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technisch consultant/project leader

technisch consultant/project leader

Work Experience

2002 - Today Freelance consultant
Technical product definition on security scan portfolio for the medium enterprise market, including audits, technical scanning of networks, Firewalls and hosts/applications as well as wireless Access Points.
Setting up a FreeBSD platform with security scan applications as well as a portable scanning environment. Run pre-tests and reported the outcome of these tests to pilot customers.
Technical product definition to deliver integrated secure LANs and VPNs based on DSL with Firewalls. Hands-on experience with different types of Firewalls from the vendors, Netscreen, Sonicwall, and Linksys.

Support for a small wireless startup company, which delivers public wireless access based on WiFi 802.11b standard on technical related questions. VPN transparency tests for this public wireless service.

1999 - 2002 KPNQwest
Started as a development manager and ended as a senior technical consultant/project manager. Depending on the project up to 10 technical people were reporting to me.
Worked on the development both in the pre- and post-sales as well as on the integration of the OSS and BSS systems
· SLA measurement OSS system
· Interconnection between the SLA-OSS and the BSS systems for customer reporting
· RFI/RFP process with 3rd party Buy Install Maintenance provider
· Defined the Cisco CPE list used in the IP service, include the 3rd party maintenance support contract
· IP VPN tooling selection RFI/RFP (Cisco VPN-SC/Smartpipes/Orchestream)
· RFI/RFP selection of DSL subscriber management infrastructure systems (Nortel/
· SLA infrastructure design and architecture based on Agilent Firehunter
· Reporting consultant for all IP services in an international e-team
· OFF net interconnectivity for VPN customers, via 3rd parties in Asian/Pacific and South/North America
· Qwest technical liaison architect/consultant
· Pre-sales consultant, including sales training
· Post-sales consultant
· Capacity planning and network architecture design

Example customers I worked on during the pre- and post sales:
Buhrman, KLM, Heineken, Smartstream, La Post, Zumtobel, YourNews, Partek, Frantschach, Intershop, Dante, AOL, Akamai, France Telecom/Orange group, Dell, SAP, Ford Europe, TNT logistics.
Major savings of €1M, by implementing a centralized stock center filled by all the small stocks and reduced the test environment to normal proportions, time frame end 2001.
I was responsible for the development of a global IP VPN service, which had over a 1000 ports half 2002. Total contract value up to € 5M.
1996 - 1999 KPN/Unisource
In a special project team, as a pre/post sales consultant I was responsible for the definitions, designs, architecture and services for the customer ABN AMRO. I managed a team of 4 engineers to deliver and developed the following services:
· Global managed VPN service based on Cisco equipment on top of Frame Relay
· Online Reporting based on Nethealth
· SLA definition
· Pre and post sale support to sales and product management
· Weekly reporting towards line management Unisource
· Supported an external security audit on operations
· Lead architect for the Cisco NSA contract
· Integration of the multiple designs for the different ABN AMRO business units
· Capacity planning and network architecture design
· Integration of the new services into the standard organisation
· Training operations
· Implementation of a controlled change management process

Total turnover of the project team was €10M. Major saving up to €1M were realized by re-using equipment during and after migration. The project team implemented the balanced scorecard reporting method in order to improve the organisation and service delivery.

1995 - 1996 Unisource Business Networks NL
As a lead technical consultant I supported a project called Orion. The aim of the project was to wrap up the definition for new office services, covering the Office computers, LAN, Fileservers for storage, email etc, as well as the Local Area cabling and WAN communication and to bring these services to the external market.

I compared the standard service and organisation processes against new features and customer requests. Based on the delta’s between the existing and new services I did gave recommendations in order to support it by the standard organisation. This was achieved through external management sessions, and department meetings.

Part of the responsibilities were:
· Management reporting from product management through operational management
· Based on Business Process Re-organisation

Before the project I was supporting the Unisource/KPN team, which negotiated the integration of the telecommunication part of DSM, which was acquired by KPN.

1991 - 1995 Unisource Business Networks NL
As a lead technical consultant/engineer I supported the large national and international services on managed routers and voice over TDM.
Projects I worked on during the pre- and post sales:
KPN, PTT Post, Gasunie, Post International, Shell, ABN AMRO, ING bank, Rabobank, Grontmij, DSM, IFF, Nedloyd. Contract values per project were up to € 5M.

1990-1991 PTT Telecom
As a lead support engineer I supported the first customer implementation on FDDI. Furthermore I designed and developed the first national network for PTT Telecom on Cisco and IP. Later on we developed this into a standard managed router service.

Key technology are: FDDI, LAN, MAN, WAN, Cisco, Ungerman Bass, IP, SNMP, Unix, Novell, bridging, routing OSPF
Example customers I worked on during the pre- and post sales:
Landbouw Universiteit, Gemeente Nijmegen, Gasunie, PTT Telecom and ministerie of VROM
Contract values up to € 3M

1987 - 1990 Repko Datacommunications (now Triple-P)
Product support engineer for LAN and WAN equipment.
Lead equipment manufacturers were: Fibronics, 3COM, Wellfleet
Technology was based on Ethernet, FDDI, bridging, routing RIP
Major customers: Oracle, KLM, Philips, Ministeries
Contract values up to € 3M

1986 - 1987 Siemens Netherlands
Product sales engineer for the manufacturing plant in The Netherlands and manufacturing equipment for SMD and spindle machines.
Customer projects were: Philips, Oce, Tektronics, HSA Huizen
Contract values upto € 2M

1982 - 1986 Rood BV
Started as a field engineer I was responsible for service contracts (response time within 4 hour) with a value of around € 1M. Later I supported sales with exhibitions, demonstrations and installations.
Technology, highspeed line printers, barcode systems
Major customers: Philips, Thomassen en Drijver, VanGend&Loos, HP, KLM


1978-1982 H.T.S. Rijswijk Electrotechnics and Electroniscs Certification of completion 1982
1975-1978 M.T.S. Anton Rossdorff Electrotechnics and Electroniscs Certification of completion 1978
1971-1975 M.A.V.O. Certification of completion 1975
Followed Courses Non Technical:
· ITIL course
· How to operate a technical project
· Marketing for technical people (internal Siemens)
· project management (KPN internal)
· Product Launch of services
· Financials for technical people, Bureau Kees Hordijk 1998
· Management leadership for technical people, Schouten & Nelissen 1994

Technical Seminars and courses:
· Security exhibition Securityinfo.nl Jaarbeurs September 2002
· Security seminars Netscreen, CGEY/Cisco en Qi Nederland Autumn 2002
· MPLS forum, Paris February 2001
· Nortel Frame Relay 1995, MPLS training Paris Sept 2001 and Shasta BSN5000
· Transmission systems on fiber optics, Barcelona December 1999
· Cisco ICRC, ACRC, SNAM, SNMP, CID, Advanced BGP and Networkers Cannes from 1990 till 1998
· Agilent Firehunter SLA measurement and reporting infrastructure
· Internetworking: bridges, routers and gateways, TCP/IP
· SUN fundamentals of Solaris and basic system administration concepts


· Technical project management in order to run projects in time and on budget
· The ability to integrate technology with market and business requirements in a pre- and post sales process
· Leading RFI/RPF vendor selection processes
· Integration of the OSS environment with the BSS systems
· Manage technicians in small development teams
· Problem solver in complex service related contracts
· Cost awareness
· Broad experience in the area of information, communication and telecommunication technology
· Design and architecture of Cisco related networks, CCNP level
· Design and architecture of TCP/IP and Internet related networks based on BGP and peering as well with GRX networks
· Manage of special orders and return them to the existing organization
· Security based on VPNs and Firewalls
· OSS tools based on Unix and FreeBSD
· RFI/RFP vendor selection process
· DSL architectures based on Subscriber management systems and Netbased VPNs, like Shasta and Cosine
· Service level management and development and reporting


Dutch: Native language; fluent (verbal and written)
English: Fluent (verbal and written)
German: Understanding verbal, basic written


Looking for a challenge project in networking LANs, WANs, TCP/IP, MPLS, VoIP, and/or VPNs/IPsec/Firewalls.
To support an organisation in order to lower the costs and boast the performance of sales and operations.


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