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IT Management

IT Management

Work Experience

Company Toyota Motor Marketing Europe - Brussels
Function Deputy General Manager at IS Group
Period June 2000 - April 2005
Main responsibilities:

Strategic Projects
• defining and implementing IT Governance within Toyota Motor Europe
• redefining and implementing ICT career-tracks based upon functionalities
• transformation from application-driven organisation into matrix-organisation
• recruitment and promotions of ICT-staff at Toyota Motor Europe
• Implementation of Project Management Office within IT-organisation
European IT Coordination Office
• Relations with management and IT-organisations of the National Distributors
• Surveys of IT-organisations of National Distributors
• Development and implementation of IT Governance at National Distributors Description

Company E&Y Executive Temporary Management
Function Interim Manager
Period November 1997 - May 2000
Toyota Motor Europe
• Setup of the European IT Coordination Office
• Study on Outsourcing of the Systems and Operations group
• Study on potential synergy between Toyota Motor Europe and the National Distributors

Assidomän Packaging
Project manager responsible for setting up:
• AssiDomän Common Drawing Standards
• Roll out of common CAD-systems in the 15 European Design Centres

Company Strategic Mapping Inc., Santa Clara (USA)
Function General Manager Europe
Period April 1994 - October 1997
Setup of a European Distribution Network for GIS-software

Company FEBIAC (Association of Belgian Distributors of Cars and Commercial Vehicles)
Function Directeur Informatica en Statistieken
Period December 1984 - March 1994

Company La Brugeoise et Nivelles – Brugge and Nivelles
Function Different functions in IT management
Period April 1970 - December 1984


Education Graduate in Electronics,
KAHO (former HTO St.Antonius,), Gent
Training Postgraduate in Management of Information Systems, IPO-UFSIA, 1982


• Creating innovative solutions including emerging technologies
• Problem solving
• Broad knowledge of the use of IT in business environments
Business Understanding
• Large experience within the automotive industry
• Special experience with car-distribution networks
Organisational Dynamics
• Development and implementation of IT governance within the overall organisation
• Development of vision, mission and objectives for an IT-organisation
• Development and implementation of IT-organisation able to coop with the fixed vision, mission and objectives
• Development and implementation of IT career planning
• IT-staff management and IT-management


Dutch: Mother tongue
English: Very well (speaking and writing)
French: Good (speaking)
German: Good (speaking)


During his whole career Erik has occupied different management functions within the IT organisation of medium and large companies.
He not only gathered experience in the setup and the management of “Systems and Operations” within an IBM mainframe and DEC server environment. He also was responsible for the transformation of an IT department into an independent “shared services”-organisation, where as a general manager he was accountable for the P&L.
As a consultant/Interim Manager he mainly focussed on the change processes from “IT workshops” into “IT Service Units” in medium and large IT organisations, driven by the business through a multi-level IT Governance and managed and controlled by their own strategy plans.
Erik writes smoothly Dutch (mother tongue) and English and speaks French and German.


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