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Senior Datawarehouse Professional

Senior Datawarehouse Professional

Work Experience

Client Figtree Systems, Australia (UK Division)
Duration November 2003 – December 2003

Figtree Systems Database Audit and Technical Due Diligence
Figtree Systesm is a Risk Management Information System, comprising of three modules, FigApp, FigDoc and FigXML.
I performed the technical due diligence on the entire FigTree family of RMIS. My primary contribution was to assess and ascertain the amount of risk involved in a joint partenership. The key aspects of the due diligence covered maintainability, efficiency, security, scalability, configurability, compatibility, depth of technology and portability.

PROJECTS IN ATLANTA, UNITED STATES (October 2003 - Continuing)
Client RiskLabs LLC, Marietta, USA
Duration October 2003 - Continuing

Risk Management Information Systems (RMIS) Database Audit and Technical Due Diligence
RiskLabs LLC is a third party RMIS development and data center operator. RiskConsole and RiskFolio are their two main RMIS products.
I performed the technical due diligence on number of technical indices and performed a complete Oracle database environment audit of their RMIS database. I was assisted by two other members from the Aon Chicago (CTO) and Rotterdam (Chief Architect). I am been given the responsibilities of a Chief Ttechnical Aarchitect in a potential merger between two major insurance companies to assess the technical compatibilities of the RMIS systems between the two. I have prepared a 40 page technical due diligence document covering indices such as maintainability, efficiency, security, scalability, configurability, compatibility, depth of technology and portability.


Client Aon Risk Services Inc., Chicago, USA
Duration March 2003 - Continuing
Software Applications And Tools Oracle RDMBS and PL/SQL engine 9203, Oracle Designer 6i., Java 1.4.1 OCI compilers, Oracle Warehouse Builder 9040, Oracle 9i Application Server (Portal and Reports services)
Scripting/Application Languages Perl 5.0, PL/SQL 8.0, SQL 8.0, Shell scripting (Korn, C)
Web Scripting/Web application software Java, (Java for Oracle), Perl, Apache for Oracle, Oracle 9i AS.
Web Security Protocol OID
Databases Oracle 9i/8i, SQL Server 2000
Operating System Windows 2000, 4 UNIX (Sun boxes) database servers.
Web Server Apache on Sun OS.
Team Size 8

Risk Monitor Datawarehouse and Financial Reporting


Aon Risk Services, based out of Chicago is the largest Insurance brokerage company in the world. ARM (Aon Risk Monitor) is the primary source database that administers and processes all insurance transactions, such as policies, exposures, claims and financial transactions for the company. Risk Monitoring and Assesment for insurance claims involves comprehensive impact analysis of dependent modules such as Claims, its linked policies and the extent of coverage. To drive a systematic and standard approach for such a data intensive and mission critical system, a datawarehouse containing 7 datamarts was created that enables, claim processing, Financial transaction handling, Exposure linking-delinking, Coverage administration and MIS reporting.


I am the only on-site Technical Project Leader for the whole project. I designed the 4 step process for insurance claims ETL using Oracle Designer 6i, together for other modules such as Journals, Financial transactions, Addresses, Logistics and Exposures. I designed and developed the transformation logic using a meta-data driven approach via Oracle Table functions using PL/SQL. I also designed/developed the data conversion process and eventual load into ARM database using Perl and Java scripts to enable cross-database data load integrated with Oracle 9i AS Portal services. Additionally, my role required me to provide complete DB administration for Dev, Integration test and UAT environments and also assist in rolling over to production at AT&T data center in Chicago. Besides, I developed the basic Portal client interface infrastructure using Oracle 9i Portal services for end-user reporting and interactivity.


Client Gemeentelijke Belasting Amsterdam GBA, Amsterdam
Duration March 2003 (for two weeks)
Software Applications And Tools Oracle RDMBS and PL/SQL engine 9203,
Scripting/Application Languages PL/SQL 8.0, SQL 8.0
Databases Oracle 9i/8i
Operating System Windows 2000, 1 UNIX (HP box) database server.
Team Size 1

Auditing Of Financieel Verantwoording Datawarehouse


GBA (Gemeentelijke Belasting Amsterdam) is a Dutch state-sponsored company responsible for municipality tax collections and assesment and overall tax administration for the region of Amsterdam. Financieel Verantwoording datawarehouse is designed to administer all financial transactions that originate from all sources (households, corporates, businesses etc) within the region of amsterdam and the performs distribution analysis along with receivables and payable estimates over a period of time.


I performed auditing on the design and ETL system covering aspects such as performance, speed, tuning of quries and tuning of the database system per se. Besides, I suggested strategies to optimize data retrieval and safe practices for business intelligence and reporting on data marts.


Client VersaTel Telecom Europe B.V, Amsterdam
Duration April 2000 - February 2003
Software Applications And Tools Oracle PL/SQL engine 8.0, Oracle SQL Plus 8.0, Oracle Designer 6i. Oracle OCI interface for external proc compiler.
Scripting/Application Languages Perl 5.0, PL/SQL 8.0, SQL 8.0, Shell scripting (Korn, C)
Web Scripting/Web application software MS IIS (4.0/5.0), MS Site Server (3.0, Commerce Edition), HTML, ASP (Perl 5.0, VB, Jscript), Windows Scripting 5.5. MS Active Directory Services Scripting for 2000.
Web Security Protocol LDAP
Databases Oracle 8.0 & 8i
Operating System Windows NT 4.0, 2 UNIX (Sun and HP) database servers.
Web Server Windows 2000
Team Size 1-5

VersaTel Telecom Europe BV, is a Netherlands-based telecommunications service provider with its own fibre network across whole of Belgium and Netherlands and now in Germany.

Enterprise MIS Data Warehouse

I Network Incidents DataMart

Network incidents are reported against Versatel’s fiber optic network as trapped by the CRM system. This Oracle-based warehouse was designed to collate, assimilate and aggregate the incidents on as-is basis to ascertain MIS reporting and network KPI intelligence and performance. Designed using Designer 6I, this warehouse encompasses 5 parallel processes that collectively ensure incident retrieval, transformation and delivery (to the web site) and efficient archival. Build over HP UNIX environment, the incident Warehouse comprises of 15 transaction tables, 5 reference and meta data tables and 2 partitioned archive tables. Network Incident Warehouse serves two major purposes, first to make incidents available for On-line (web) reporting on the corporate portal and secondly to serve internal and external Network KPI intelligence and performance monitoring.

My Contribution

Working alone on the project, I designed, developed a parallel process architecture of the incident datawarehouse using Designer 6I. I laid down the Process Model, Functional Hierarchy, Entity Relationship and Data Mart design. Further, I encoded, five major parallel processes on PL/SQL, viz., Incident Poller (that polls incidents), Incident Administrator (that administers incidents), Incident Writer (that writes incidents to the web database), Incident Archiver (archives incidents to a paritioned archive table), Incident Event Mailer (that mails the administrator in the event of an error or alert from the database). Besides, using Korn shell Script I also created an incident polling mechanism that reads incidents from the corporate CRM database and loads into the warehouse.

II Network Incidents Web Application

Network Incidents (as explained above) of Versatel are monitored over the web by our clients. This is a j-script/ASP based reporting service over web launched over Microsoft’s Site Server (3.0) account management system, connecting to the Network Incident datawarehouse over the firewall. Provides on-line advanced searching privilleges and static and dynamic reporting services catering to over 100 Versatel customers 24/7.

My Contribution

Assuming a senior designer’s role and being completely in-charge of coding I designed the web front end and encoded the entire middle-ware that talks to the Network Incidents Warehouse on the back-end. This web application comprises of an advanced search functionality along with snapshot view of incidents powered by proprietary retrieval technique. Also employs, InterMediaTM text driver indexes for enhanced searches on Oracle large text based columns. Besides, I also laid out the security and authentication module that authenticates an account and using SSL security encrypts the transactions.

III Mediation Datawarehousing (Call Traffic Audit Datamart)

Mediation auditing comprised of a constant stream of incoming calls received from all trunks and switches, including calls not terminating on Versatel network. Auditing warehouse was created to administer mediation call streams and enable high-level KPI reporting on traffic patterns between switches and various periods.

My Contribution

Working alone on the project I wrote the entire loader module (PL/SQL, SQL Loader) interfacing with an Oracle 8I database. This included completely independent parallel loading processes that constantly write data and trigger alerts which are mailed across to the admin. Call volumes usually range over a 1 million CDRs in few hours. A near-zero-admin warehouse.

IV MIS Reporting Warehouse / Event (Call Traffic) Warehousing

MIS Reporting Warehouse is an enterprise-wide reporting data warehouse built on Oracle 8.0/8I. Catering over 5 departments within the company, the java-enabled three-tier warehouse comprises of over 100 database objects, partitioned to effectively carry data within 10-15 data marts for client reporting over the intra-net. Another major objective behind this warehouse was to enable event-data archiving and reporting a.k.a daily/weekly/monthly rated CDR-reporting, which is a direct decision making input for the market intelligence and Product marketing team.

My Contribution

Assuming a technical leadership, an architect’s role and partly as a Designer-DBA for the data-warehouse, I established a complete blue-print design for 15 – different processes within, 6 key data sources and generated about 50 different data flows between the involved processes, including the critical paths for major processes and laid down the object-data-functional hierarchy using Oracle Designer 6I. Following the design, I created a warehouse-partitioned-database structure and laid down the database-embedded-source code (about 10 triggers and conditional business rule functionality ). I also developed the data-loading functionality using SQL Loader (in some cases using Perl) and Snapshot utility of Oracle. Further, I coded the entire PL/SQL module consisting of over 5 packages and about 65-70 procedures and functions, for a complete warehouse interaction with data sources and designed the data marts (Star Schema and Functional Partitions, using hash and range-partioning and in some cases using proprietary or self-made partitioning techniques) for data-rollup (aggregations and summarizations) facilitating easy data mining.

V Enterprise Billing Reports Web Application
Enterprise reporting is a web-based intra-net application catering to all corporate, departmental reporting needs from a common, centralized data source (Reporting Data marts, refer to MIS Datawarehouse above). Currently, this application hosts billing reports, however, its successful benchmarking will enable it to host other reports soon. Hosted on IIS 4.0, on an NT server, the ASP-application encapsulates XML coding standards with DHTML interface and hosts reports with 3 different interfaces, Java applet, Active X and simple HTML (all provided by Crystal Reporting SDK).

My Contribution

Along with a team of two (report designer and web designer), I laid down the architecture of the entire reporting administration and design. I established the ASP code to generate dynamic HTML, and created a branched-index like client-interface apperance for reports using XML coding standards. In short my contribution was to program, object automation-ASP pages (using Jscript as client-side code and VB Script on the server-side) that will on demand launch a specific user-selected report with appropriate user-paremeters (more like an XML-based wizard ) connecting to the MIS Data marts (Oracle 8.1.5) on the backend, using Perl scripting as a CGI layer.

VI Call Traffic Data Mart - Carrier Pre-Select Hosting (CpSH) On-Line CDR Delivery System

CpSH CDR file delivery system is an automated fraud management and on-line pre-billing service extended to all Versatel carriers. Rated CDR files are delivered to the carriers on a daily-basis from the above MIS warehouse, that extracts rated CDRs from the rating engine (CBP). This automated-application was designed on Oracle (8.1.6) environment on HP UNIX, using Korn Shell on the UNIX that makes calls to a PL/SQL package that extracts and generates CDRs to a file (using UTL_FILE pack.), which is eventually delivered to the Versatel Corporate web-server for the clients to download the next day.

My Contribution

Working alone on the project, I designed and coded the complete system. I designed a unique parallel process that would engage 5-6 different Oracle processes to complete the extract from the rating engine and used UTL_FILE and DBMS_JOB packages of Oracle to accomplish file generation for over 300 clients on a daily basis. The overall program management was accomplished by a Korn Shell script that co-ordinates procedural calls to-and-fro the database, manages statuses and reports/mails alert or error messages.

VII Financial & Revenue DataMart - VPOP Revenue Sharing And Inter Connect Kickback Profile
Virtual Point-Of-Presence (VPOP) and InterConnect Kickback systesm is a reporting tool launched on the Intranet application (refer to Enterprise Reporting Application). Revenue Sharing reporting is done via a perl script that loads switch information into the database at regular intervals to be eventually reported on a web-based front-end for all interconnect traffic.

My Contribution

Working alone on the project, I designed a star schema-based reporting warehouse loader and reporting tool. Using Perl 5.0, I designed a loader automated program that reads from mediation flat files and loads every two hours. On the Oracle server, I designed several triggers to distribute and categorize destinations and customer traffic into a relational model (star-schema based). On the web-front end (discussed above), a CR-automation report displays the report to the users.

VIII Trouble Ticketing DataMart (CSO Program - SLA Reporting)
Service Level Agreement Reporting, is a complex and customized 24-hour network service based facility provided to Versatel Customers for proper monthly service disclosures and accoutability. This program is a unique gesture in the Telecom industry as being the first of its kind. The application is a complete CRM module, with a report presentation, scheduler and delivery mechanism. Designed and Developed using Oracle as the database, Business Objects as the report presentation and VBA as the mid-tier data provision layer and Visual Basic/ VB Scripting as delivery mechanism (both for the web presentation and e-mail mechanism).

My Contribution

Taking a technical leadership in this project, I designed the 20 table customer relationship data- mart on Oracle 8I and coded 2 custom-built packages in PL/SQL to generate, extract and process customer related data from CBP and Clarify (Enterprise applications). Placing Business Objects on top of this data mart, I also designed 10 reports using Visual Basic as the middle layer data provider and processor. On the delivery side, I coded the web module, using Business Objects automation obejct for delivery on the web through PDF format presentation, also including an automated E-Mail mechanism through a simple SMTP interface.

IX VersaBilling - Invoicing Warehouse

Client VersaTel Telecom Europe B.V, Amsterdam
Duration April 1999- May 1999
Software Applications And Tools Oracle PL/SQL engine 8.0, Oracle SQL Plus 8.0, Oracle Enterprise Manager Production 1.5, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 11.5, Sybase SQL Advantage 11.5, SQL-Modeler for Sybase ASE 6.1 (Power Designer)
Scripting/Application Languages I-SQL, PL/SQL 8.0, SQL Plus 8.0
Databases Oracle 8.0, Sybase SQL-Server 11
Operating System Windows NT 4.0 Workstation Supported by 2 UNIX (Sun and HP) servers.
Team Size 3


VersaBilling TDW (Transaction Data Warehouse) was based on Sybase SQL-Server 11. VersaBilling TDW is modelled and designed entirely on SQL-modeler for Sybase, Power Designer 6.1. The data warehouse comprises of about 20 transaction data tables, excluding 10 meta-data tables, 15 transaction summary tables and 15 primary data tables with 10 archive tables. The modelling also encompassed 3 levels of data validations, generation of about 200 database triggers based on nearly 35 business rules (facts and validations put together). In addition, over 150 Check and Unique Key constraints were implemented and as many indexes.

My Contribution

My role was essentially in normalization, establishing entities and attributes, defining relational patterns, conceptual and physical model design on Power Designer 6.1. Besides, I was actively involved in implementing server side scripting and validation coding, establishing security level validations, on both field and table levels, and also in parsing business rules to runtime data model facts and validations.

X VersaBilling – Invoicing ETL System

Client VersaTel Telecom Europe B.V, Amsterdam
Duration June 1999- July 1999
Software Applications And Tools Oracle PL/SQL engine 8.0, Oracle SQL Plus 8.0, Oracle Enterprise Manager Production 1.5
Scripting/Application Languages PL/SQL 8.0 (Stored Procedures), SQL Plus 8.0.
Databases Oracle 8.0, Sybase Sybase SQL-Server 11
Proprietary Databases SavilleTM Telecom
Operating System Windows NT 4.0 Workstation Supported by 2 UNIX (Sun and HP) servers.
Team Size 2


VersaBilling - Data Extraction and Export Procedure is a data feeder and porting mechanism between Saville TM production database and the Invoice data warehouse (I discussed the data warehouse in the profile above) for the Invoicing and Reporting Engine connected to VersaBilling Data Warehouse. This encompassed several phases of data extraction from SavilleTM for specific modules such as Adjustments, Discounts, Invoice –Details and Headers, Charges, Products and importantly Events (CDRs).This is essentially a server-side procedure that implements Parallelism methodology to execute several jobs asynchronously or a.k.a parallely, optimizing server resources.

My Contribution

I was entirely responsible for the PL/SQL Coding, primarily encoding stored procedures in PL/SQL and package development and compilation on Oracle 8.0. I coded about 30 stored procedures (Functions and Procedures included) integrated into a single stand-alone executable package. I also developed a Scheduler functionality in the package that would enable asynchronous job execution (parallel execution) based on a batch process control. This functionality optimizes server resources by executing, parallely, independent jobs at idle server time.

XI VersaBilling – 1611 Graphical Invoicing System

Client VersaTel Telecom Europe B.V, Amsterdam
Duration September 1999- October 1999
Software Applications And Tools Visual Basic 6.0, (VBA), Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 11.5, Sybase SQL Advantage 11.5, SQL-Modeler for Sybase ASE 6.1 (Power Designer)
Scripting/Application Languages I-SQL (Stored Procedures)
Databases Sybase SQL-Server 11
Operating System Windows NT 4.0 Workstation Supported by 2 UNIX (Sun and HP) servers.
Team Size 1


Versabilling – 1611 is a Graphical Invoicing Project for Versatel’s Indirect Access Call Management Reports. Graphical representation of 1611 calls (also called Indirect Access-service calls) is a part of invoicing requirements for Versatel’s business accounts. Graphics are part of the invoice and are generated as a separate module, as opposed to the main sections of the invoice, that are generated using PostScript application. The integration of graphics to the main invoicing module required conversion of Excel based graphic output to PostScript files through a native PostScript printer driver, that enables conversion into PostScript files. However, generation and complete integration of graphics to PostScript-based invoice was controlled through Visual Basic interfacing Excel-objects.

My Contribution

Working independently, I developed and managed the design, integration and implementation of 1611-Graphics wizard. I encoded this application as a Standard VB Executable, wrapped as a wizard and interfacing with Excel objects for the purpose of creating graphics. During the process of development, I also coded most of the stored procedures on Sybase server that summarize graphics-related data.

XII BCP-API Data Porting Application

Client VersaTel Telecom Europe B.V, Amsterdam
Duration June 1999-Continuing
Software Applications And Tools Oracle PL/SQL engine 8.0, Oracle SQL Plus 8.0, Oracle Enterprise Manager Production 1.5, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 11.5, Sybase SQL Advantage 11.5
Scripting/Application Languages Transact-SQL, PL/SQL 8.0, SQL Plus 8.0
Third Party Active-X Components SQL-Sombrero/OCX, an interface to CT-Library, a SQL Server Client-Library API
Databases Oracle 8.0, Sybase 11
Operating System Windows NT 4.0 Workstation Supported by 2 UNIX (Sun and HP) servers.
Team Size 1


This application is essentially a Visual API, interfacing ASCII data to Sybase data structure. BCP API is primarily created to facilitate VersaBilling requirements of exporting data from SavilleTM (Oracle) production database to Sybase. This application is the final layer that completes the transfer of data into Sybase through the means of Control Batch Transactions and Bulk Copy Program (BCP). I devised the application over the conventional SHELL-based app.

My Contribution

I developed this application using the evaluation version of SQL-Sombrero control, which is an interface to CTLib functions that enable access to Sybase SQL-Server. In this standard executable app I incorporated functionality that identifies an appropriate export batch file (in ASCII format), establishes a connection context (aka instance), reads through the destination data table fields, creates a proprietary internal data structure akin to the destination data table field structure, loops through the Export Batch File and creates an internal buffer for storing the export data (based on the Count property of the control). Subsequently, data, as rows, is transferred to a Sybase destination table based on whether it is a batch or entire bulk transfer. I designed, encoded the entire application in Visual Studio 6.0 environment using Visual Basic 6.0. This app uses a third party Active X component and encapsulates OO concepts.

IBS (Project developed, funded and marketed wholly by Mindport B.V, referred to as Client in my following project profiles) is an integrated Subscriber Management System providing a comprehensive Customer Care and Billing functionality. My contribution with Mindport was essentially in the areas of Web-enablement, Data warehousing (especially in Data Modelling and Data Mining, Performance enhancement of operational data and Meta-Data creation) and other module development activity.

Project Profiles
XIII IBS Reports – Reporting Application

Client Mindport IBS B.V, Hoofddorp
Duration September 1998- April 1999
Software Applications And Tools Visual Basic 6.0, Seagate Crystal Reports 6.0 and 7.0, Microsoft Front Page, Microsoft Personal Web Server (Microsoft Internet Information Server And Web Scripting Host/Engine IE 4.01) and Microsoft Developer Environment 6.0 (Debugger).
Scripting/Application Languages PL/SQL 2.3, SQL Plus 3.3
Databases Oracle 7.3
Operating System Windows NT 4.0 Workstation Supported by 4 UNIX (AIX, Sun, SCO and HP) Servers.
Team Size 4


IBS Reports is an open architecture-based Report Administration And Management application, developed using VB-ADO with Crystal Reports Active X component implemented on two independent platforms, Web distribution (Internet) and Local distribution (Intranet using DCOM and MTS). Microsoft’s Internet Information Server along with ASP methodology (with embedded VB scripting) was actively used in developing the Web module of the reporting application. A dynamic interchange of data between the application, Crystal Reports and the Oracle data warehouse (Operational database) was facilitated through an ADO component by generic Microsoft ODBC drivers (Intersolv drivers provided by Crystal). SQL Stored Procedures and server side scripting also enabled faster processing of Transactional/Operational Data. Data processing time was enhanced by an estimated 20% over the conventional reporting system.
My Contribution

I was directly associated with two phases of the IBS Reports reporting application development. Firstly, creation of an IBS Reports Repository, essentially a transaction database tier (which primarily replicates all the reporting data from the Master server, whose data replication PL/SQL scripts were written by me and scheduled on a nightly basis) on a Sun Server.
This reporting data is queried against, while collated, presented and reported using Crystal Reports 7.0 and 6.0. I developed over 150 ad-hoc and MIS Order System and Warehouse reports, besides also implementing the crucial Financial and Billing reports. On the other hand, the third tier of the application included encoded VB 5.0 and 6.0 interfaces in administering and managing the reports on two distribution platforms, Local and Web. I have coded the web interface with embedded VB script using pre-deployed active X components on Microsoft Internet Information Server with ASP-DHTML methodology.


Client Mindport IBS B.V, Hoofddorp
Duration March 1998- August 1998 (5 Months)
Software Applications And Tools Visual Basic 5.0, Microsoft Personal Web Server (Microsoft Internet Information Server 3.0.2 And Web scripting Host/Engine (IE 4.01), Microsoft Front Page, VB Scripting Engine, Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0.
Scripting/Application Languages HTML, DHTML, ASP Scripting (Using VB as embedded scripting language), SQL, PL/SQL Stored Procedures (as database-server side scripting).
Databases Oracle 7.3.4
Operating System Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, with Web Server launched on company’s (Mindport) Intranet.
Team Size 5


M-Web is the largest IBS web-SMS (Subscriber Management System) client of Mindport BV. The application was developed on Microsoft Internet Information Server 3.0 with Front Page as HTML editor and Visual Basic 5.0 based ASP components for the web server side scripting. VB Scripting is the active scripting language incorporated into this true web application, and embedded on the web through ASPs.

M-Web web-interface development involved active transformation of the standard Intranet functionality into the web components. This exercise created a web-module, that would enable a subscriber to login through Internet to the M-Web site and using a personal ID and Password would view or modify his account details (includes financial details). The strategic focus of this application, however, is to entirely base M-Web’s SMS operations through web in the future.

My Contribution

I encoded the Login and Customer Accounts and Ageing modules using the Microsoft Internet Information Server 3.0 and ASP library components 1.0 on the Visual Studio environment. I developed the modules with embedded VB Script and Microsoft Development Environment 6.0 as the debugging environment.

XV IBS - Data Modeling and Meta-Data Scripting: Repository Management

Client Mindport IBS B.V, Hoofddorp
Duration Dec 1997- March 1998 (3 Months)
Software Applications And Modeling Tools Designer 2000 2.3
Scripting/Application Languages PL/SQL 2.3, SQL Plus 3.3
Databases Oracle 7.3 and MS Access 98.
Operating System Windows NT 4.0 Workstation Supported by 4 UNIX (AIX, Sun, SCO and HP) Servers.
Team Size 6
IBS Data Model is based on the IBS-Oracle database (version 7.3) with 500 tables and over 150 Views and Synonyms. IBS Data Model was developed using the Designer 2000, Version 2.3. This 23 GB large IBS data model repository incorporated over 250 master data models (ERDs and DFDs) and about 650 small descriptive sub-models (including infra models) to provide comprehensiveness. Additionally, IBS data model was synchronized with three other operational databases and also with later upgrade versions of IBS database.

My Contribution
IBS data modeling system is a single tiered Data Model Repository. In this 150 ERD and 250 DFD model-based repository, I have modeled nearly 100 Entity Relationships and close to 75 Data Flows, that included amongst crucial financial, billing and Decoder/Smart Card warehouse and Order System models. The modeling was entirely developed through Designer 2000 Version 1.3 and 2.0. Broadly, the modeling exercise covered reverse-engineering techniques and re-modeling for different IBS database versions (primarily Oracle 7.3).

Besides, I modeled database indices structure and their operational usage path, In addition to these models, I have also worked, mostly direct, on creation of Optimum Data Retrieval models with the help of efficient data mining methodologies (in most cases, I scripted with SQL for deploying quick mining processes). A good par t of my contribution also came from Meta data and Set Occurrence modeling.

June 1995 to April 1996 11 Months
Organization Global Industry Analysts Inc. (Hyderabad, India)
Project Global Demographic Analysis
(Phase-I – Structure and Code Development)
Platform Windows 95, LAN (Novell Netware 3.12)
Software Oracle 7.0, SQL Plus 3.2, Visual Basic 4.0

Brief Project Profile
A secondary research based multi-client RDBMS-based research application with a comprehensive strategic industry analysis with over 30 countries worldwide spanning 5 major regions (North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East). This application focuses on developing competitive market intelligence data warehouse on these regions for over 100 industries (on catalog currently, ranging from Chemical Industry, Industrial engineering to Merchandising Industry) through macro-economic and demographic parameters such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), per capita income, population etc. Through this Oracle-based application, market forecasts and projections worldwide for the period 1996-2002 were given a sophisticated dimension.

Role Research Analyst


Conceptualization, development and debugging. Developing the core structure through establishing the environment, elements, attributes, entities and relationships. In the development and design phase, I laid the source code using the SQL and PL/SQL language compiler.

May 1996-October 1996 6 Months
Organization Global Industry Analysts Inc. (Hyderabad, India)
Project Global Demographic Analysis
(Phase-II – Module Design and trigger code development)
Platform Windows 95, LAN (Novell Netware 3.12)
Software Forms 4.5 (Oracle 7.0 as Back end), Visual Basic 4.0 and SQL Server

Brief Project Profile
Designing the module involved creating a data-entry interface for market data collection on different product categories for different countries.

Involved in creating a GUI-based data entry front-end application using forms 4.5 that also included trigger code development with 7 stages of security validations. At the same time, forms development was coordinated through real time primary research validations.

November 1996 – January 1997 3 months
Organization Global Industry Analysts Inc. (Hyderabad, India)
Project Global Demographic Analysis
(Phase-III – Report Management (Matrices))
Platform Windows 95, LAN (Novell Netware 3.12)
Software Reports 4.5, Aldus Pagemaker (4.0), Adobe Pagemaker, Crystal Reports and Visual Basic 5.0 with SQL Server

Brief Project Profile

The presentation mode of the reports were essentially in three major format levels:

Level 1 Product wise market analysis (Matrix: No. Of Products x 30 countries)
Level 2 Regional market analysis (Matrix: 5 Regions x No. Of Products)
Level 3 Economy level market analysis (Matrix: 30 countries x No. Of Products)

Instrumental in query level record generation, data model creation with nested matrix development and an over all front-end and database management for customized report generation.

Other Projects
January 1997 – June 1997 6 Months
Organization SQL Star International, Hyderabad, India
Project Student Inquiry and Enrollment Application
Platform Windows 95, LAN (Novell Netware 3.12)
Software Visual Basic 4.0 and Visual Basic 5.0
Database Oracle 7.0

July 1997 - November 1997 5 Months

Organization Global Industry Analysts, Hyderabad, India
Project Game Theory and Simulation & Product Diffusion Model (Based on Bass Equation for Product diffusion)
Platform Windows 95, LAN (Novell Netware 3.12)
Software Crystal Reports 5.0 and Visual Basic 5.0



I MBA (Marketing) 1995, From India with over 70% cumulative score.
II Bachelors of Science (Genetics) 1992, From India with over 70% cumulative score.


Databases Oracle 8.0/8i /9i and 7.3, Sybase 11.5, MS SQL Server 6.0 and 6.5 and MS Access and Spreadsheet databases.
Application Software/Technologies Java 1.1.8/1.2/1.3, Visual Basic 5.0 and 6.0, Perl 5.0, UNIX Shell programming , XML and Perl CGI programming., Microsoft ADS 2.5 (ADSI) programming
Web-Application Software Microsoft IIS (Microsoft Internet Information Server 3.0.2/4.0/5.0 And Web Scripting Host/Engine IE 4.01,5.0,5,5), Microsoft Front Page, HTML Editors.
Scripting/Application Languages Java 1.1.8/1.2/1.3, Perl 5.0, Unix Shell Scripting (Korn, C and Awk), VB - ASP Scripting (Using VB as embedded scripting language), HTML, DHTML, SQL, PL/SQL.
Data Modelling Software Designer 2000/6i, Power Designer and Data Architect.
Reporting Software Business Objects 5.1, Seagate Crystal Reports 6.0 and 7.0, Oracle Discoverer and Developer 2000 Reports 2.5.
Operating Systems UNIX (HP, Sun-solaris), Windows XP, 95, 98, 2000 Server and Windows NT 4.0.



Advanced Java Programming, at Sun Educational Services Amersfoort Schothorst, January 2002


Personal Traits Independent thinker, Quick Study, Analytical, Assiduous and possess excellent communication and presentation skills.

Parallel Interests Chess, Crosswords and Short Story writing (I have several prize-winning contributions to my credit)

References Upon Request.


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