Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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Project Manager

Project Manager

Work Experience

Business Financial Services
Function Programme Manager/Project Office Manager
Main activities and responsibilities
Responsible for managing Infrastructure, Network, Voice transformation programmes globally. Responsible for PM processes and the project office (3FTE).
The complexity of these programmes contained 4 suppliers delivering in total well over 600 projects in 4 regions within 47 countries. The programmes upgraded and standardized the AAB IT infrastructure and service management processes globally.

Business Financial Services
Function Programme Manager
Main activities and responsibilities
Team leader and Subject Matter Expert for ADM and Infrastructural services in the ADM and Infrastructure outsourcing project. H&S RFP responsible for filling dataroom with TPC and project information as preparation for the Due Dilligence phase,
Setting up resource baseline for Best and Final Offer
Leading transition for in-flight projects handover to IBM


General Education
HAVO passed exam in 1977

Professional training
General Management (ISBW)
Change Agent in Professional Attitude
Emotional Intelligent Leadership
High Impact Professional Programme
IT Management Training and Methods
Information Systems Management Architecture
Project Management
ITIL Service Management


dutch and english


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