Flex Manager
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Country Manager

Country Manager

Work Experience

28 years in the shipping industry working for Nedlloyd and later P&O Nedlloyd in senior management,sales accounts,marketing and operations.
14 years experience in Asia(Japan,Hongkong and Singapore,7 years in Africa(Nigeria,Ivory Coast,Kenya-Tanzania).
Furtermore lived and worked in Brazil and visited Indian Ocean Islands(Mauritius,Reunion,Madagascar,Seychelles)
NDS Lda.Luanda Angola.(Project management Inland container terminal,General cargo terminal,vessel operations and logistics.
2006 June-August 2007:
After merger/take over Maersk resigned and was involved in projects in Europe.
2001-June 2006:
P&O Nedlloyd,Indonesia Country Manager
Established a new country organization based on existing office in Jakarta,adding branch offices in key ports and using third party agents in non-core ports.
Increased imports and export volumes,achieving a more balanced operation in line with company policy.
Reduced operational costs by 15% through vigorous negotiations with sub-contractors.
Organizational costs reduced by 30% as result of new streamlined organization.
Turnover over USD 150 million
Region Manager East Africa and Indian Ocean Islands P&O Nedlloyd,Managing Director Mackenzie Maritime Shipping Agency based in Mombasa,Kenya.
Merged and reorganized local Nedlloyd Lines and P&O Organizations.
Closed down non-profitable depots and changed agents where required.
Opened new offcies in Dar es Salaam and Tanga,Tanzania.
Regional turnover above USD75 million.
Manager Global accounts,Nedlloyd Lines based in Rotterdam
Responsible for development of new Global accounts Management Division and implementation of world-wide marketing policy for 25 key accounts.
General Business Manager Region Europe,Nedlloyd Lines based in Rotterdam.
Restructured services between Europe and the East Coast South America.
Project leader for takeover of CGM's Far East Service.
Regional Manager South East Asia,Nedlloyd Lines based in Singapore;Managing Director,Nedlloyd Lines Singapore Agency.
Responsible for a regional staff of 350 with offcies in Singapore,Thailand,Malaysia,Indonesia and Vietnam.
Reduced staff by 20% through introduction of new software and streamlined processes.
Lowered costs significantly by negotiating lower tariffs and introducing efficient operational measures.
Oversaw additional agency services of bunker barging and container freight station.
Regional turnover above USD 180 million.
Regional manager East Asia,Nedlloyd Lines based in Hongkong.
Managing Director,Nedlloyd Lines Agency HK.Ltd.
After Europe the second largest region in volume with a total staff of 400 and offices in Hongkong,China,Philipines and Taiwan.
Oversaw the sale of Martinair Agency to Martinair Holland in 1991.
Orchestrated introduction of agency's new Far East/Europe service.
Founded a container freight station in Hongkong.
Regional turnover in 1992 USD225 million.
Regional Manager West Africa,based in Abidjan
Logistic-operations manager Region South America
Liaison officer Far East Lines,Nedlloyd Lines based in Rotterdam.
Operations manager Region West Africa,based in Nigeria.
Trainee Nedllod Lines in Hongkong and Japan(Kobe,Nagoaya,Tokyo).


Substantial logistics and shipping experience gained over 28 years as expatriate for P&O Nedlloyd.
2004-05:MDI Teambuilding for Senior Managers,Indonesia
2003-05:Hongkong Mega Group Courses for Senior Members Region Asia Pacific.
2003:Various internal courses for process improvements and new finance systems.
1999:Outward Bound Teambuilding Kenya
1997:Bosno Course,theme Employability
1990:Krauthammer Management courses
1989:Learning International Sales Courses,Hongkong
1988:IMD General Management Course in Swirzerland
1973-76:Business School,Groningen,the Netherlands
1971-73:Degree Studies in Human Geography at the University of Groningen,the Netherlands.
1965-71:Secondary School,hbs-b,the Netherlands


Solid ans seasoned general manager.
Strong leadership skills.
Clear and measured communicator and presenter.
Well honed(social) business skills-good relationship builder.
Sound decision maker who thinks logically about the business.
Strategy development and implementation-sets clear priorities.
Change manager.
Accomplished team builder in a variety of cultural environments.


Fluent in Dutch and English.French(reasonable)-Portuguese(Brazilian) reasonable.




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