Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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Sr. interim manager

Sr. interim manager

Work Experience

07/2004 – today Owner and Managing Director of Consulting B.V. (international consultancy and interim management firm).

Partner of Schakenraad Herman & Partners (executive consultancy firm)

Shareholder and partner of Click Management Solutions B.V. (solution provider for remote meter reading)

Shareholder/partner of Iquire B.V. (interim management en recruitment company).

1988 – 06/2004 Working for De Lage Landen (full subsidiary of Rabobank) in the following areas:

03/1999 – 06/2004 Managing Director of the European Business Unit Office Equipment with responsibilities:
1. Management and control all the Business Unit’s commercial activities and relationships;
2. To maximise Business Unit’s profitability (net lease portfolio of app. € 1,000 Mio and ROE of app. 20 %);
3. Management of the European Sales Team of the Business Unit (app. 100 persons)
4. Membership of the Management Team of the Division Vendorfinance Europe (net lease portfolio of € 5,000 Mio and app. 900 persons)
5. Leading in the transformation of a contract oriented organisation towards a process focussed organisation, able to deal with a high number of applications/contracts in a highly efficient way.

2001 – 2003 Chairman of the Supervisory Board of KPN Lease B.V.

2002 – 06/2004 Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Xerox Financial Services B.V.

1995 – 08/1999 Managing Director of the subsidiary of De Lage Landen International in Spain with responsibilities:
1. Establishment and development of a full fledged leasing and trade finance entity in Spain;
2. Management and control all operational and commercial activities in Spain;
3. To maximise the profitability of the Spanish entity;
4. Recruitment and management of the employees in Spain (app. 25 persons)
5. Member of the team responsible for the design and implementation of a new organisation structure for the European organisation.
During the period 1995 and 1999, posted in Madrid (Spain).

1998 – 08/1999 Managing Director of the subsidiary of De Lage Landen International in Portugal with full responsibility for the establishment and management of all activities in Portugal.

1998 – 08/1999 Member of the Supervisory Board of DAF Financial Services Spain.

1995 – 09/1995 Project leader of a feasibility study regarding the establishment of a subsidiary in Spain focused on Vendorleasing and Trade Finance.

1993 - 1994 Manager of the Department Sales International within De Lage Landen Vendorlease B.V. (division focused on long-term co-operations with suppliers of capital goods) with responsibilities:
1. Development and execution of the commercial policy with respect to international accounts;
2. Support of acquisition and accountmanagement;
3. To professionalise and internationalise of the several co-operations with suppliers;
4. Management of the department (app. 25 persons).

1991 - 1992 Manager of the newly established department in charge of Vendorleasing focused on private persons, with responsibilities:
1. Development and execution of the full policy;
2. Acquisition and accountmanagement focused on the main contacts;
3. Development of the activity in the direction of a mature profit centre;
4. Management of the department (app. 20 persons).

1990 - 1991 Project leader of the commercialisation of a common financial solution offered by De Lage Landen Translease B.V (carleasing division) and De Lage Landen Financiering B.V.

1988 - 1990 Marketing Manager of De Lage Landen Financiering B.V. (consumer finance division) with responsibilities:
1. Development of and support in the execution of the commercial policy;
2. Development of new financial products;
3. Management of the Marketing department (app. 5 persons).

1986 - 1988 Consultant of Van Dien+Co Organisatie (Deloitte Haskins+Sells Nederland Management Consultants) in the areas Marketing, Market Research and Strategic Planning.


Master of Business Administration at the University of Technology in Eindhoven (The Netherlands) with specialisation in Marketing and Strategic Planning.


Change manager, team/organization builder, international, flexible, team player, creative and financial specialist.


Dutch: Native language
English: Fluent orally and in writing
Spanish:Good orally and in writing
German: Reasonably orally and in writing


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