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Interim CIO; Program Manager

Interim CIO; Program Manager

Werkervaring interimmanager

Hessenatie Logistics
From October 2009 to now CIO

Bottom Line
Manage the ICT department and implement a new infrastructure that supports high availability and disaster recovery. Implemented parts of ITIL (configuration and incident management).

Company Profile
Hessenatie Logistics offers a wide range of services from handling, storage and distribution of goods (2PL), to the management of the supply and demand chain (4PL). Hessenatie Logistics is a service provider whose core business is the management and optimization of logistic processes. The company has invested considerably in technology and information management in recent years, as these two factors will be essential in the field of logistics in the future.

Daily management of an ICT department with 8 employees and 150 users (white and blue collars).

An important project was the implementation of a new infrastructure that is resilient to failure and disaster. The infrastructure was placed in two separate data rooms and all components in the infrastructure were at least doubled in order to remove all single points of failure. The disaster recovery was implemented using VMWare. The whole infrastructure is monitored to have fast response times in case of problems.

Implementation of two ITIL modules. With configuration management all components of the infrastructure were registered in a data base and the necessary processes were implemented to keep the data base up to date. The incident management processes were formalized and are supported with a tool (TOPDesk).

Feasibility study with ROI and preparation of a project to implement VOIP telephony.

Implemented Microsoft CRM for the operational incident management. The implementation includes a portal that allows customers to initiate and consult incidents.

From April 2009 to September 2009 Consultant

Bottom Line
Setting up and conducting an RFI and RFP process to select a supplier to outsource all .Net applications to.

Company Profile
The Securex group is an international player in the fields of social administration and HR-services.

I was asked to use my experience both from the customer side as the supplier side to set up and conduct the selection of a supplier to outsource all .Net applications of Securex to. The assignment consisted of:
• Set up the methodology and the process
• Assist in the writing of the RFI and RFP documents
• Assist in drawing up the long list, and afterwards the short list
• Evaluate the RFI and RFP responses and presentations
• Decide on the supplier to assign the contract to

Hessenatie Logistics
From January 2008 to March 2009 Interim CIO

Bottom Line
An interim management assignment where I helped the company in the decision making process for ICT related issues.

Company Profile
See above.

I was appointed Interim CIO with the following specific tasks:
• Manage the ICT Department (8 persons)
• Define a new organization for the ICT related departments.
• Evaluate the validity for the long term of the technologic choices and provide in a new ICT Strategy, in particular regarding the application.
• Evaluate the partnership with the ICT provider responsible for the development of the strategic ICT platform (based on Microsoft Axapta) and define a new way forward.
• Act as a soundboard to the organization for strategic decisions.
• Select the new CIO and coach him in his job.

From August 2004 until December 2007 Managing Partner

Bottom Line
Used the acquired general management skills to help build out AE to a company with more than 100 people and a revenue of 11,3 M€.

Company Profile
AE (previously known as Application Engineers) has been leading the way as Architects for Business & ICT since 1999. Today, more than 90 consultants are realizing business and ICT projects for leading companies active within the industrial, financial, transport, energy and media sector, as well as the government.

Helped the company to grow from a company with 65 employees to more than 100 employees and a revenue of 6,7M€ to 11,3M€. The main focus was on building the sales and marketing capacity and building partnerships with companies such as Microsoft.

Acted as an account manager for the important clients such as LCM (ANMC), Fluxys and ACV (CSC) and monitored the major projects run by AE at these clients. As an example, I was member of the steering committee for the Horizon project at ACV, a project of in total 53.000 men days of which 14.000 were delivered by AE.

During the period, attention was also given to improve other departments and processes such as the hiring process, the human relations department and the finance department.

From end 2002 until July 2004 Country Manager Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg
From end 1999 until end 2003 Country Manager Belgium
From July 1999 until end 2002 VP Professional Services
Board Member of Ubizen Aethis, Ubizen Luxemburg S.A., Ubizen B.V.

Bottom Line
Built a worldwide Professional Services division. Coached company critical projects. Acquired extensive experience with managing a country organization. Built management teams in three different countries. Implemented from start to finish the acquisition and integration of a Dutch company.

Company Profile
Ubizen is specialized in e-security. It started in 1995 as a spin-off from the K.U.L. and became the worldwide market leader for Managed Security Services. With MSS, Ubizen manages and monitors on a 24/7 basis the security infrastructure of its customers. The company had 330 employees in eight counties including the USA with a revenue of 72 million euro.

In 1999, Ubizen was only active in the Benelux and would soon start its international expansion. I was hired to build virtually from scratch a Professional Services division that would be ready to cope with this international expansion and the expected growth in general. The PS division became a mature organization with international resources management, sound project management techniques and good reporting tools. The division was able to handle large-scale projects on an international basis. Examples are the implementation of a security infrastructure for all worldwide offices of JP Morgan Chase and the implementation of all security policies and a new infrastructure for the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency.

From end 1999 on, the international expansion required Ubizen to structure the Belgian office in an HQ entity and a separate local sales and delivery entity. I was appointed to manage the local office and was responsible for the marketing, sales and delivery for the Belgian market. I introduced a marketing program to position Ubizen again as a security company and not only as a stock market story. The sales force was reinforced and the Siebel TAS methodology introduced. Our most important win was the project of the digital identity cards for the Belgian Government, worth ten million euro.

In 2000 I was appointed as coach for the Dutch and Luxemburg offices helping with business development and with HQ support. That year Ubizen acquired Rinner, a Dutch security company, to reinforce its Dutch office. I guided the acquisition process from start to finish. Rinner has turned out to be the most successful acquisition of Ubizen.

From end 2002 on I received the direct responsibility for the Dutch and the Luxemburg offices too. The focus here was to establish strong local management teams and to enhance the integration with the HQ structure. As an example, the local accounting and purchase processes were integrated into HQ and the local teams reduced to a supporting role. In the period of 1999 to 2004, the total Benelux revenues tripled.

From the start on, the global IT department was and remained part of my responsibilities. Realizations were global policies, global purchase agreements, a first class security infrastructure, the selection and implementation of a CRM tool (Vantive) and the selection of an ERP tool (Oracle Financials).

From February 1996 until June 1999 Professional Services Manager

Bottom Line
P&L responsibility of the local division of a worldwide company. Acquired experience with operating in an international context. Observed from close by the acquisition process and learned about dos and don’ts.

Company Profile
Platinum Technology was a US software company providing software products and consulting services that helped companies manage and improve their IT infrastructure. It was founded in 1987 and started with tools for the management of DB2 environments. Mainly by means of acquisitions, it grew to a company offering a complete set of tools for the management of systems, data and applications. In 1999 the company, at that time worldwide positioned as third in its sector, was acquired by the largest company in the sector, Computer Associates.

I started as the manager of the team of consultants active in application management but soon was made responsible for all professional services activities. The services offered were engineering and consultancy, mainly in support of the software tools sold. The professional services team of about 30 people was divided in four teams: application management, systems management, business intelligence and database management. The Professional Services division reported to the Country Manager and into the Platinum Solutions organization.

Platinum Solutions was a separate worldwide organization responsible for the professional services offering. It had an independent management structure and had a separate budget cycle. As PS Manager I had to negotiate the yearly target and budget and was responsible for reaching the target and respecting the budget. The evolution was frequently reported and discussed. The targets for Professional Services grew from 1,5 million euro to 2,5 million euro, targets that were consistently exceeded. The local organization was transformed from a small team working on an ad hoc basis into a well-organized department. The introduction and implementation of new tools, procedures and methods was necessary.

As member of the management team of the local Platinum organization, I was involved in all aspects of the daily management of the company. The global strategy, recruitment, HR policies, salary policy, procedures etc. were discussed and defined by the management team.

From August 1995 until January 1996 EDP Manager

Bottom Line
Experienced personally the political games and its effects. Learned about the influence an IT Department can have on a company. Looking back, a very valuable experience.

Company Profile
Katoen Natie is a group of companies specialized in port related activities, mainly in the ports of Antwerp, Ghent and Zeebrugge: dispatching, ship/unship containers and mixed cargo, storage and distribution. The company is more and more being oriented as a logistical expert with the development of on-site and in-line activities, both in Belgium and abroad. At that time, the group had about 1.500 employees and had a revenue of 200 million euro.

As EDP Manager, I was to be responsible for the whole IT environment. This included maintaining the existing infrastructure (a WAN of nine Wang systems and local networks of PC’s) and software (developed in Pace, a 4GL), and the specification of the new IT environment for the future.

Due to communication errors from senior management the assignment started on the wrong foot from day one. Internal politics and the wrong judgment from my manager completed the picture. The collaboration was stopped after six months. Nevertheless, I learned a lot from this experience.

From July 1992 until May 1995 Technical Manager
From June 1990 until June 1992 Project Manager

Bottom Line
Managed a full-scale development department, reaching more efficiency by introducing new techniques, methods and policies. Learned a lot on project management by means of a large project in a highly complex environment. Experienced an acquisition process and the effects this can have on the acquired company.

Company Profile
The company started as BIO, a spin-off of Boelwerf NV, offering the application BIS on the market of insurance companies. The application automated the Production and Claims Department and offered a technical accounting and an MIS module. BIO was market leader in Belgium and operated also in France, The Netherlands and Luxembourg. In 1995 it was acquired by Diagram, a French company specialized in software for the banking and insurance markets. Diagram itself was part of the France Télécom group.

Started as the Project Manager of new to start project with a total value of three million euro, twice the annual revenue of the company at that time. The scale, complexity and importance to the company resulted in quite some challenges that were successfully handled. Although the project was delivered successfully, the customer started a legal action against the hardware supplier. Diagram was involved in the arbitration procedure that was eventually lost by the customer. This gave me a valuable experience in the legal aspects of doing business and managing projects.

As Technical Manager, I had the responsibility of a department of about 35 persons. The department was responsible for the development and the maintenance of the application BIS on the different platforms. Besides the care for an optimal organization and follow up, other tasks included the budgetary follow up, the follow up of the invoicing and the internal reporting.

The department was also responsible for the implementation of BIS for customers on a project basis. The project sizes were in the order of magnitude of one to three million euro. Important projects were Zürich in Belgium, CGER in Luxembourg and Groupama-Gipac in France. Besides new projects, there was the follow up of existing customers and the maintenance of the installed versions.

The successful implementation of such projects in a qualitative way - with respect to the deliverables, the budget and the timing - was made possible by means of the introduction and implementation of new working methods in the company. Examples are a strict management of versions, full documentation of the software, detailed planning of the internal tasks and the projects and a new project methodology.

From January 1989 until June 1990 as Project Manager
From October 1987 until December 1988 as Team Leader

Bottom Line
Learned how to manage a small team of developers. Acquired the skills of project management and of customer-facing in a project, product and sales context.

Company Profile
Prodata is a company offering systems for a number of niche markets such as retail, Electronic Funds Transfer (e.g. Bancontact terminals) and ticketing. The Petrol Division developed systems for the complete management of a petrol station. The hard- and software used were developed in-house.

As a team leader, I was responsible for the petrol station management software. A team of five programmers and analysts had to be managed. The most important accomplishment was the specification and development of the new application Petrosoft, an application for the integrated total management of a petrol station (shop, wet stock, pumps, reporting, remote diagnostics, …).

As project manager, I had to determine together with the customer the requirements, based on which the specifications for the applications were written. I also had the responsibility for the planning, the external and internal reporting, the acceptation of the application and the follow up of the installation. The project sizes were in the order of magnitude of one to 500 thousand euro. Examples are the highway petrol stations of Texaco and Shell in Belgium and the collaboration with the pump manufacturer Tokheim in The Netherlands.

Finally, my responsibilities included the assistance to the commercial department as a presales consultant and the follow up of the acceptance procedure at the Weights & Measurements in the UK, Germany and The Netherlands.

From September 1984 until September 1987 as Software Engineer

Bottom Line
Learned the skills of high level software development and the particularities of a multi platform environment.

Company Profile
Silvar-Lisco was a joint venture between a Belgian and an American company where applications for the design of electronic chips were developed. These applications supported the whole development process: the design of the circuit, routing and placement based on the standard cell methodology and the generation of the photographic masks.

As a Software Engineer, I was responsible for the design and the development of Mascal, a modular language and a sophisticated pre-processor for Pascal and C code. The language incorporated the most advanced constructions such as formal modules and private types. Using Mascal, the applications had to be written only once and the code was generated automatically taking into account the distinct properties of each target system, resulting in a major gain in production efficiency. This project was presented together with a fellow student to the management, as a result of which we were hired to implement the project.

Subsequently I was responsible for the specification and development of a library of basic software modules that could be used in the different applications. These modules could be used while developing applications, avoiding in this way the multiple implementation of the same functionality. The documentation was generated automatically from the Mascal code, resulting in automatic up to date information.

Opleiding interimmanager

Burgerlijk Ingenieur Computerwetenschappen (KUL)

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

 ICT management
 Project and program management
 Professional services organizations
 ICT development
 ICT operations

Talenkennis interimmanager



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