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Professional Project/Contract/Interim Manager

Professional Project/Contract/Interim Manager

Work Experience

2000 – Date Marconi: Joined as Senior Operations Manager, EMEA for Global Managed Services with responsibility for the development and integration of European service level agreements, processes and procedures. Promoted to Director, Managed Network Services, EMEA with responsibility for the management of customer networks including the European Network Operation Centres, Performance Management, Provisioning Services and Data Support. Promoted to Director, Global Online Services with responsibility for the development and integration of Marconi’s Online Service Offerings
1999 - 2000: Created the Tiger Network. This involved contract consulting to Kepner-Tregoe and Integrated Project Systems (IPS) together with private clients. Setting up of the European Operations for IPS, a Californian based Project Management Consultancy. Domain name registration, hosting, web site design and management for a variety of clients. Co-founder of Can Do It, the Internet Sourcing Company. Keynote client was Marconi. Project Managed the roll out of Remedy (incident management system) including the development of ‘Socrates’ - a common approach and language for engineers’ troubleshooting. Implemented within three months from ground up a 24x7x365 multi-lingual support centre in Dublin for Marconi’s First Line Support.
1991 - 1999: Management Consultant with Kepner-Tregoe, a worldwide management consultancy organisation.
1996 - 1998: International Project Manager and Senior Consultant, based in London, reporting to the US Head Office, but conceptually responsible for mentoring Kepner-Tregoe associates working on non-standard, large client strategy, cost management and business restructuring projects around the world. Projects in the information technology (EMEA &United States), consumer products (United States), steel (Australia), engineering (Australia), tobacco (Thailand), publishing (Thailand) and ship building (Singapore) industries.
1995 - 1996: Based in Washington D.C, U.S.A. Working in strategy development, skill development, business analysis, cost management, management information & control systems, account management, project management and business development. Use as a technical resource and advisor on specialist interventions with client organisations, training of other Kepner-Tregoe consultants in specialised technologies. Included projects in high tech and specialised manufacturing, environmental testing, petroleum refining and distribution, banking and finance.
1991-1995: Located in London, working mainly in the UK, the United States and mainland Europe. Facilitating, consulting, training and “training the trainer” in Kepner-Tregoe techniques which include: strategy, process re-engineering, systems improvement, problem solving and decision making, project management, effective meeting management, management involvement, managing the performance system, analytic troubleshooting and business analysis. Industry sectors covered included mining, brewing, information technology, education, the press and the airline industry.
1996: (June - November): Director of Internal Communications, Fleishman Hillard Europe, the international public relations organisation. Recruited to develop non-core internal communications practice in the expanding European marketplace whilst being integrated into the global practice group.
1989 - 1991: Management consultant with Alexander Proudfoot International, a worldwide management consultancy firm. Advised businesses on cost saving and cost management opportunities, analysed, designed and installed management control & information systems, trained personnel on new work methods and management techniques, advised on long term firm strategy, provided post installation training to ensure that ownership was gained. Included projects in the retail sector, manufacturing and banking & investments.
1986 - 1987: Sales and marketing manager and interpreter for Easyfind International, an Australian direct marketing company. Involved in setting up franchises, hiring, firing and motivation of employees.
1983 - 1988: Ski instructor for the Ecole Suisse de Ski in the Quatre Vallees region. Freelance interpreter for hotels and other businesses. Freelance tour organiser/guide for destinations throughout Europe.


University of London:
BSc (Hons) Degree in Chemistry with Management Studies

Kingswood School, Bath, Avon:
3 A levels
3 A/O levels
8 O levels


Language Capability
French, German, Italian

Computer Literacy
Extensive knowledge of most DOS and Windows applications including Windows 95 & 98. Ability to rapidly learn and apply new software solutions. Most commonly used: Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Process Mapping, Project software (both specialist and standard applications), e-mail and Internet applications including web design and ftp programmes, WinFax and Claris Works. Also, self-familiarisation with client local networks and languages. These applications have been used in business analysis and implementation projects to deliver tailored solutions to both internal and external clients. Knowledge of CRM solutions.


French, German, Italian


Leisure Interests
Sports: Hockey, squash, rugby, cricket, skiing, scuba diving (Rescue Diver Qualification), swimming, tennis and gym activities. Mini Rugby Coach.

Other: Reading, music, and social activities.


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