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Director Busienss Programme Framework

Director Busienss Programme Framework

Work Experience

Cable & Wireless Global 2000 - Date

Director – Business Programme Framework 2000 – Date
Reporting to Vice President Finance with a team of 8 professionals. Management of the corporate programme & project framework and the governance processes for capital projects and major customer bids.

Managed implementation of cross-functional business programme framework.
Implemented and supervised a fast track process to review and approve sales bids for major customers.
Reorganised and directed the process for authorising £1.6 Bn capital expenditure programme.

AT&T (UK) Ltd. 1990 - 2000

Director European Commercial Operations 1997 – 2000
Reporting to CFO with a team of 7 professionals. Strategic management of AT&T’s European pan-European, Germany, Russian and the Ukrainian Joint Ventures (JVs) with total revenues in excess of £1 Bn. Company appointed trustee for AT&T’s pension plan.

Successfully guided Russian and Ukrainian JVs through major economic and financial crises in 1998 & 1999. Non-executive director for both companies.
Provided pan-European and German JV’s. marketing and commercial direction
Integrated newly acquired Italian company into AT&T’s global network organisation
Restructured AT&T’s European assets in preparation for JV with BT

Director UK Commercial Operations 1995- 1997
Reporting to CFO with a team of 4 professionals. General commercial organisation of UK start-up operation with £200 m revenue stream.

Designed and implemented company wide commercial and financial planning process, budgeting system and management controls.
Instigated and managed rigorous review process for business development to assess the viability and practicality of new products and services.
Commercial review of major supply contracts to ensure contracts greater than £10 m were assessed for business benefits.
Managed M&A activities in support of UK operations.

Director AT&T (UK) International Operations 1990 – 1995
After a short period as Market Analyst, promoted to Director, reporting to the Managing Director with a team of 4 managers. Marketing and organisational management of UK based business unit responsible for transatlantic traffic stream. Developing & utilising market information to address UK opportunities.

Developed international business in the face of increased competition.
Developed a proactive sales approach, increasing the effectiveness of the UK team.
Conducted in-depth study of UK market (in preparation for market entry)

British Telecommunications Plc. 1962 - 1990

International Projects Manager, BT International. 1986 – 1990
Successfully managed two global alliances (covering US, Japan & Europe)

Text Communications Marketing Manager 1983 – 1986

Research Analyst and Information Scientist 1976 – 1983
Successfully completed projects on demand for emerging communications services. Developed successful information search and retrieval team.

Technician 1962 – 1976


Professional Bodies:
Member, Chartered Institute of Marketing (1988)

Education and Qualifications
Polytechnic of Central London Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing (1988)
Open University BA Sociology & Social Psychology (1976)
Aberdeen Academy Scottish Certificate of Education (1962)


Skills and achievements include:

Business sense
Being among the first to respond to the impact of the 1998 Russian financial crisis by changing a JVs strategy from expansion to consolidation in the face of extreme reluctance on the part of its Russian management

Analysis and problem solving
Analysing the minimum investment needed for a sustainable start-up operation saving 60% of the planned $100 million expenditure

Communications and presentation skills
Preparing and delivering a presentation outlining the opportunities and risks of the UK telecomms market to senior management that decisively influenced the market entry strategy

Business relationships and negotiation
Negotiating a common position with a reluctant German partner to enable a profitable withdrawal from what was becoming a risky business investment in the declining Ukrainian economy

Staff management
Over a period of 20 years managing teams of professionals and administrators covering corporate governance, investment appraisal, business strategy and information management

Resource and budget management
Developing and managing budgeting, planning and investment appraisal systems variously in enterprises up to £200 million turnover


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