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Management Consultant, Manager

Management Consultant, Manager

Work Experience

EPi International Management Consulting
(European Performance Institute)

From August 1996 until now, management consultant for E.P.i. S.A. – N.V.

EPi is a management consulting firm with international orientation. They do projects in organisational change both in industry and service related areas.
My work was to take care of the improvement of the efficiency and profitability of their client’s business by developing tailor-made programs (both on behaviour and organisation levels), the implementation of the specific improvement plans with the client’s organisation and the achievement of significant and lasting results.

Lately I have been working on large projects like SWETS (UK and Holland), TPSA (Poland), Connex (UK), Universal (Hanover, Germany), GWA Amsterdam (Distribution), Coca Cola Belgium (logistics), VolksWagen Brussel (maintenance), Centea Belgium bank, Fidea Belgium (Insurance), Batavus (bicycle plant) at Herenveen (Holland), Akzo-Nobel Ede, GAK Nederland, Rabobank I did a study on the international payment department to reduce costs and increase the competitiveness of the international payments.
For EPi I also have done different quick scans of different companies like: Centea (Belgium bank), Praxair Belgium, Bloemenveiling Aalsmeer and two water supply companies in Holland.


From June 1995 until July 1996, Management Consultant for PROUDFOOT PLC.
PROUDFOOT PLC is one of the world's largest management consultancies. Proudfoot has helped thousands of clients around the world increase profits, improve performance and enhance productivi­ty.
With Proudfoot I have worked at ECT (Europe Combined Terminals BV) at Rotterdam,
I also have done an analysis at UVG (Unilever) at Oss.


From September 1993 until March 1995, International Business Reporter.
Repact is an independent advertising/news agency that makes economic reports in the form of advertorials. They cover the business opportunities of unknowing and upcoming countries. I worked as International Business Reporter. I have made business reports for "CAPITAL"- the leading German Business Magazine, for the "NRC Handelsblad"-Dutch business newspaper and for "KNACK"-Belgium Magazine in Israel, Macedonia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, China and Hong Kong

IMPAC Integrated Control Systems Limited (IMPAC LTD.)

From January 1991 until July 1993, management consultant for "IMPAC" (Improved Management Profitability and Control).
IMPAC is a Productivity Improvement Management Consultancy Company with operations throug­hout Europe, Asia, Australia and the Americas. They work with companies helping them to reduce their operating costs by implementing management systems. I have worked for projects in Holland, England and the Czech Republic.

Dagmarkt , Vendex-International Faxion, Nedloyd Group
Deni, Nedloyd Group Ossfloor, DESSO carpets
EDAH HQ, Vendex-International MST, power plant of Ostrava
EDAH retail stores, Vendex-Internat. Moy Park (Manchester)


· Formal consultancy training And training on the job IMPAC, Alexander Proudfoot, EPi and STaR Consultinggroup
· Special skills: Computer skills


I am a specialist in implementation and managing change with a proven track record of delivering significant business process change to budget and client satisfaction. I have excellent consulting and project management skills. For more that 14 years I have done mayor change projects in medium and large sizes companies.

I am an expert in streamlining processes and in developing solutions for all kind of operational problems. Implementing performance management tools, efficiency improvements, service level agreements, quality improvement projects, calculating risks, improving the supply chain, implementing change and reducing costs.

As senior project manager I have had many years of experience in managing and implementing projects, from the start up to the end and in setting priorities. I have had final responsibility for change projects in large companies in recent years and I like simply to get things done.
I have good leadership qualities and I am excellent in customer relations (creating more business by working on a long term relationship).


Nederlands, Engels, Spaans


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