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Work Experience

july 2000 – current
• Developed business proposition “Office4Us” for 6 companies (eg Ahrend, PlantijnCasparie, TNT) to jointly enter SME market segment. Proposition focuses on selling “office” related products and services. Office4Us is an operating company since January 2003. Currently I’m ad interim general manager of Office4Us. Office 4Us had 10.000 SME companies as customer in June 2003. Furthermore, 4 additional companies (Essent, KPN, Pon, Euroflorist) will participate as suppliers in Office4Us from July 1st 2003.
• Conducting a project for the Biotech business unit of Johnson&Johnson. Project has objective to translate overall global business development agenda into detailed 3 year annual plans from a global perspective. Subsequently these plans have to be translated into the annual plans of 2004 of the 4 large countries.
• Led project for Hagemeyer to develop a business development strategy for the Large Industrial market segment. Based on Hagemeyer’s various existing propositions we developed together with several potential large customers (e.g. Unilever, CSM, DSM. Philip Morris, DuPont) Hagemeyer’s business development agenda plus we identified together with the potential customers projects to test the new strategy. In 2003 the first pilot started with CSM.
• Led project for Nike in Europe to develop business case and rollout new commercial Strategy to two key customer segments (small volume accounts and buying groups). Developed specific growth plan for Nike with regards to largest European Sport stores Buying Group being Intersport.
• Led project with objective to set up a new company focusing on streamlining processes between Insurers and middlemen. Project was commissioned by top 5 financial companies in the Netherlands (ING, Aegon, Delta Lloyd, Fortis, ABN.AMRO). Negotiated new company set-up and led as general manager company in first 6 months of its existence.
• Led project for Philips focused on streamlining worldwide ordering and fulfilment process for all Internet sales of the Domestic Appliances Division.
• Led large Benchmark study focused on measuring the value eBusiness investments have delivered to companies in the Benelux. Over 70 large companies participated in the study. The study was published in the Dutch Financial paper.
• Led project for Novartis HQ Basel to determine new Capital Investment Process. Aim was to increase return current US$ 500 million investments are generating. Project was done together with Harvard Business School.

CFO Northern Europe PepsiCo Foods (1997 – 2000) The Netherlands
Responsible for Strategic & Annual Business Planning, Control, ICT, Business Development for the Northern Europe business unit (Scandinavia, Benelux, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland). Major responsibilities and achievements:
• Led a team of 80 people.
• Average annual profit before tax growth was 25%.
• ROE increased from 17% to 40%.
• Highest employee satisfaction in 2000 of any PepsiCo business unit.
• Rationalised Benelux operation: closed factory, out-sourced logistics, and upgraded other plants
• Acquired part of United Biscuits business (Croky Chips) in Benelux and France.
• Led acquisition projects for Sweden (part of Nestlé US$ 300 million) and Germany (Bahlsen US$ 1 billion).
• Introduced new fiscal structure leading to 50% reduction in tax rate. Handled negotiations with Dutch and Belgium tax authorities to get new structure accepted.
• Developed market entry Strategy for Germany and play key role in starting business. Grew business in first 2 years from 0% to 10% market share in food categories selected.

Strategic Planning Manager UK PepsiCo Foods (1995 – 1997) UK
Responsible for Strategic & Annual Business Planning and Business Development for UK business unit (Walkers Snack Foods). Reporting to CFO. Total revenue US$ 1,500 MM and 6000 employees. Major responsibilities and achievements:
• Led a team of 10 people.
• Average annual profit before tax growth was 20%.
• Led development of strategic plan to increase profit growth rate from 12% to 20%. Plan focused on 2 areas: market entry into Scotland and Ireland plus new sales channel strategy which captured 20 market share points in the retail channel (mainly targeted against private label competitor).
• Led acquisition project of one Irish competitor and two English competitors.
• Developed competitor analysis methodology which fully re-engineered profit & loss statements of all UK competitors.

Manager Strategic Services European Office Accenture (1993 – 1995) UK
The European Office focused on the largest multinational clients with international service requests. Major responsibilities and achievements:
• Led project (10 people) to develop Strategy for Central Bank of Hungary with aim to define path how to join European Union
• Led project (5 people) to develop Rationalisation Strategy and Implementation Plan for Southern America operation of Sara Lee.
• Involved in project (5 people) to develop Acquisition Strategy for Tesco in South East Asia.
• Involved in project (3 people) to develop long term Scenarios for Unilever (scope was timeframe until 2000). One scenario was chosen to base future investments on.
• Led project (120 people) to develop Overall Business Strategy for manufacturing operation of Dow Chemicals in Europe. Co-ordinated implementation of Strategy on all European sites of Dow, which led to 200% higher productivity. Presented results of this project on numerous public seminars in Europe, Canada and USA.
• Led project (15 people) to determine European Growth Strategy for ABB Power Generation Equipment.

Consultant Benelux Office Accenture (1988 – 1993) The Netherlands
Focused on Food, Retail and Manufacturing industry sectors. Major responsibilities and achievements (only once in which major leadership role was fulfilled):
• Involved in project (70 people) to define new logistics strategy for HEMA (largest now food retailer in the Netherlands). Led part of implementation for 18 months. Stores were 50% company owned and 50% franchisees.
• Led project (10 people) to determine commercial strategy for UNIGRO (now Laurus). Special focus was given to wholesale part of business, which had about 1000 franchisees.
• Led project (3 people) to determine European expansion strategy for De Lage Landen Factoring.
• Led project (20 people) to implement Event Driven Sales Processes at GB (large Belgium retailer).



MBA, Lausanne , Switzerland (1993)
APICS (1989)
MSc Industrial Engineering, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (1986)
MSc Computer Science, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (1986)


Dutch, English, German & French


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