Flex Manager
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Interim manager

Interim manager

Work Experience

I am a chartered accountant. I have 9 years of experiance working for Coopers and Lybrand in their audit and IT consulting divisions. (1985 -93)

I worked for 4 years with Vodacom, a cellphone network operator, I was responsible of all contract negociation and contract management, Management accounting and reporting, new systems, business development, service provider sales and statistics.(1993 - 1996)

I worked to 2 year for Computer Associates Africa firstly as Finance Director and then as Managing Director, responsible for sales, contract negociation, strategy,all of the financial functions. I managed a team of 120 people. I grew the business year on year by 30% per annum.

I now work for Dimension Data an IT copany listed on the London stock exchange. I was managing director of the Internet Solution - ISP, e-business, ICON (consumer ISP). Responsible for strategy, direction, sales, delivery in all of the business units.(team of 200)

The IS company sold a £40 million global CRM solution, I was responsible for delivery, I negocaited all cantracts, mangeded change, managed the BPR process, deliverd project management, managed the vendors, managed the customer, managed all of the financial activities. The project was delivered and a profit was made. (team of 170)

I currently head up a UK Enterprise services business unit, we work with SUn, Cisco, EMC, HDS, HP and Oracle in delivering, storage and consolidation solutions to our customers. We specailise in offering managed services supporting customer environments.(1999 - present)


Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Accounting
Chartered Accountant


Contract Negociation
Channel management
Program management




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