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Financieel directeur

Financieel directeur

Work Experience

2004-2005 Distribution company electronic parts
Interim manager

Annually 2 million orderlines to more than 15.000 repair workshops and wholesalers are delivered.
Tasks and responsibilities:
•Supporting the F&A organisation in managing various financial topics
•Redefining the business control model and describing a future model of Finance & Accounting Processes including definition of (financial) information needs
•Integration of logistic processes, IT-systems and Finance & Accounting processes (Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable/General Ledger) including definition of interfaces
•Introduction and implementation of a new invoicing model for various European countries
•Review and evaluation of legal and fiscal aspects of risks concerning implementation of a new invoicing model
•Review and evaluation of the consequences of a future model for treasury, customs and turnover tax.

2004 Real Estate Investment company
Interim manager

Total asset portfolio amounts to approximately 700 million Euro and includes houses, apartments, hotels, offices and shops. Tasks and responsibilities:
•Reorganisation of hotelgroup and introduction of performance improvement plan
•Improvement of profitability and administrative organisation of hotelgroup
•Development of a relocationplan regarding merge of various office locations
•Reorganisation of Facility Department including hiring of new facility manager.

2003-2004 Interim manager

Assignment with a non-profit organisation. Annual revenues of Euro 36 million, 110 employees. Tasks and responsibilities:
•Management of departments Finance & Administration, Control, Treasury , ICT en Facility Management (in total 13 employees)
•Finalization of the budget 2004 including presentation to the Supervisory Board
•Preparation of the annual accounts and the annual report for the fiscal year including presentation to the Supervisory Board of the annual report 2003.
•Advisor to various heads of departments such as Fundraising, Communication, Personnel, Scientific Research.

2003-2003 Real Estate Investment company
Interim Financial Director

Total asset portfolio amounts to approximately 700 million Euro and includes houses, apartments, hotels, offices and shops. Direct reports from head of Finance & Administration department (in total 7 employees), corporate tax-lawyer, head of ICT department (in total 4 employees) and facility manager.
- Manage F&A, ICT, and Facility department
- Refinancing of real-estate portfolio
- Improvement of administrative organization
- Improvement of management and organizational structure
- Reduction of cost structure

1996-2002 Director Finance&Amistration,ICT and Logistics

Dutch subsidiary of a multinational group in Electrical Distribution and Automation & Control, with a turnover of Euro 10.4 billion (2004) and 81,000 employees. Turnover in the Netherlands Euro 70 million, 170 employees.

Responsibilities and achieved results:
•Management of departments F&A (8 employees), Information and Communication Technology (5 employees) and Logistics (30 employees) including procurement
•Restructuring of Administrative Organization and Information Supply
•Implementation of a Total Quality Management program (including ISO 9001 and EFBQ qualifications)
•Definition of Balance Scorecard model
•Improvement of internal administrative, control and budget procedures.
•Cost cutting/productivity improvement program
•Year2K and implementation of Euro
•Implementation of various new software programs, including SAP, CRM software, Computer Telephone Interface (CTI)
Special projects:
1998-2000 Development of regional European Distribution Centre. Main responsibilities:
•Return on investment analysis
•Fiscal/Legal opportunities/implications
•Plant location search
•Selection of Architect and Engineering Consultancy company
•Selection of Building Construction company
•Sale and lease back of building to institutional investor
•Investment in and development of new central database and hardware platform
•Selection of Material Handling System and Warehouse Management System

Implementation of SAP:
•Planning and appointment of international project team
•Project definition and set up of tender to select consultant
•Selection of consultant
•Definition of requirements for FI/CO module
•Coordination and follow-up during project

1989-1996 "Big Five" Accountancy Firm
Senior Auditor, Business Consultant

Tasks and responsibilities:
•Managing audit teams
•Maintaining day-to-day contacts with clients
•Technical responsibility for audits
•Retained a number of clients by significantly reducing auditing costs (more efficient approach)
•Increased turnover by bringing in consultancy assignments mainly from existing clients
•Initial Public Offering at the Nasdaq Stock Exchange of Dutch company
•Various due diligence projects concerning mergers and acquisitions.
Main industries and customers:
•Data- and Telecom Business
•Hardware/Software Industry and Distribution
•Commodity Trading
•Production Companies
•Real Estate


1981 – 1983 Nijenrode University, Breukelen
Business Administration

1983 – 1989 University of Tilburg
Graduate in Fiscal Economics (Doctorandus)

1991 – 1995 Incompany Professional Development Training

Various business and management courses a.o.:
- International tax law, international tax planning
- Administrative Organisation and Internal Controls
- Effective Professional Business Advising
- Interview and Conversation Techniques
- Treasury Management

1991 – 1992 University of Tilburg,
Business Economics

1993 – 1995 University of Tilburg,
Postgraduate Accountancy

1999 Incompany Institute of Management Training,
People Management Training

2000 Insead / Incompany Institute of Management, Fontainebleau and Nice, France, Professional Manager Course including a.o.:
- Strategic Management Control
- E-business
- Organizational Behaviour


Dutch : mother tongue English: fluent
German: fluent French : reasonable


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