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Work Experience

Mr. Neef started his career in the IT market in the Netherlands. He built up extensive experience in senior management positions working for international oriented IT companies such as ICL Fujitsu and Oracle. Within ICL he started as Business manager and after three years he was appointed as Director of Customer Services ICL Netherlands and three years later for the Benelux. With Oracle he was responsible as Business manager for the Banking market and later fulfilled the position of Director of Education Services.

After his three years period with Oracle Mr. Neef decided in 1997 to leave the IT market and opt for the fast changing international telecommunications market. First as an independent consultant, associated to Logica Consulting (former DDV Consultants for Telecommunication and Media). Later, in October 1998, he joined DDV as a senior project and interim manager, also acting as manager of the Customer Contact Practice and leading the CRM activities in Logica Consulting such as a CRM development program for the Telecom market.
In September 2000 Mr. Neef joined a small management and business consultancy company as a partner and head of the consultancy department. In 2001 he decided to pursue his way as independent customer relationship marketing and management consultant.

Mr. Neef has worked in the set-up project of a third mobile operator in the Netherlands as Head of the Customer Service and IT- group. Later he was appointed as interim manager Customer Service for this client.

In Brussels he acted as an interim manager Direct Sales in the start-up of the third mobile operator in Belgium, where he was responsible for setting-up the business-to-business sales force and the involved processes.

In September 1999 he took up the role of interim Director Projects & Engineering in a global Internet Access and Service Provider in the Netherlands. After having implemented the foreseen reorganisation he was appointed as interim Director Customer Services, responsible for the Netherlands, Global Accounts and Business Development Countries, as well as heading the cross-regional Customer Care organisation in EMEA.

Mid 2000 he was involved in designing the global customer service strategy for a leading Mobile Internet Provider in the United Kingdom.
From 2001 until now Mr. Neef is responsible for setting-up, resourcing and delivering various projects and consultancy in the area of C.R.M. and change management.

Branch Management and Business Consultancy
Area of experience Customer Relationship Marketing and Management
Role Independent consultant and interim manager
Providing various companies with management and business consultancy, as well as interim management in the area of customer relationship management. Focused on improvement programs and change management. Key targets: enhancing customer loyalty, reducing cost and churn, as well as improve human performance. Developed the C.R.M. Assessment Matrix in order to enable companies to value their efforts in the process of becoming a C.R.M. company.

Branch Management and Business Consultancy
Area of experience Customer Relationship Marketing and Management
Role Partner and Consulting Director
Participated in a small management and business consulting company. Initiated the development of several products in order to support companies in striving to become a real customer relationship management company by using concrete solutions in stead of traditional consultancy. The company worked for e.g. KPN, KPN Mobile, Telford, BT Genie, Stream, Dutchtone, etc.

Branch Telecommunication (Global Mobile Internet Service Provider, based in the United Kingdom)
Area of experience Global Customer Operations
Role Project Manager/Interim Manager
Was involved in a leading role (Global Customer Service Manager) with the start-up of a global Mobile Internet Provider from the United Kingdom. Was responsible for designing the global customer service strategy and the organisation of the roll-out project for implementing this strategy in the various countries.

Branch Telecommunication (Global Internet Service Provider, based in the Netherlands)
Area of experience Project & Engineering, Customer Service
Role Interim Manager
Took up the role of interim director Projects & Engineering in a leading Internet Service Provider in the Netherlands, part of a global telecommunication company. He (re-)introduced a structured project management approach (based on Prince2) and (re-) reorganised the department and the steering boards. Was responsible for all projects (amongst them was a major backbone migration project in the Netherlands) and all engineering departments.After reorganising the Project & Engineering department Mr. Neef was appointed as interim director Customer Services. In this position he merged several internationally scattered customer service departments into one Customer Service Organisation for customers in the Netherlands, the European Global Accounts and the so called “Business Development Countries”. He was also responsible for setting-up the cross regional Customer Care organisation and participated in the EMEA Customer Service Board.

Branch Telecommunication (Mobile Operator, Belgium)
Area of experience Sales & Distribution - Direct Sales
Role Interim Manager
Set up and led the direct sales force for the third mobile operator in Belgium. He was responsible for the staffing, the training, the processes of the direct sales force and worked close with the marketing department on the approach towards the business customers in Belgium. He was a member of the management team of the Sales & Distribution Division and also responsible for the co-ordination and reporting of the launch-critical objectives, for the set-up of the complete sales training program and the cross-border processes of the entire Sales & Distribution Group.

Branch Telecommunication (Mobile Operator, the Netherlands)
Area of experience Customer Service and IT
Role Project Manager – Interim Manager
Set up and led a project team to design, implement, start-up and staff a ”best-in-class” customer service organisation for a third mobile operator in the Netherlands.This includes the customer service centre (call centre), back office, logistics, business processes, scripts, quality assurance, introduction of products & services and supporting departments. Was later appointed as interim-manager for this division.Set-up and led a project team to develop the IT organisation and the IT strategy for this mobile operator, to select a customer care and billing system and other applications, as well as selecting a system integrator for implementing the designed architecture and the selected systems.

Branch IT ( major global software company, based in the Netherlands)
Area of experience Direct Sales and Education Services
Role Business Manager, Director
Set up and led a new business unit in the market segment Banking for a major global software company in the Netherlands.Fulfilled the role of Director of Education Services for two years. Set up and led new initiatives like Individual Training Centre (Open Learning Centre), Organisational Change Management Services, interactive distance learning and internet/intranet learning in the Netherlands.

Branch IT ( major global IT supplier, based in the Netherlands)
Area of experience Customer Service
Role Director
Led and changed the Customer Service organisation of an IT supplier from a product and technical oriented organisation into a customer and business oriented organisation (“Bits to Business”). Designed and carried out a comprehensive change management program, including customer care training, management development training and human performance measurement training.Integrated and led the Customer Service organisations of several taken-over companies into one Customer Service organisation.Integrated the Customer Service organisation for the Netherlands and Belgium/Luxembourg into one Customer Service organisation, including service logistics and an international repair and parts distribution centre.

Branch IT (major global IT Supplier, based in the Netherlands)
Area of experience Direct Sales Vertical Markets
Role Divisional Sales Manager
Set up and led a Vertical Markets Sales Organisation in the Netherlands, including the segments of Logistics (Manufacturing & Wholesales), Health Care, Printing & Publishing.Based on marketing research he was responsible for selecting solutions in order to approach the vertical markets with business proposals. Also focusing the sales force on selling solutions rather than selling hardware. Responsible in this function for all base and new business accounts, except the Retail, Public Services and Alliances segments.


Education High School, College
Courses and training in random sequence Industrial (Institutional) MarketingSystem analystSeveral proprietary programming languages Various Marketing & Sales Training (public and in-company training)Major Account Management (Cranfield University)Strategic SellingManaging Large IT Projects (HES, Rotterdam)Essential Negotiating (Harvard Method, Frits Philips Jr.) Leader Academy (Belgium)Situational LeadershipPrince2 Project Methodology
Languages Fluent in Dutch, English and German. Basic knowledge of French and some knowledge of Spanish.


Person/task oriented in stead of power/role.
Good people manager.
Get his tasks done, right and on time.


Fluent in Dutch, English, German.
Working knowledge of French. Some Spanish.


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