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Interim, Projekt und Process Management

Interim, Projekt und Process Management

Work Experience

Work experience:

Period January 2015 – March 2016
Company Pension Fund for the Hotel and Hospitality Industry
Assignment Manager Pension a.i., Customer Administration

Responsible for expanding digital customer service concept for the benefit of the employer's domain through portal and CRM functionality. This as part of a multi-channel solution.
Responsible for the organization and implementation of Customer Team Employers in 2015 as a means to bring the services of Operations to a level of service to be used as USP Focus on customer and client orientation, segmentation of customer groups and organization of the customer approach / communication by formulating and implement customer journeys for the different channels.
Formulate vision on the positioning of Customer Team Employers within the company and essential changes and actions needed within the team to contribute to the organization's objectives. Focus on personal development of employees in relation to the stated organizational goals. Feedback on attitude and behavior, empower and inspire employees to deliver successful change initiatives.

Period January 2013 – February 2014
Company Stichting (Foundation) GlasLokaal
Assignment Consultant/Board Secretary

Analysis of the current business model of Foundation GlasLokaal. This analysis was to advise the Board on a strategic vision regarding the future business model of GlasLokaal. Analysis and strategic paper presented mid- April 2013 and approved by the Board in terms of actions and implementation of the new organizational structure and related job profiles. Also responsible for the daily administrative/customer organization, operational management and vendor management of the foundation.
Stichting GlasLokaal aims to acquire property and manage or participate in the long-term lease, of a fiber optic infrastructure in the region of The Hague on behalf of institutions with a social objective and predominantly publicly funded. Foundation GlasLokaal operates a fiber optic network in the Hague area. Clients (participants) are primarily publicly funded institutions such as schools, libraries, cultural and health care institutions. The foundation was established in September 2004 and as of January 2005, the first customers were connected. With its infrastructure GlasLokaal provides dark fiber and managed network service, in combination with a fixed connection to an Internet service provider. GlasLokaal has the maintenance and management of the network from different suppliers located.

The work includes in addition to the above the development and implementation of the operational structure and developing and performing vendor management.

Period November 2011 - November 2012
Business Unive Region +
Position Consultant / Project Manager

Consultant for the project implementation process called "Focus Processes Focus processes focused on three main areas:

• New Customer Call Center
• Advice and implement new organization structure
• Redesign " mass " Processes

Project is to contribute to the strategic objectives of Unive Region +. The change / design of organization, processes and functions should focus on maximum customer benefit and provide customer value. Role of consultant to support the various project leaders in the field of content, project and process management. Sharing my experience in the field of change management, process management and project organization and monitor the entire process. Drafting up policy documents in the field of Insurance processes involving customer experience. Facilitator workshops Operational Risk Management. Project leader responsible for building and implementing a Work Flow Process Management (WFM) to support the new processes. This in cooperation with the software developer and utilizing the Agile methodology.

Period March 2011 – April 2011
Company ING Assuratiekantoren Nederland (IAN), Insurance broker subsidiary of ING
Assignment Project Manager

Project manager with the compliance assignment to comply IAN with rules and demands regarding Financial Services. IAN should comply with the rules demanded by the Financial Market Authority.
Milestones within the project are:

 Define what is needed for IAN to comply
 Define impact on the current business process
 Define and implement the functional impact for the administration systems
 Facilitate, roll out and monitor the new proces for the Sales departments.

Parallel to this project made preparations as to meet the demands set by the so-called “woekerpolissen” issues.

Period October 2010 - present
Assignment Management Consultant at Graphic Invention. Graphic Invention is a graphic design company in the middle of NL, Utrecht

Period January 2009 – December 2010
Company Syntrus Achmea OPF
Assignment Project Manager and Program Manager

Project manager responsible for the migration/transition of the Pension Fund's Schering Plough (SPPF) from Apeldoorn to Tilburg. Objective was to migrate the rights administration of the pension system administered in SAP to administering in MAIA, as well as moving all relevant work to Tilburg in such a way as to preserve the current form of provision of services.
This migration served as a proof of concept for the migration of the AKZO Nobel Pension Fund (APF).

Besides the above assigned as program manager. Responsible for the creation of a new process chain and migration of the rights administration of the Pension Fund for temporary employees in short called StiPP. This for the period from 1 August 2009 until 1 January 2010. Assignment was to prepare the migration of the Fund to system MAIA as of 1 January 2011.

Period 1 January 2008 – 1 December 2008
Company UVIT (merger UNIVE/VGZ)
Assignment Interim Project Manager

As project manager responsible for the development and implementation of a Straight Through Process for the Policy Department. Result a successful implementation on 1 September 2008 of a full automated process for new health policies and mutations. This process involved the different Distribution Channels like Internet.
Project manager for the implementation and application development of Oracle Health Self Insurance (OHSI) in 1 UVIT IT environment. The purpose was to migrate the different Labels within UVIT on 1 platform. Successful implementation on 1 November 2008.

Period 11 April 2007 – 31 December 2007
Company VGZ Health Insurance Tilburg en Eindhoven
Assignment Interim Proces development

Procesdevelopment for the Back Office Department. As Project manager responsible for the translation of Business Rules into Functional demands for the application development of Oracle Health Self Insurance. Responsible for the research into the feasibility for an automated process for clients doing business through Internet.

13 April 2004 to 31 December 2006, interim project manager at the Call Centre RVS Insurance in Ede

• Project leader of the regulatory requirements as to Telecom Rules and Rules of Privacy. Responsible for the implementation of mandatory changes in procedures and relevant systems.
• Project leader for the Call Centre Project CLIP. The objective of this project is reduction of the outstanding debt of policy holders. Aim was to approach policy holders with debt by phone instead of only by sending out standard correspondence. For the Call Centre it entailed the organisation and facilitation of an Outbound Call Centre process.
• Part Project leader for a Project which involved the setting up of a new organisation structure within the Call Centre. My part was the development of Knowledge Bank.
• Project leader for the follow up of the above Project. Objectives are first the reduction of transfer moments within each process and the description of all the process steps involved.
• Supervisor for setting up and monitor SLA’s between the Call Centre and different Back offices.
• Project leader ORM(Operational Risk Management) for the Call Centre. It entailed firstly the participation of workshops set up by the central ORM department of RVS and secondly the implementation of Risk reducing measures at the Call Centre
• Project leader as to disbandment of the old Telephone Exchange
• Project leader implementation of a formal Fraud protocol at the Call Centre
• Project leader BCP(Business Continuity Protocol) for the Call Centre RVS.
• Project leader WFD compliance (law which regulates the way in which a contact with customers is set up untill a formal contract)
• The above mentioned projects were carried out using in the broadest sense the Prince II method

01 August 2002 – 01 January 2004 Swiss Life in Amstelveen.

Team manager Operations. Manager BackOffice team with 32 FTE. Primarily responsible for managing the mutations on existing Pension and Annuity policies and introducing tools to make the performance better. Successfully introduced and implemented a CRM system at the Department. Part responsible for the preparation for linking up the Front and Back Offices within the Business Unit Operations. Responsible within the unit for insurance policy and finalizing a blueprint for setting up a systeem of safeguarding work instructions and relevant guidelines.

Project member Reorganisation of the Business Unit. Project manager of small projects within
this project. Successfully completed the project 01 October 2003 by means of a definitive linking
up of the Front and Back office.

As of 01 October 2003 project manager Investigation of the Disability portfolio.
The assignment was to investigate the profitability of this portfolio.
December 2003 concluded this investigation with a presentation to the Director Operations.
with findings and recommendations in order to make the portfolio perform better.

15 september 2000 – 01 August 2002 De Goudse Levensverzekering in Gouda.

Unit manager Sector Life Insurance
Manager of a Front office team with 8 FTE, besides 2 Back office teams for Unit Linked Insurance and Individual Pension with a total of 5 FTE each. Responsible for the daily running of the teams and making sure process improvements were implemented in order to make the teams more efficient.
Reduced the deficit in work through these improvements and appropriate measures with regard to manpower etc.
Project manager within Business Unit Pension and Care for IB 2001(Legislation involving a revision of the Dutch income tax law). Responsible for the process of communication and making sure the organisation was up to the task of dealing with the new legislation.

01 November 2001 appointed as Team manager region South within the new Business Unit Life and Income Insurances. This as a direct result of the merger with Tiel Utrecht.
At the same time made responsible for the total project IB 2001 within this new merger.

21 April 1994 – 15 September 2000 Falcon Leven N.V. in Hoofddorp.

Started as employee at the Life Department. Responsible for New Business policies and also the different changes on them. This involved making commercial contacts with clients and intermediary. November 1994 joint responsible for the testing and implementation of a new financial administration system for Falcon Leven N.V.

01 Mai 1996 Business contact for a group of intermediaries with regard to servicing and making sure deadlines were met etc.

01 Mai 1997 appointed as manager of 18 FTE. Through 1997 directly involved in the restructuring of the Life Department. The concept of self-steering teams successfully implemented in connection with a large Business Process Redesign project.

01 September 1998 Staff Functionary Falcon Leven N.V.
Responsible for making new policy and implementing processes for the whole organisation. Responsible for training schedules for both internal and external training for management and employees. Project manager for the implementation of a systeem of safeguarding work instructions and relevant guidelines.

Product Development. Made a study with regard to the feasibility of introducing an Annuity on the basis of Shares in 1999.

20 December 1993 - 20 February 1994 Westerzee Assurantiën in Laren.

All-round Employee for Life Insurance.

01 November 1990 - 20 December 1993 Swiss Life in Amsterdam

Employed as calculator at the Math Department. Giving advice to intermediary and fellow workers.
Part responsible for drafting a plan for the reorganisation of the Department as part of a whole Swiss Life reorganisation.



1976 to 1984 HAVO and VWO at Thorbecke Scholengemeenschap in Utrecht,
Certificate HAVO 1981, certificate VWO 1984.
Subjects: Mathematics, Economy, English, German, Dutch, Modern History, Geography.
1984 to 1990 University of Amsterdam, doctorate’s degree European Studies.
• First language: English
• Second language: German
• Specialized in Economy: International Economic Relations., Economy of Europe I and II
• Assistant at the Faculty of Economics
Thesis titled: The European Automobile Industry, The Development of its Competitiveness.
Graduation Date: 27 August 1990.

Other Courses:

• 1991: Course Leven A; certificate
• 1999: Course Branche Leven; certificate
• 1997: de Baak, Management Centre VNO-NCW Course Talent Development Programme
• 1999: Course Project management, internal course Fortis Prince 2
• 2011: Lean workshops


Areas of expertise

• Insurance, Life Insurance, Health Insurance
• Pension funds
• Client Contact Centers

• Projectmanagement
• Change management
• Interim management
• Performance management
• Management consultancy
Methodes and techniques
• BiSL
• Lean
• Prince 2
• Oracle Health Insurance Self Service (OHSI)
• Agile/Scrum
• Siebel
• MS Office
• MS Projects


German: professional working proficiency
English: professional working proficiency
Dutch: native language


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