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ERP & MRP Expert

ERP & MRP Expert

Work Experience

Providing both manufacturing consultancy and project management to a range of clients.

Client 1 (Bathroom furniture manufacturer)
Problem: High inventories but frequent stock-outs.
Solution: Introduced Distribution Requirements Planning principles to their
ERP system, including multi-level Master Production Scheduling.
Result: Inventory levels continuing to fall; service levels continuing to

Client 2 (Pharmaceutical manufacturer)
Problems: High inventories and WIP levels. Long production lead-times.
Solution: Refined MRP. Re-structured Bills of Material. Introduced Sales and Operations
Planning and Finite Capacity Scheduling.
Result: Inventory down 15%. WIP down 20%. Lead-times down by an
average of 40%. (Client’s figures).

Client 3 (Electronics manufacturer)
Problems. High inventories and WIP levels. Long production lead-times.
On-time, in full (OTIF) performance less that 20%.
Solution: Introduced Master Production Scheduling and Rough Cut Capacity
Planning. Introduced JIT philosophy and Kanban to key areas.
Result: Inventory & WIP levels down by 30-40%. OTIF performance now
greater that 90%. Production lead-times down from an average of
7 weeks to 3 weeks. (Clients figures).

Client 4 (International food manufacturer)
Problems: Ingredient traceability. Delivery performance (OTIF).
Solution: Introduced bar-coding for ingredient traceability, along with 2-way
reporting. Introduced Master Production Scheduling at correct
level. Introduced Finite Capacity Scheduling.
Result: Comprehensive and effective traceability in place, replacing ineffectual manual systems. OTIF performance greater than 95%.

Client 5 (Composites Manufacturer)

Project: Improve delivery performance.
Solution: Introduced Master Production Scheduling at the correct level.
Introduced bottleneck scheduling. Re-implemented their failed
MRPII system (BPCS).
Result: Delivery performance improved from less than 20% to greater than

Project: Reduce WIP levels and production lead-times.
Solution: Re-structured Bills of Material. Introduced Finite Capacity
Scheduling. Introduced Infinite Capacity Planning to QA Inspection.
Result: WIP levels reduced by 30%. Production lead-times reduced by an
average of 40% and, in the case of one critical sub-assembly, by 80%.

Project: Reduce purchasing costs.
Solution: Generate purchasing forecast information from MRPII system.
Reduce number of suppliers to 2 for each main commodity.
Result: Purchasing costs reduced by 7%. Supplier delivery performance
was also markedly improved.


BSc (Hons) 2:1 Pure Mathematics

Fellow of the Institute of Operations Management


ERP, MRP, MRPII, Capacity Planning & Scheduling, Business Process Reengineering, Training, Systems Implementation


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