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Interim management

Interim management

Work Experience

January 2002- technology company, Amsterdam

Function: Co-Founder/Managing Director

Started with an ex-colleague a technology company developing software solutions for newspapers, magazine and book publishing companies.
The mission of the company is to become a leading European technology and software vendor for the Professional Publishing industry offering solutions for automation of manual processes, achieving cost reductions and generating new business opportunities.

Major tasks and accomplishments:

· Business plan in place
· Prospecting and meetings with the Top 100 European Publishers
· Booked first orders
· Giving presentations about solutions at major industry events
· Establishing strategic partnerships with some major IT and service companies in Europe.
· Setting priorities with regard to product development.

March 1990- May 2001 Adobe Systems, Amsterdam

Functions: European Director of the Printing and Systems Division (march 1990-may 1999)
Executive Director of International OEM sales (may 1999-dec 2000)
European Director of OEM and eBook sales (dec 2000-may 2001)

Major tasks and responsibilities

· I did set up the European OEM printing division in 1990. Last 3 years CAGR of 25%.
· Charter to license Adobe technologies to major European Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM’s) and drive the overall worldwide relationships with these accounts, such as Agfa, Heidelberg, HP and others.
· Worldwide revenue and P & L responsibility for these OEM customers.
· People management responsibility: the number of reports has been changing every year. I always had 4 OEM account managers in Europe. From 1999-2000, I also had 1 account manager in Japan. During 1999, I had direct management responsibility for the international OEM support organization (6 people) at the corporate headquarters in the US.
· Negotiated the acquisition of the European OEM technical support organization in Norwich and did put the organization together. Managed this Euro support organization from mid 1997 until mid 1999.
· I am pro-actively involved in defining new product and technology developments as well as responsible for establishing the commercial terms and conditions of the overall worldwide OEM print technology licensing business.
· May 1999, I was asked to reorganize the OEM print business in Japan and to reduce the number of direct OEM relationships by either terminating the existing agreements or transferring the business to 3rd parties. This plan has been executed and objective achieved by the end of 2000.
· Started the eBook business in Europe in December 2000.
· Since 1995, I am statutory Director and office manager of Adobe Systems Benelux

Special projects on top of regular tasks and responsibilities:

· Establishing of European major accounts sales force in 1992
· Setting up distribution for Adobe’s Unix applications (1993)
· Managing the distribution of special pre-press software until it was spun off (1996)
· Responsible for the Benelux application software distribution sales activities (6 people) during
1996 & 1997
· Managing two European Community funded Internet research projects. (1997-2000)
· Negotiating settlements regarding patent disputes with European OEM partners.

February 1989- February 1990 I3D, Paris (subsidiary of the Framatome group)

Function: Director of sales

· Started and managed all sales activities in France with two additional sales persons.
· Sales of page layout software for technical documentation to major industrial organizations
· Explored opportunities to set up a European distribution network

October 1982- January 1989 Geveke Electronique, Paris (subsidiary of Getronics group)

Functions: Director of sales and marketing
Director of marketing

· P & L responsibility for all commercial activities of the French subsidiary.
· Also assumed general management function with around 40 employees and a branch office in Lyon
· Acted as key contact for all local and foreign suppliers and negotiated terms and conditions of distribution agreements.
· Product management for Geveke branded products such as Visa terminals, monitors and add-on boards for PC’s.
· In 1998 I was tasked with a special project to find a local partner. The French subsidiary was sold in August 1998 and I assured the transfer of all activities to the new organization.

October 1980- July 1982 Markon Marketing Konsulenten, Amsterdam

Function: Marketing Consultant

· Participated as a team member in marketing research projects mainly for technical and industrial products.
· I conducted interviews, focus groups, market analysis and supported the senior consultants with defining the recommendations.

November 1977- July 1978 Multec, Amsterdam

Function: Technical commercial representative

· Multec is an agency for temporary work for engineering and technical people. I was calling on customers to acquire temporary projects for technical people looking for work.


1967-1972 High School: H.B.S. B in Amsterdam
1972-1977 Technical college: H.T.S. A in Amsterdam. I obtained a degree in mechanical engineering.
1976-1982 University of Amsterdam. Masters degree in business economics.


Turnaround manager, having reorganized companies, divisions and activities. Also extensive experience in starting new activities, setting up new channels and divisions.
International management capabilities, remote management experience in Europe, US and Japan
Leading complex negotiations
Specialized in software licensing and technolgy licensing


dutch native tongue.
fluency in english and french
good working knowledge of german


Preference is to work in a company which is active in a technical or technological industry. This may vary from ICT/Telcom to companies active in the automative industry or electrical appliances


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