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Werkervaring interimmanager

Professional Experience
consultant expert (since2009) assisting in several supply chain management mis-sions.
5 year experience as purchase and IT manager in an international company. Strong experi-ence and knowledge of inventory management and purchase systems.
1. Inventory management projects GRADA INTERNATIONAL NV: development of a new inventory management system according to the TOC (Theory Of Constraints) principles to meet the requirements of the project market.
2. Production management projects GRADA INTERNATIONAL NV: Implementation of a new production management tool based on TOC (Theory Of Constraints) with as goal reduction of WIP (Work in process), reduction of stock levels and reduction of replenish-ment lead times.
3. Transport and distribution management projects GRADA INTERNATIONAL NV: adaptation of the transport system with as main goal reduction of reaction times and paper work.
4. Purchase projects GRADA INTERNATIONAL NV: centralization of purchase to limit the number of suppliers and organization of fixed delivery dates GRADA INTERNATIONAL NV: establishing a business relation ship with a production company in China and all necessary logistical systems GRADA INTERNATIONAL NV: lowering inventory of purchased goods and increasing inventory rotation
5. IT-projects GRADA INTERNATIONAL NV: Reorganization of the IT-network to meet the actual needs and safety prescriptions.
VERGOKAN INTERNATIONAL NV: server consolidation of 2 IT-networks to 1 IT-network with less servers and maintenance.
6. ISO9001 Audit

Opleiding interimmanager

„h Theoretical courses airline pilot, Sabena Flight Academie (SFA), 2002
Purchase management and negotiation techniques, Vormetal, 2004
KMO management, Syntra, 2006
ISO9001 auditor, Vormetal, 2009
supply chain management training, 2009

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

Broad experience in supply chain management processes with an in-depth understanding of sourcing & purchase, production planning & monitoring, logistics & distribution.
„h Team player
„h Good helicopter overview
„h Analytic way of thinking
„h Process minded
„h IT-minded

Talenkennis interimmanager

Dutch, French, English


Software knowledge
MS Office, Visual Basic, Autocad


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