Flex Manager
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General Manager

General Manager

Work Experience

Interim Management Assignments
1996 – present

· NewMonday Recruitment (Amsterdam). Chief Executive Officer. Slashed HQ costs by 50%; reduced cost base by Euro 10 million. Rapidly restructured business.
· Bracken Partners Venture Capital. Advisor & Investment Committee Member responsible for assessing and approving new investments.
· SouthWing - a micro-technology telecom startup. Chief Financial Officer. Successfully raised £300,000 seed round funding.
· Aberdeen Murray Johnstone Private Equity. Responsible for carrying out commercial due diligence on IT investee.
· ViaCarla Photo. Non-executive Chairman. Redirected the business into the photography sector and mentored the young management team through a period of crisis.
· Netjuice Consulting. Chief Executive Officer. Created this venture capital backed business and built the management team to 40 with 3 months. Achieved run rate revenues of £½ million pa within 6 months.
· Acuda Translations. Chief Executive Officer. Restructured the business, established new offices and focused on technical specializations with more intense client relationships, achieving profitable annual revenues of £1.5 million pa.

Professional Experience
1986 – 1995 British Petroleum
1991 – 1995 Managing Director, British Petroleum, FMCG - Consumer Products, Iberia
· Restructured BP’s Detergents, household cleaning and swimming pool products Company. Two factories, leading consumer brands with sales of €75m, losses of €15m and a workforce of 250. I cut personnel by half, renegotiated supplier contracts, changed advertising policy and focused on most profitable brands, achieving turn-round to profitability within 18 months.
· I developed the private label business achieving sales into Carrefour, Dia and Continente
· I divested the four principal branded businesses to three trade buyers and an MBO raising €50 million.

1989 – 1991 Business Development Director, BP Gas
· Responsible for Mergers and Acquisitions.
· International development of BP’s butane and propane gas business with sales of €1 billion, 500 plus staff.
· Led development of BP’s global LPG business and marketing strategy.
· Negotiation of a joint venture in Fujian province of China and in Vietnam; new investment in Malaysia; and divestment en Singapore. Acquisition of a distribution company in Bristol, UK.
· Introduction of LPG for cars and taxis (autogas) in Australia.

1987 – 1989 Operations Director, BP Systems
· Responsible for the development of Oracle, IBM and Digital Office systems with a Department of 150 professionals and an annual budget of €15m.
· Commercialization of Systems Department applying best practice learnt in GE.

1986 Information Systems Director, BP Systems, South Africa
· I developed and led the implementation of BP South Africa’s new IT strategy.

1978 – 1984 General Electric (U.S.)
1982 – 1984 International Sales Manager, GE Information Systems
· Sales of consulting and international communication systems based on GE’s proprietary global e-mail system (Quikcomm) and the global networks: MkIII and IBM Mk3000.

1981 – 1982 UK Government Sales Manager, GE Information Systems
Responsible for a team of professionals selling to, and advising Central and local Government, and NHS.

1978 – 1982 National Account Manager, GE Information Systems
· Responsible for the Major Firms of Accountants (Big 8): Deloitte Haskins & Sells, Andersens, etc.

1973 – 1978 British Telecom
Programmer and Systems Analyst
· Cobol and Fortran programmer
· Systems Analyst: Financial and Management Accounting systems.

1972 – 1973 International Business Machines Management Trainee
· Systems and commercial departments


Education: Academic and Professional
2001 Money Laundering Bracken Partners
2001 Rescue, Recovery & Turnaround R3, London
1989 Mergers & Acquisitions INSEAD, Fontainebleau
1985 (Jan-Dec) Master Business Administration (Deans List) INSEAD, Fontainebleau
1973-1974 Information Technology (British Computer Society examinations) Polytechnic of S. London


A commercially astute and decisive Interim Manager who drives through change in complex organizations. Experienced in the IT, Consumer products/FMCG, Oil & Gas, Distribution, Consultancy, Venture Capital, recruitment and languages sectors. Experienced international manager with INSEAD MBA.

Personal Strengths
A self-starter with exceptional people management skills. Profit orientated – through cost cutting, downsizing, the exploitation of information technology, and the creative use of the asset and human resource base to create new profitable revenue streams.

Key competencies
Turnaround management (5 years). Cost reduction and downsizing (6 years). Sales (4 years). General Management (8 years). Strategic planning (3 years). IT management (8 years). Consultancy/interim management (5 years). Businesses financing (2 years).


Fluent English and Spanish. Working knowledge French and Catalan.


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