Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
21218 professionals


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professioneel purchaser/plantmanager/director

professioneel purchaser/plantmanager/director

Work Experience

sales 10 yrs (insulation material Rockwool and later Sales of industrial gases and applications)
technical support and services 1,5 yrs in advising insulation solutions, thermal and acoustical.
marketing 4 jaar, in the gases area.s
General manager 6 yrs(leading a salesforce, engineeringgroup, bulk distribution and administration) being responsible for the P&L. Value 30 mio EUR/annum
energy management and procurement 5 jaar
Procured energy -electricity, natural gas- value upto 80 mio EUR/annum. energy contracts, grid contracts,
understanding the deregulation in the Energy (electricity, natural gas) markets.
Dutch CO2 Covenant issues
NOx trading discussions


WO Technical University Delft (physics, acoustics)
Additional courses in finance
Commercial training (Sales & Procurement)
leadership courses
Energy management


negotiation skills, strong negotiator
specialist in energy management and negotiations
presentation skillset
ISO, VCA ** introductions and implementations
document writing, manual writing
computer literate
trainer; commercial, technical , ISO
Eager, flexible and drive


English, German, French (reading)


has been active in presiding pensionfund
negotiator in CLA discussions

So far not being active as interim manager,
however, all internal assigments on jobs (as there are; implementing IT for data transfer on plants, negotiating new suppliers in energy, implementation of new organisations, implementation of ISO/VCA sytems) were very succesfull


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