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Sales Director

Sales Director

Work Experience

10-2002-11-2003 Bureau Veritas

Function : Senior Business Engineer (Management team member)
Situation : Bureau Veritas reorganized itself in 2001. This was done on a global scale by McKinsey. One of the new strategic functions was that of a Senior Business Engineer
Task : To place the complete offering of products and services (BV and BVQI) on a higher platform within existing and new clients.
Activities : Wrote the full strategic plan until 2006. Guided other managers within the company to be more sales/client oriented. Developed account plans. Develop marketing plans and performed marketing. Discuss with clients pure strategic issues which where pure QHSE related. Placed in the market new market developments like ATEX, CE marking and Noise and Vibration.
Result : Gained a broader knowledge of a pure services oriented company. Change management in an old company (Established 1828). Target was 750K Euro. Contracts signed where 900K Euro. Bureau Veritas was put at a higher level within AKZONOBEL, Philips Medical Systems, Dow Chemical, Total and Shell.

2001-10-2002 Schlumberger

Function : Sales Director Netherlands.
Situation : Schlumberger realigned the organization from Business Units to GeoMarkets.
Task : Commercial responsible for the companies’ turnover in the Netherlands for the complete offering. This was the result of my prior successes.

Activities : Leading the sales team and setting the sales strategy for all market segments e.g. Finance, Telecoms, Utility’s, Industry and Transport. Set up a strategic plan for the GeoMarket Netherlands, Organisational aspects, marketing. Working on a trans-national playing field together with other GeoMarkets worldwide. Setting up partnerships and strategic alliances worldwide. Continuum of all previous activities. Target responsible of 14 million Euro. When I left over target (25%). Largest and most important contracts:
REMU – Business Consulting to realign the Network company of REMU. This was based on the Schlumberger offering “The Digtal Utility”. An total integration roadmap using a blue print of all applications and processes within a Utility company. The message broker was a IBM Websphere layer.
Translink – From a non player in the public transport sector Schlumberger was one of 7 short listed companies for this 1.5 billion euro project. Total amount of companies that entered the initial phase was 150.
ABNAMRO – Took over the management of the initial contract to deliver the full electronic transaction payment system of Schlumberger called Essentis.

Result : Was the first to sell the strategic offering of the Digital Utility in the world. Was over target when I left the company mid 2002. The local company was more professional and dedicated.

2000-2001 SchlumbergerSema

Function : Manager for the GBU (Global Business Unit) Energy & Utilities BeNeLux and Germany with Competence centre Trading and Risk management.
Situation : By the acquisition of Sema by Schlumberger the organization was set up in verticals. I was asked to manage the Business Unit Energy and Utilities for the Benelux and Germany.
Task : Setup a business unit with the focus on the energy and utilities business. Target was 4.5 mln euros.

Activities : Setting up a SBU in the BeNeLux and Germany for the Energy and Utilities Business. Produced a strategy and business plan for the business unit. The core competence of the business unit was Trading and Risk management which could deliver consultancy service world wide. Generated budgets (costs and turnover) and recourses needed. Organisational aspects and marketing plan. Worked on a trans-national playing field together with other SBU’s worldwide. Developed partnerships worldwide. Continuum of the previous activities. Sold in the market other products and services like CRM, CIS, Billing, SCADA, Exchanges, Gas Dispatching, Physical Dispatching and Total System Integration. Largest contract was Gasunie for a web-based gas nomination and dispatching system for opening up the Gas market. Used the same WEM-Trading platform from the APX project and used Websphere MQ series to integrate the application with the SCADA system and SAP.
Result : Generated 12 mln euro turnover with a small but very dedicated and committed team of 7 people.

1999-2000 Sema Group

Function : Business Development Manager Energy and Utilities (International)
Situation : Deregulation was a new and open market place to develop for SEMA. SEMA had a strong position due to their involvement in setting up market places in Spain and the Netherlands.
Task : Develop the Business based on gained knowledge in the two markets (Spain and the Netherlands) and used my financial background.
Activities : Developed new business by pro-active approach and focussed to market needs. Market and Sold in-house developed software or 3rd party software for Energy Trading. This was based on Day-2-Day trading or Risk management. Set up a Business plan E&U BeNeLux and Germany for the Trading and Risk management competence centre. Gained more “brand name” awareness in the market. Published articles in professional literature. Generated leads and perform follow-ups. Inventory of market players and competitors. Closed several strategic partnerships with other software vendors of hardware companies.
Account manager for existing clients. Performed presentation in Europe on several Conferences and seminars. Was involved in selling and implementing an energy exchange in Brazil.
Result : SEMA was seen as a key player by the industry. Due to the exposure I created, I was seen by Ministries and Utility companies as a market champion. Therefore involved in most of the discussion on how to open up the market in several countries.

1998-1999 Sema Group (Amsterdam Power eXchange Project)

Function : Senior Consultant, Account Manager, Business Developer
Situation : SEMA Spain won together with SEMA NL the project for delivering a Web based Energy Exchange system. The system was a software platform that runs on UNIX Database (Oracle) and NT Webservers.
Task : Responsible for the project delivery in the Netherlands and to aid the APX organization to transform themselves from a foundation to a fully private company. Develop more business out of this single contract which was worth 4.5 mln Euro’s
Activities : Working as a Business Consultant for the APX for setting up the Sema Trade system. Responsible for selling services and 3rd party software to the client. Sold the first SEMA NL strategic outsourcing contract worth 3 mln. Euros. Business development towards all market participants in the Energy and Utilities market. Aid the APX organization on setting up training/marketing activities in Europe. One of the leaders in Risk Management software for the E&U business was KW International London. They developed a solution called KW3000. Closed a strategic alliance with this company to sell their product and services in the Benelux and Germany.
Result : From zero turnover and no exposure in this market, generated 7 mln. euro in 1.3 years time and made SEMA a key player in the Benelux and German market. Also generated for SEMA NL the first E-Commerce and outsourcing business in the Netherlands market.

1998-1998 Sema Group Informatica BV (Consultant)

Function : Consultant
Situation : Sema wanted to explore business opportunities in the financial sector using its global network of products and services in the local Dutch market.
Task : Market inventory and prospecting of business. Set up a market plan using the network build during my previous employer.
Activities : Client visits and prospecting using SPIN technology. Gained knowledge of the SEMA products and services on a global scale. Target clients where ABNAMRO, Fortis, RABO, SNS. Westland Utrecht, ING
Results : Within 4 months presented a full market scan and action plan. Especially SEMA UK was interested in the market scan and developed their product strategy based on items in the market scan.

1996-1998 Central bank (De Nederlandsche Bank NV)

Function : IT Support manager
Situation : The Central Bank was facing a long way behind on IT infrastructure. A small group was formed to develop, implement and operate a new integrated desktop environment.
Tasks : Be the task leader to sell the developed solution to all departments and to set up a task-force of IT specialists to make the total investment of 50mln EURO succeed.

Activities : Set up a task force for supporting the migration from the character to a graphical based environment. Project total budget 30 mln. euros excluding the network infrastructure and servers.
Reorganising the support process from a mainframe focussed helpdesk to a full service support group using ITIL standards.
Project associate to develop, test and implement a Document Management System for over 1500 users worldwide.

Result : The transformation was complete and my idea for a service support group was adopted by the directors of the company and freed additional 2 mln. euro budget for implementation and supporting software.

1994-1994 International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Function : Financial reforming consultant
Situation : After the fall of the Soviet Union all former Soviet countries where receiving financial and organisational aid from the IMF.
Tasks : To assist the Central Bank of the Ukraine to merge there accounting system to IAS (International Accounting Standards)
Activities : Reorganising the Financial department of The National Bank of the Ukraine (Processes and automation) to IAS standards. Based on our progress reports IMF would fund $ 2bln. extra for reforming development.
Result : The ministry of Finance was very much in favour of our progress achieved in 7 months time. Also the IMF was pleased with our work and donated an extra 50 mln. US$ to the Central Bank of the Ukraine. Gained a lot of experience in change management and working in a third-world environment.

1989-1996 Central bank (De Nederlandsche Bank NV)

Function : IT manager
Situation : Due to high investment on the General Ledger system, the need was high to use the software in the most effective, efficient and integrated manner.
Tasks : Task was to sell internally the software to other department, to enhance the usage of the software, integrate all administrations company wide and set-up a company wide budgeting system

Activities : Implementing General Ledger Millennium at the centralized financial department and roll-out the system on all departments.
Fine tune GLM using COBOL and JCL procedures.
Design interfaces between GL:M and other internal and external financial and transaction systems.
Setting up a knowledge base and a Benelux user group of clients from Dun & Bradstreet (BeNeLux).

Result : Dealing with problems associated with integrating different systems in the custody of different departments. Analysis of existing business processes and the possible IT solutions to support these processes.

1986-1988 Central bank (De Nederlandsche Bank NV)

Function : Application developer and integrator
Situation : Extreme old-fashioned environment. No IT what so ever available on the centralized Financial Accounting department
Task : To transpose all paper related labour in to IT systems. Focus was efficiency, integration and software selection of a financial mainframe orientated application.
Activities : Developing Lotus 123 applications for the financial department. Develop interfaces with liaised systems outside the department, but also outside the Central Bank eg. Interbanking Accounting system.

Result : Working as an advisor in an organisation that traditionally does not want to work with IT systems. The financial accounting system was purchased based on long and short list selection. Budget was 400K Euro. Implementation costs where 600K Euro including interface costs. Efficiency grew with 45% and there was room created to position the department at a more strategic level due to the aggregated financial information.


MAVO and HAVO (secondary school)
AMBI (Higher Vocational Education) Bestuurlijke informatica
Lotus Notes SA


QHSE related services (total)
Six Sigma
Sustainable Development
Trading and Risk management
Deregulating Energy markets
Total Systems Integration practice
Business Development
High Level Consultancy
Account management
B2B Applications
Workflow applications
Document management systems
Project management
CRM, CIS, ERP, Billing, SCADA, Energy control, Gas Dispatching


management, project management, team leader, Strategic planning, Testing


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