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GM, Change, Business Development, M&S

GM, Change, Business Development, M&S

Work Experience

Interim Management:

Position: Restructuring
Company: Qurius NV
Due to mussing Downpayments for the Bank, restructuring and deleveraging scenario's developed, with focus on Cashflow, terminating bleeders, sell of non core activities.

Position: Managing Director
Company: Medsen Apotheken, Netherlands (3 months, Healthcare/Pharmacy)
Medsen Apotheken is a conglomerate of 65 Pharmacy’s throughout the Netherlands with 700 FTE and almost 300 Mio Euro revenue.
Situation: Legislation, government involvement and directions from Healthcare Insurance companies lead to rapid diminishing of margins, in an industry that hardly had experienced the necessity to work efficient. Most of the acquisitions of Pharmacies by MEDSEN Apotheken had been done with Bank Loans. Due to the changed income picture, the organisation was going to miss the next down payment to the Bank. As MD, assigned by the Board of Directors (Raad van Commisarissen) with full responsibility, a rigid plan was introduced focussed on Revenue Improvement, cost savings, increasing efficiency and back to cash flow positive within 6 months. This resulted to positive attitude of the shareholders for supporting the company through the short term difficult times.

Position: General Manager/Managing Director
Company: OKI Systems, Benelux (9 months, Printer/ICT Industry)
Oki Systems is part of OKI Electronics, a Japanese Electronics company with more than 5 Bio Euro Revenue.
Situation: OKI Benelux, with 40 Mio Euro revenue and 35 FTE, found itself in difficulties since the MD, and Sales Director where released, and the Marketing Manager resigned. The business model is through distributors and retail towards the market place. As Managing Director full responsible for local P&L of OKI in the Benelux. The organisation was restructured and rebuild with strong focus on Indirect Sales, supported by Key Account Management and all back office activities were centralized outside the territory (admin, HR, Operations and logistics). Focus was brought back to Sales, Service and Marketing.

Position: Partner
Company: DAVACI
Davaci is in process optimizing and efficiency industry assisting organisations in Europe to better perform. Davaci operates in Swiss and operates in Switzerland, Spain, France, UK and starts in the Netherlands.
Situation: Davaci wishes to start in the Netherlands. During half a year supported setting up the organisation in the Netherlands. During that period approached AEX organisations (Dutch Stock Exchange) promoting the services for optimizing the organisational efficiency.

Position: Managing Director
Company: EPSI Europe BV, Rotterdam (7 months, Coating/Industrial)
EPSI Europe is part of EPSI US, a 40 Mio Euro Powder Coating supplier organisation. EPSI was present in Europe through a UK Rep office.
Situation: EPSI needed additional sales and revenues to support their growth strategy. Sales were lagging behind due to late availability of Products. The supply Chain was too long, expensive and complex for these products.
Under the responsibility as Managing Director, the European organisation (20 FTE) was transformed to a Dutch legal entity as warehousing and distribution organization reducing lead times with 4-6 weeks for Distributors and resellers, increasing margins and reducing transport cost dramatically. The European office and warehouse was established in Rotterdam, and the UK operation focussed on the UK only. The stocks where incorporated in the European Warehouse. Local (small) manufacturing was introduced in the UK and Netherlands to minimize cost and lead-time for some products. Other products were directly imported from China. The role as Managing Director represented full responsibility for legal entity, local manufacturing and centralized (new set-up) F&A, logistics and sales, while building a distribution centre from scratch.

Position: Business Development Director Asia
Company: Sitronics Telecom Solutions, KL, Malaysia (6 months, Telecom)
Sitronics, with revenue of over 2 Bio Euro and more than 10.000 FTE in 2007 is part of Sistema JSFC, a Russian conglomerate, with stock notation in London and revenues in 2007 of over 10 Bio Euro.
Situation: After the successful IPO on the London Stock Exchange, Sitronics required expansion into new territories. Sitronics was traditional very strong in the CIS, but very poor or Non Existent in other parts of the world. As Business Development Director, lead full BD project for this Telecom Infrastructure supplier in Asia. Initial set up a region overview and business case models. With complete gathered region data and full market data overview, including overview of Technologies, who is who, political situation, and market shares, the required strategic choices were prepared and taken for entry strategies. Negotiated initial contracts and terms with major Telecom operators Distributors and SI partners throughout the region. Offices locations were defined and support teams and local leadership were put in place. Initial contracts were closed for supply of NGN equipment and OSS/BSS solutions.

Position: M&A Project Director
Company: Trimoteur Holdings BV Netherlands, Germany (8 months, Telecom)
Trimoteur is a Venture Capitalist (VC) with Management Capabilities, focussing on acquisitions enabling for excellent Value Creation.
Situation: This VC was interested in investing in activities in the Telecom Industry. In the position of Project Director, investigated opportunities in the Acquisition of a Telecom Company (rev > 300 Mio Euro), enforced the Due Diligence and negotiated with the present shareholders for the acquisition of the Target.

Position: Channel Director
Company: DeTeWe GMBH (8 months, Telecom)
DeTeWe is with 700 FTE’s and 300 Mio Euro revenues one of Germany traditional PABX suppliers. Situation: The expansion to international is essential for future growth. In the position of channel director negotiated and implemented successfully several indirect sales channels as SI, VAR’s and distributors throughout Europe and Africa for this Enterprise Solutions (PABX) Company. AT the same time introduced channel programmes to support active the indirect international approach.

Position: Commercial Director
Company: Vision on Wheels, Netherlands (12 months, Advertising)
Vision on Wheels, with 5 FTE is having the distribution rights for Europe for Wheel Caps.
Situation: This Company has obtained the rights for Europe of this unique product that offers high visibility on Wheel caps for advertising purposes. Sales however through traditional channels are dramatic. As commercial director, a thorough analysis of the present situation was made, and concluded with the owners that the way to market needs to be in a franchise model. The franchise model, including approach, Franchise Book, contracts, P&L calculations and support was set up. Also negotiations with Franchisees were held, leading to 5 countries covered in Europe with franchisees. For the Netherlands, the market approach was done by the own organisation through partners and retail..

Position: Project Leader Business Development
Company: Maetis Arbo (4 months, HR Services)
Maetis Arbo (Arbeids Omstandigheden) is a typical Dutch ARBO Company with 1200 FTE and 1 Bio Euro revenues. ARBO companies where put in place in order to improve work environment and safety circumstances for workers in all companies with more then 10 FTE. At the same time, sick leave “WAO instroom” is monitored to improve efficiency within organisations.
Situation: European Legislation required market interaction for the ARBO companies. It was required to deliver therefore real value added services to companies/customers. The project dealing with that got stuck, with no movement forward, and time was running out. In the position of Project leader heading 15 High Professional FTE’s, re-initiated a business development program geared to large customers. The programme covered products to be introduction in 2 segments: Sick leave (Reduction and prevention) and WAO (Inflow reduction and outflow stimulation). This all needed to be introduced under a new flag/company separated from the existing running business. In this position the products where developed required marketing set up, infrastructure was established and negotiations with customers for the trial period where successfully concluded.

Position: Manager Planning and Operations
Company: Pharma Bio Research, Zuidlaren Netherlands (9 months, Pharmacy)
Pharma Bio Research is a Contract Research Organisation (CRO) with revenue of 40 Mio Euro and 200 FTE, testing medication in Phase 1/ Phase 2a, on volunteers in a hospitalized environment for the Pharmacy Industries,
Situation: Deadlines of Assignments and projects for testing medication in Phase 1/2a of large pharmaceutical organisations as MSD, GSK where in certain cases missed. This resulted in customers leaving in the year the organisation was going to be sold to a Venture Capitalist.
In the role of Manager Planning Office, the successful introduction of new logistics principles lead to complete overview of capacity planning, including beds, equipment, Doctors and Nurses and optimizing resources over periods of time. At the same time, new software packages where introduced for the Company Broad organisation, as Oracle Clinical, Prima Vera and Initiator, specific for resources planning in a CRO environment. All was introduced according to Quality Standards as ISO 9000 and INK model (Instituut Nederlandse Kwaliteit) and General Practises as Good Manufacturing Practises (GMP) and Good Clinical Practises (GCP), resulting in improved efficiency, better margins, improved cash flow and optimised customer satisfaction.

Position: Project Manager
Company: Radio Holland Marine (2 months, Telecom/marine)
Radio Holland is in the Marine Industry with more than 900 people worldwide in 60 own branches, strategically located along all major shipping routes.
Situation: The Company is in a MBO situation and would like to expand the product portfolio to better support the current and future customers in a one stop shopping approach for products, solutions and services. As project Manager done a feasibility study and made a business plan to support full airtime business worldwide, through direct sales.

Position: VP Marketing and Sales worldwide
Company: SAIT Communications/Telenor (13 months, Telecom)
SAIT Communications, a 100 Mio Euro, 200 FTE organisation is part of SAIT Stento, later Zenitel, stock noted on the exchange in Brussels. SAIT Communications is in the Satellite Communications business focussed on the Maritime Industry and Inmarsat Solutions.
Situation: SAIT is in a changing market and making losses. During the initial period restructured the worldwide Procurement, Sales, support, Marketing and customer service. At the same time the organisation turned into profitability due to the changing market approach with value added services. Due to the successes in the market, interest came from the competition. During the Due diligence process, full support was given in order to come to most optimal value creation in the sales process of the company. Telenor Satellite Services acquired the organisation in early 2001, and from then onwards the assignment changed to leading successfully the integration of the different international organisations establishing a One Sales Approach.

Position: Commercial/Marketing Director
Company: Transport and Logistiek Nederland (TLN) (8 Mnths, Transport)
TLN is the branch organisation for all transport companies in the Netherlands, with 6500 members and representing 80000 FTE’s.
Situation: Members of TLN did not appreciate anymore the cost associated with membership of the organisation, and could see little added value. As commercial Director a full program was set up supporting Sponsoring Programmes and Preferred Supplier programmes. This resulted in additional income for the organisation of over 5 Mio US$ yearly bottom line, while the primary goals where fulfilled: better appreciation of the organisation by all members.

Career Details Permanent Positions

1997-1999 Managing Director Europe, Lucent Technologies/AVAYA, The Netherlands
Lucent Technologies is the Equipment Spin-Off business from AT&T. AVAYA was separated from Lucent Technologies in 1999 as the Business equipment and solution provider.
As Managing Director full P&L responsible for all Indirect Business in Western Europe through Distributors, VAR’s, System Integrators and agent structures. Initiated the Channel Support Centre, a centralised approach towards the Indirect Channels in Western Europe combining (Pre- and Post-) sales, marketing, operations, F&A and customer service. Grew the business with 30% YOY profitable up to 150 Mio US$ yearly. Was part of acquisition activities and lead the integration of new acquired business. Lead the European organisation with over 100 senior Managers and 200 FTE in different countries and 200+ resellers.

1995-1997 Vice President Marketing and Sales, Alphatel Company Ltd, Thailand
Alphatel Company Ltd was acquired by Thai investors in 1994 from AT&T Consumer Products US. With manufacturing facilities R&D in Bangkok and initial sales into Thailand and Vietnam together with OEM Contracts with AT&T.
As VP Marketing and Sales responsible for worldwide business of this Thai Telecom Equipment supplier. In addition also managing Director of Alphatel International in Europe. Leading in a multi cultural environment the start up and growth of the sales, marketing and service organisation. Set up the business through direct and indirect approach, negotiated with major Telco’s all over the world (i.e. DT, KPN, Singapore Telecom, AT&T/Lucent) and achieved successful sales in 35 countries on all continents with a team of over 100 individuals worldwide. In addition introduced System Integration department in Thailand and became prime contractor for smaller and larger businesses in IT solutions and services.

1992-1995 Managing Director, AT&T, Germany, the Netherlands

Built from scratch the AT&T Consumer Products Division in Europe to a very lean team of 30 individuals generating a profitable 30 Mio US$ in 1995 through direct to retail and distributors with centralized back office and full P&L responsibility.

1991-1992 Marketing Director, AT&T, Germany

Leading a team of 5 managers, Positioning of the AT&T Brand name, organizing events, campaigns, press relations, channel marketing with focus on German retail.

1988-1991 Regional Manager, Philips N.V., the Netherlands, Germany, Brazil

Positions for Car Stereo Products as regional manager for South Europe (100 Mio Euro, 15 FTE) and Latin America in Sao Paulo, Brazil, responsible for 35 Mio Euro in revenues and 12 FTE.

1983-1988 Product Manager, Philips N.V., The Netherlands

Product Manager for Philips Light, The Netherlands, responsible for the product portfolio for tunnel lighting and Industrial Lighting.


M.B.A. 1994 Master of Business Administration
Post University Centre
Diepenbeek, Belgium
B.E. 1988 Bachelor of Economics
Post University Centre
Diepenbeek, Belgium
Marketing 1986 Bachelor of Marketing
I.H.B.O. Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Ing. 1983 Bachelor of Electronics Technical University
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Change Management, Supply Chain, Restructuring, Team Buidling, Strategic directions and Tactic implementation, International, Multi Cultural, Visionair.


Dutch, German, French, English


Accomplished international General Manager (Europe, Asia) with Commercial and operational focus and proven track record of positively impacting results in organizations (Cost/ efficiency / P&L) and market place (Revenue / Market Share). Has successfully built and restructured businesses around the world, working in multi nationals and start-up companies in multi-cultural environments and different countries and industries and has obtained hands on experience with MBO’s and M&A’s.
An experienced leader who is able to shape the vision of companies and provide thought leadership for the Business.


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