer), Christine le Duc (specialty stores), Rituals (Consumer cosmetics); RFI and RFP process and implementation of point of sale system
- Post project evaluation of Point of Sale project at Praxis (DIY Retailer); project lessons learned session
- Retail consultancy for WE Europe; assessment of their ability to integrate their Internet presence with the store identity.
- Created the strategic retail business plan for Plus Integration (Retail software supplier), the holding company for PRS and BKVision, in autumn 2001
- Multi channel communication strategy planning for DIXONS (consumer electronics)
- In January 2001 responsible for the leading the reorganization at PRS (software supplier) (180 FTE) acting as interim general manager
- Assessment of management information needs and the ability to distill data from store automation to headquarters for Coolcat B.V. (Fashion retailer)
- Creation of multi channel communication plan and strategy to customers of HEMA (Department store)
- Exploring market possibilities in South Africa for BK Vision (ePOS software supplier).
- Interim manager for the Retail professional services group of NCR, aligning the organization with the international reorganization.

ACNielsen (Netherlands) B.V. 1998 – 2000
Dutch branch of worldwide marketing research company POSITION - Director Business Solutions
- As a member of the management team leading the Dutch operation and developing the strategy, with shared profit & loss responsibility
- Profit & loss responsibility for the Business Solutions department
- Day to day management of the Business Solutions department (>35 FTE)
- Ad-interim management IT department
- Ad-interim management Trade department
- MT vocal point for works counsel

- Transformed four small functional groups into one profitable business unit
- Created a firm long term strategy for the Business unit which could be utilized throughout the international operations of ACNielsen
- Made BU’s P&L profitable and grow
- Re-instated moral and fun with the workforce of the unit
- Established full ISO 9002 compliance for the unit
- Transferred all clients to Year 2000 compliant platforms in time
- Created internet awareness at all levels of organization
- Extended the client base by >20%

NCR Nederland N.V. 1996 – 1998
Transactions Technology and solutions company
POSITION - Director Store Automation
- As a member of the retail management team leading the Dutch retail operation and strategy, with shared profit & loss responsibility
- Profit & Loss responsibility for the Store Automation department
- Day to day management of the Store Automation department (>15 FTE)
- Payment terminal project owner

- Achieved year on year financial and operational targets
- Implemented store automation projects at many large Dutch retailers, such as Albert Heijn, We Europe, Amici, Vendex/KBB
- First European implementation of electronic shelf labels
- Successfully engineered & implemented new generation payment terminals in the Netherlands (first to support chipper & chipknip)

BSO/Origin 1995 – 1996
Business Solutions and ICT consultancy company
POSITION - Senior Consultant Data warehousing
- As a member of the Management Information Systems Competency Center of BSO/Origin acting as a knowledge base in the field of EIS, MIS and Data warehousing
- Consult with clients on the complexity of translating business needs into workable ICT solutions, with focus on business intelligence and data warehousing
- Supervisor for small consulting group (3 FTE)
- Internal project owner for intelligent agents and internet technologies
- Architected the new data warehouse for ING Bank Netherlands.
- Setup a business intelligence strategy for CenterParcs
- Co-created a MIS strategy for BSO/Origin

ACNielsen (Europe) 1993 – 1995
European headquarters of worldwide marketing research company
POSITION - International Program Manager
- Developing the technical and marketing strategy for the decision support software suite for ACNielsen offices outside the Americas & Asia.
- Share profit & loss responsibility for the European headquarter
- Controller of the international DSS development budgets
- Technical Project leader for the merger between ACNielsen & Pilot Software

- Achieved year on year business goals (financial & functional)
- Defined a unified international strategy for DSS that catered for all individual ACNielsen countries
- Transitioned all ACNielsen internal users & clients from legacy and DOS based systems to unified Windows based DSS platform

ACNielsen (Nederland) B.V. 1991 – 1993
Dutch branch of worldwide marketing research company POSITION : INF*ACT Executive
- Client contact for the ACNielsen analyses software ‘INF*ACT’
- Trainer for advanced and expert courses for INF*ACT
- Multidimensional ‘cube’ database specialist
- Project leader founding the Belgian INF*ACT department

- Build several client based management information systems, integrating both external (ACNielsen) and internal (transaction) data
- Created a growing training business for the Dutch operation
- Setup the Belgian INF*ACT group, including hiring of staff and installation of training facilities

SyCo MG B.V. 1990 – 1991
Relationship management software company
POSITION : Account Manager
- Sales and marketing of a relationship management software product, targeted at financial institutions
- Successfully marketed and sold the software at Rabobank (>900 seats)
- Setup the marketing plan, including target marketing and pricing strategy


HEAO Commercial Economics / Marketing 1990
HES (Business School) - Amsterdam

MEAO Commercial Economics 1986
Godelinde Scholengemeenschap – Naarden

MAVO 1983
Brandsma MAVO - Bussum


Retail, ePOS, ERP, Store Automation, Functional specification, Process redesign, Change management,People management
Object oriented development processes
Project management
Business process redesign
Accounting & financial management
Store automation
Retail Store Automation
Presentation skills
Motivating teams
Internet technologies
Business strategy planning
Data warehousing
Online Analytical Processing
Marketing research


Dutch, English (fluent)
German (good)
French (basic)


Pragmatic, Business oriented individual that knows ICT. Ability to translate business processes and needs into tangible and workable ICT solutions.
Jan-Willem’s ICT experience originates from the pre-PC era (early 1980’s) and focuses mainly on the applicability of ICT in businesses. Jan-Willem started his career in relationship management systems, followed by decision support systems and marketing information systems. At ACNielsen (marketing research) he was internationally responsible for the development and program management for ACNielsen decision support products. He left ACNielsen in 1995 to briefly join BSO/Origin where he was responsible for data warehousing consultancy. He continued his career at NCR as Director Store Automation. In this function he worked in the retail automation area and was responsible for the electronic payment solutions offered by NCR. Late 1998 he re-joined ACNielsen to become member of the Dutch management team, responsible for the Business Solutions department, which conducts all ad-hoc marketing research, category management consultancy and software services. In 2000 he founded B.V., focusing on ICT management consultancy for retail.


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