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Project leader, functional expert, evangelist

Project leader, functional expert, evangelist

Work Experience

I started off my career with my own geophysical software company Geophysics.nl in 1998. However, the international software vendors quickly responded by developing software according to the same ideas we used. As a result, the staff of Geophysics.nl chose to change its direction to Internet software in general.

In 2000 I joined C-factory Houten as a Technical Project Manager. I practised strategic and technical consultancy, technical project management, reorganization of the technical department, research & development, definition of the WUP method, functional- and architecture design.
Customers were Elsevier Business Publications, Falk Courier, NRC, AKN and more.
Unfortunately, C-factory ceased to exist in the collapse of the Internet bubble, at the end of 2001.

From 2001 to 2004, I worked at Evident Interactive Utrecht as Senior Business Analyst. Tasks were strategic and technical consultancy, technical project management, agile coaching, technical publishing, research & development, functional- and architecture design.
Customers were Akzo Nobel, KPN Hi, DTZ Zadelhoff, Ballast Nedam, VNU Exhibitions Europe, Sanoma Publishers and more.

Nowadays I am running my own company. Primary competences are business analysis, agile coaching, consultancy regarding enterprise architectures, portals, strategy and software design. Furthermore, I publish articles in several IT magazines on a regular basis. Well-known customers are Akzo Nobel, Hogeschool van Utrecht (HvU), Kamer van Koophandel (KvK), Evident Interactive, IDG Communications, Infoworld and more.


From 1993 to 1998, a study in Geophysics at the University of Utrecht (specializations Exploration Geophysics and Tectonophysics) resulted in a Master's degree. The graduation report, covering new exploration software based on Internet technology, was presented at the EEGS conference in Budapest, Hungary (1999). This led to the founding of Geophysics.nl, one of the first geophysical software vendors that used Internet technology.

After that, I enjoyed several courses, seminars and workshops (UML, database related, grid technology, object technology, XML, Microsoft technology (Sharepoint Portal Server, Content Management Server, BizTalk Server, .NET, C#, MSDN meetings, MS Devdays, MS TechEd), Sun ONE, Sun XUP, JMS etc.).


The main knowledge areas in projects are enterprise portals, web service solutions, software design, architecture design, coaching, audits, IT strategy, agile development methods, OO, UML, XP, DSDM. On these topics I also do presentations, articles and presales evangelism.


Dutch, English


In the past years, articles have been published in several ICT magazines like Automatiseringsgids, Emerce, and Infoworld. References have been made in for example Software Development Magazine (US).


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