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Manager ICT / CRM

Manager ICT / CRM

Werkervaring interimmanager

2005 – 2008: Businessmatch, finding business opportunities on-line
• Start-up Businessmatch organization, as well as functional/technical design and development
• Focused on finding Business opportunities on-line, exploring opportunities using interactive collaboration software
• Online CRM & Marketing
2007 – 2008: Development Interactive Meeting/Collaboration Software
Development (incl. functional and technical design) new Interactive Meeting/Collaboration software using:
• Windows Presentation Foundation
• Windows Communication Foundation
• SQL Server 2005
• Visio for Enterprise Architects
• C#
• .NET Framework 3.5
• Web Services
2008 – 2008: Internet Shops
• Setting up internet shops
• Online Payments
• Internet visibility in search engines

2005 – 2008: Several custom projects
• Design, Development & Implementation of a CMDB (Configuration Management), based on XML, XSLT for various applications of DSV/Frans Maas.
• Several ad-hoc projects with Electronic Meeting/Brainstorm/Decision Support application, focused on change management, customer panels, business requirements. (Several ministries, financial organizations, consultancy firms)
1999 – 2008: In-Team, Interactive Meeting / Collaboration Software
• Functional/Technical Design, Development and Deployment of In-Team
• Full Integration with MS-Word
• The software is based on the Microsoft Development Enviroment (C++, ASP, Site Server, SQL Server, ASP.NET, C#, VB, .NET Framework)
1993 – 1999: Magnificent 7 Application Architecture / Customization
• Development (incl. functional and technical design) of the “Software Development Architecture Magnificent 7” (M7), initially based on the Progress v7 Development Environment and database.
• Companies like Frans Maas, Heineken, Pearle, Westlake have based their software applications completely or partly on M7. (Windows front-end, UNIX or Windows NT/2000/2003 back-end).
• Main supplier for Application Middleware for Frans Maas Freight Forwarding System (GNTS). European implementation. Integration with Winframe. Development of WInframe Add-ons. Several custom projects.
1993 – 1999: CRM  SalesVision / VisionWare / Custom projects / Implementation
• Re-design of the previously developed Mac-Application “SalesVision” (see below) based on the M7 architecture for the Windows platform.
• Resulted in state of the art CRM application “VisionWare”.
• Several custom projects for Sara Lee (Sales Reporting, Financial Reporting, Funnel Management) based on the Microsoft Platform.
• Implementation of CRM applications using interactive meeting / decision support systems
1993 – 1999: Meeting / Decision Support Software
• European Distribution Electronic Meeting System GroupSystems
• Support on GroupSystems
• Development of the GroupSystems Report Wizard based on MS-Word (still included as the standard reporting tool).

1988 – 1992: CRM  SalesVision
• Development (incl. functional and technical design) of Sales and Marketing System “SalesVision” on Apple Macintosh, awarded with the “Apple Gold Award” in 1989 for the most promising new application on Apple Macintosh.
• International implementations in Europe for Gartner Group, Mentor Graphics and ComputerVision. (Project Management)
• SalesVision became the default Sales and Marketing tool for the Apple Dealers in The Netherlands
• Custom development (add-on) of Order Processing System for the Gartner Group Headquarters in the US (Macintosh as front-end, Oracle as back-end)
1988 – 2008: Blenks
• Start own company Blenks where I acted as the Joined CEO and Software Architect / Project Manager for the projects mentioned above.
1984 – 1988: Comdes – Hospital Information Systems
• Software Architect at Comdes BV, ‘s Hertogenbosch
• Responsible for the Billing system of Rodias Hospital Information System on WANG VS Systems and applying the complex legal billing rules for The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Ireland, as well as the rules for Insurance Companies.
1983 – 1984: Philips
• Software Engineer at Philips Nederland, Eindhoven
Responsible for development and maintenance Logistical Systems on IBM Mainframes

Opleiding interimmanager

HTS Bedrijfskunde, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
HTS Informatica, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Several technical courses:
• Software Development Apple Macintosh
• UNIX Operating Systems (SUN)
• Object Oriented Programming
• Windows Server Operating Systems (MCSE)
Sales Training


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