Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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General manager

General manager

Work Experience

Management of the voice activity of Monaco Telecom,(Vivendi)
More than 15 years in business development of sales and marketing activities in the new technology and telecommunication sector. A successful experience in creation and management of start-up’s in the field of services for the telecom industry. Strong International experience build in various roles of export manager and business development director.
Executives roles within Graseby plc (UK) as Sales director and subsidiary MD and within Philips Speech Processing as division General Manager for France and sales director for the south of Europe.
Living and professional experience in UK, Switzerland, France, Belgium and Monaco
Founder of the first training centre for VXML programming language and the first recording studio for the European community developers.
Creation of an original method for managing the risk of sales objective called \"The theory of the diverging cycles\".
The method includes a methodology and a set of tools for decreasing the uncertainty of unmanageable commercial objective


Master degree in chemistry and post graduate in management (MBA)


Management and organisation, finacial background, strong technical background.


French, englich, spanish, dutch


Experienced in business and financial plan writing. Successful track record in financing round, strategy development and implementation for start-up. Experienced in merge and acquisition, including due diligence and negotiation process.


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