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Interim manager, consultant, project manager

Interim manager, consultant, project manager

Work Experience

Business Experience
Career summary

2002-present Advies voor Ondernemen
Manager – owner
Certified Management Consultant(OOA, ICMCI)

1990-2002 Capgemini Management Consultants
1998-2002 Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Executive manager
1990-1998 Volmac - Cap Volmac
Interim manager
Project en program manager
Senior Consultant

1984-1990 Credit Lyonnais Bank Nederland (Fortis)
1987-1990 Payments Manager Product development
Management Team Payments

1984-1987 Credits Senior Analyst

1983-1984 Rabobank IJsselstein
Manager credits and Loans

Detailed resume

Rabobank IJsselstein is a local bank in the branchnetwork of the cooperative Rabobank, one of the large banks in the Netherlands. In the credits and loans department the risks of the portfolio was controlled. The portfolio amounted to € 20 milion.

Manager credits and loans

Mr was responsible for risk management of the credit portfolio.


Credit Lyonnais Bank Netherlands was the Dutch branch of Credit Lyonnais France, one of the leading multinational banks. CLF was present in 60 countries and employed over 90.000 people. In 1988 CLBN acquired the Nederlandse Credit Bank (NCB) and was headquartered in Rotterdam. CLBN was the fourth largest bank in the Netherlands and employed approximately 3.600 people. In the nineties CLBN was acquired by Generale Bank. This bank was then acquired by Fortis Bank.

1984-1987 Senior Analyst

During this period mr. was responsible for risk management and the evaluated corporate credit risks of the branch network. Seeing enterprises through financial flows and decisions (investments) of companies and evaluation of risk against commercial opportunities.
He was responsible for the analysis of larger and complex financing. Specialisation in real estate and project financing and the movie and entertainment business.

1987-1990 Manager Product Development

In 1987 mr. became responsible for product development of foreign and domestic payment systems and was also a member of the management team. Coming forth from pre-competitive interbank cooperation new payment products were developed and implemented in sales force and operations of the bank. In this position he worked on building business cases, development, introduction and implementation of:
• Electronic banking
o Developing applications, transactions, technology
• Cash management
o Introduction of cash management and netting
• ATM and POS terminals
o Introduction and interbank negotiations
• (International) direct debiting
o Developing a program to increase use
o Enabling foreign customers
• Cost price of payments
o Determining price levels
o Profit and loss account

Basically all products were new in Dutch (banking) society.
Mr. set up the department and managed and coached 5 people. He also managed several projects (introduction and implementation).
He was representative in interbank negotiations and development.


Capgemini is one of the largest management and ICT consulting firms in the world and is publicly traded on the Paris Bourse. CGEY combines the resources of Gemini Consulting, Capgemini ICT Services and the Ernst & Young Consulting Services. The company has a significant presence worldwide. In 1993 Cap Gemini acquired Volmac.

1990-1998 Consultant, project manager and interim manager

In this period mr. managed national and international projects with teams ranging from 5 to 25 people at board level in the banking and insurance industry and governments. Project budgets ranged from € 100.000 to € 3 million, indirect interests up to € 70 million. These activities were executed in the Netherlands, Belgium, Czechia, Yugoslavia, Romania and France.

1998-2002 Executive manager

In this capacity mr was responsible for quality control and operations of the management consulting department financial services, which consisted of 100 employees. He managed and coached 20 employees, who reported directly to him. Also responsible for the introduction of HRM consultancy in the market.
Daily activities:
• Managing by education: training people as a way to diminish control and improve performance.
• Finding discriminating advantages in new services, repositioning the organisation.
• Managing project managers.
• Sales and sales management.
Mr was member of the management team and reported to the Vice president of the group. Budget: € 2 million, including projects approximately € 5 million.



1980-1983 Hotel Management School Maastricht
1998-2000 Free University Amsterdam, postgraduate
Management Consulting
1995-present Self learning study mechanics and organics
of organisations
Present Erasmus University, Rotterdam,
business economics (currently studying)

Courses Program management
Process redesign
Consulting skills
Strategic management (De Wit & Meyer)


• Solid and charismatic first impression;
• Analytical and intelligent, helicopter view;
• No-nonsense and pragmatic;
• Task and results oriented;
• Slightly impatient;
• Very businesslike, to the point;
• Clear vision, used to overcome barriers,
constantly seeking a challenge, wants room to
• Demanding of himself;
• Capable of developing strategies and ability to
• Able negotiator with good commercial skills.


Dutch (mother tongue),
English (fluent),
French (average business level),
German (average)


Examples of projects are:

Projectlead design and planning implementation
o Senior management

Large Dutch bank, quoted on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, growing international network. Large share in the market for corporate clients. International Cash Management, a new product providing international clients with integrated payment services a.o. netting). Design of the product portfolio, organisation and ICT infrastructure. Preparation of implementation.
International project team with Gemini Consulting.
Project with aspects as innovation, integration of systems, power issues, cultural differences and merging two banks.
Role: manager of team responsible for preparation implementation, costing and planning.
Size: project budget: € 3 million, 25 consultants of different background, firms and nationalities. Indirect interest € 70 million.

Program manager, coach of the executive board
o Executive board

Car lease company, part of a large bank. Bank redirected its strategy, reorganised ICT infrastructure and changed the organisation through a program 25 projects large.
Set up the management of the program, information supply and installed training and coaching of project managers. Carried out the program management and coached the successor. Coaching of the board in decision making in a program environment.
Role: program manager, coach
Size: Program budget € 3 million

Manager Restructuring program
o Executive board

Bank responsible for financing and control of projects in developing countries, managing financial flows.
Design of a reorganisation and implementation program of the bank in perspective of underperformance. Impact on development programs carried out by embassies in foreign countries. A required reorganisation in the perspective of a merger.
Role: project manager
Size: project of 5 consultants. Budget: € 2 million.

Consultant strategic redirection
o Executive board

Commercial bank, part of an international financial group. Uncomfortable solvency position.
Developing the business strategy and change management of a medium sized bank in the Netherlands. Bank had been taken over. Issues here are: finding profitable business and high risks. Changing the perspective of people. Training in professionalism. Project in cooperation with Gemini Consulting.
Role: team member, responsible for finding profitable areas. Preparation implementation.
Size: project team of 10 members, internationally staffed. Project budget € 2 million. Indirect interest € 10 million.

Manager reorganisation ICT infrastructure
o Executive board

High profile private and commercial bank, tailor made services.
Bank was in circumstances of preparation for the millennium and introduction of the euro. Reorganisation of the ICT infrastructure in the perspective of management letters and time pressure.
The project objective: developing an integrated ICT infrastructure for a medium sized bank, including package based solutions. Design infrastructure, solution, planning and costing.
Issues are reorganisation of an out of control project, design of a banks’ infrastructure and selecting reliable partners, power struggles in the bank, managing professionals to deliver.
Role: project manager.
Size: € 2 million budget, 10 consultants. Indirect interest: € 25 million

Interim manager
o Senior management

Large international investment bank in the Netherlands, high profile clients, large and international project financing, providing risk capital.
Design and implementation of a new department payments for an international investment bank. Managing the department selecting staff and management. Introduction of new procedures, risk control and fraud prevention.
Important issues are the upgrading towards a professional level, implementation of discipline and risk control, acceptance of the procedures throughout the bank, getting control of the process.
Department budget € 2 million.
Role: interim manager
Size: department of 7

Coach and trainer program managers
o Senior management

Nationally operating bank in Belgium, part of a large financial grouo.
ICT and credits. Training and coaching of 5 principal project managers, each responsible for approximately 20 projects. Introducing planning and control principles, change management skills and interpersonal relations capabilities. Coaching in Dutch and French. Bridging cultural differences.
Role: coach, trainer and consultant
Size: 1 year

o Senior management

Research project initiated by the European Committee with the objective to reduce costs in and increase performance of the automotive industry. Part of program to globally improve the competitive power of the European industry.
Design of the financial flows of Just In Time handling of transactions in the automotive industry. Payments, netting and reconciliation. Integration of findings and design in the materials flow. Major issue is new technologies and distribution of power in the chain.
Role: team member responsible for designing financial flows, transactions and organisation.
Size: € 1.250.000,=, 20 consultants, international team

Consultant distribution strategy
o Executive board

Cooperative private and domestic bank, conglomerate of local banks.
Development of the multi channel distribution strategy and infrastructure of the bank. Integrated customer and transaction handling. Specific difficulty was to introduce new and expected technologies and ways of distribution in a traditional environment.
Project size: € 100.000,=, 2 members and point skills.

Investment and financing consultant
o Senior management

National Bank (Eastern European country), historically, the only bank with foreign financial transactions. As from the fall of the ‘Berlin wall’ this national bank became responsible for the implementation of a sound banking system, specifically credit worthiness of national banks and a reliable payments system.
Appraisal of an application of the Bank for financing investments by the European Committee (Phare program).
The main obstacle here is to position the investments in the perspective of the developments of the banking system: shortcomings in legislation, private ownership, general agreed accounting principles and professional management. Understanding cultural differences.
Role: principal project member
Project size: 3 members budget € 250.000, indirect interest: € 3 million.

Project manager Feasibility study
o Ministerial

As a part of introducing democracy in this Eastern European country the state’s patrimony was to be transferred to the people. The management of this process was executed by the National Agency of Privatisation. Main objectives of this institute were implementing and managing an adequate valuation system and the dissemination of 18 million shares (in paper) to the people.
Preliminary study for the European Committee and the World Bank regarding the information infrastructure required in the perspective of these objectives.
Lack of infrastructure, bridging the cultural gap, highly political and changing environment, cooperation with other consulting firms, economically unprofitable project and high risks in implementation and execution are the challenges in this project..
Role: team lead,
Project size: 4 members, budget € 100.000

Consultancy services
• Employment agency
Reorganisation of an employment agency. Issue here
is financial mismanagement combined with decreased
sales. Release of assets and finding preliminary
finance opportunities. Training sales staff,
reduction of staff, making information systems

• Wholesale company
Strategic orientation. Wholesale company whose
sales being taken over by suppliers. Redirection
to other products, developing new applications.
Involving an informal investor.

• ICT reseller and development company
Company in serious financial problems. Feasibility
study and financial restructuring. Selling of the

Management research
• Association of education companies construction.
Comparison of individual companies on the basis of
their financial and educational results
(benchmarking). Coaching in the application of the
Role: researcher and coach

• Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
Research on relationships Aging and company
performance. First study (world wide) on this
issue. Building a model and testing in the field.
Scientific level.
Role: initiator and researcher


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