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Management Consultant

Management Consultant

Work Experience

· Professional : permanent/temporary management/consulting positions (crisis, department/service, intelligence/knowledge, quality, change/transition, project/programme, strategy, ICT/operations) and/or developing new activities/structures.
· Education : university, computer science and applied economic sciences.
· Experience : 12+ years, among which 5+ years in sales and business development ; 5+ years in general management issues, international collaboration(s)/projects, knowledge management, strategy ; 6+ years in project management in the fields of audit, change/transition, business/functional analysis, communication, integration, networks, organisation, and quality ; 12+ years in design, development and management of hardware/software solutions, multidisciplinary innovation management and interpersonal communication.
· Sectorial experience : aeronautics, business services, defence, education, energy, government, innovation/research and development, insurance, international institutions, logistics, media, non-profit, software, telecommunication.
· Functional experience : general management issues (business development, communication, crisis, department/service, intelligence/knowledge, quality, change/transition, production, project/programme, strategy).

· Main organisational skills and interests

- Business continuity, change/transition-, project/programme-, and quality management.
- Sustainable development, energy, and holistic management.
- Innovation/research and development management, cross-fertilisation, and multidisciplinary/sectorial projects.
- Intelligence/knowledge management and competitive intelligence.
- Marketing, communication, pedagogy, sociodynamics and people management.
- Performance management/improvement and personal effectiveness.
- Product/software life-cycle/development.
- Strategic-, organisational-, business- and general management issues.

· Main technical skill and interests

- Automation, cybernetics, systems theory, information theory and pragmatics.
- Ergonomy, cognitive psychology and human-machine interaction.
- Groupware/collaborative systems : teleworking, e-learning, virtual R&D teams.
- Decision aid support systems : hybrid systems, management cockpits.
- Information- and communication technologies, telecommunication/architecture and domotics/immotics.
- Technology assessment.

· Other interests

- European affairs.
- Globalisation issues and corporate/public governance.
- Social networks.
- Prospective research, modelling and studies.


- Computer Science
- Applied Economics


- Business Continuity & Risk Management
- Business Development & Sectorial Expertise
- Ergonomy & Human-Machine Interaction
- Holistic Management & Sustainable Development
- Information & Communication Technologies
- Innovation Management & Technology Assessment
- Interim Management & Project Management
- Interindividual Communication & Corporate Culture
- Knowledge Management & Business Intelligence
- Performance Improvement & Personal Effectiveness
- Quality Management
- Strategic Transitions & Crisis Management
- Training Seminars & Coaching


- English
- French
- Dutch
- German
- Spanish


- Availability : immediate.
- Mobility : international.
- Smoking : non smoker.


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