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Work Experience

Working experience

Funcion: MD/owner of own company NINtec BV

Company profile: NINtec BV focuses on the recruitment and secondment of Indian or other IT-specialist to clients in mainly the Netherlands. NINtec also has a subsidiary joint venture in India for offshore software and website development.
· Managing a company: hiring people, financials, work permits and visa procedures, sales activities, partnerships etc.;
· Organising a company and setting up this company in the Netherlands and India, including all legal work involved.

Function: Company lawyer/company secretary Logica BV

· ICT-contracts (sale). This includes creating and negotiating the total range of international ICT-contracts like Delivery, Licensing, Escrow, MOU’s, LOI’s, NDA’s, distribution/partnership agreements, joint ventures etc.;
· M&A: Acquisitions/due diligence/joint ventures. I have lead the legal team, as part of the M&A team in three Due Diligence investigations and two completed (partly international) transactions/takeovers (including post-acquisition);
· Corporate: this includes general corporate legal advise, company secretarial work for the Dutch subsidiary such as organisation of MT meetings and arranging/maintaining a correct and complete legal infrastructure;
· Human Resource: I have been involved in general advice regarding employment law, several reorganisations including dismissal of over 30 employees, share options related issues, creation of employment contracts, personnel guide etc;
· Fiscal: I have been involved in tax issues regarding use of contractors, redundancy arrangements and capital taxes regarding share transfers;
· Competition law: mainly advise, with special interest in E.C. public procurement;
· Intermediary for external lawyers and managing/negotiating claims/litigation.
· General advise about ICT-related subjects, projects like EURO and Millennium, lease of cars and real estate.

Function: Director/Company Secretary Logica Nederland BV (holding), Logica Consulting

· Corporate: general corporate housekeeping, establish or merge new subsidiaries and closing down redundant entities. Often in cooperation with the Group Company Secretary and local managers, external attorneys and notaries.

1/10/1992 - 1/04/1996
Function: Legal adviser In-pact Police Advise Centre (consultancy agency for police)

· ICT-contracts (purchase). Drafting and negotiating contracts for police organisations with ICT-suppliers. This includes the entire range of ICT contracts, umbrella agreements as well as introducing model agreements;
· Privacy: law/implementation/security. I was involved in several advice projects, ranging form answering questions or giving training to perform the role of interim-privacy/security manager in police organisations. Also included the organisation of a lobby organisation for police to the Government;
· Public procurement. I have been involved in several advisory projects regarding public procurement. I have lead several tendering procedures for police organisations.
· General activities like consultancy, providing advise on computer/information law.

1/6/1992 - 1/10/1992
Function: Researcher Computercrime CRI/Interpol The Hague

· Computer Crime: research implementation police units computercrime, copyright and criminal liability.

Inpactueel Subjects: privacy, public procurement, investigation, IT-contracts
Modus Legal approach of bulletin board systems June 1993
Alg. politieblad Autorisation for access to police systems July 1995


1987-1991 Tilburg University
· Legal Policy Sciences: Computer/International law
· Dutch law: Computer/European law (unfinished - 3 courses)
1980-1987 Bisschoppelijk College Weert HAVO/VWO
1992-1998 Several courses: management- negotiation skills, legal subjects (public tendering, labour law, contracting etc.)


Miscellaneous skills and characteristics
Negotiating, giving training, commercial awareness, easy communicator, international orientation
and ambition, pioneering mentality, individualist and teamplayer.


Languages: Dutch (mother tongue), English (++, legal), French (+), German (+), Spanisch (-) Portuguese (-).


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