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Interim Chief Medical Officer / (medical) director

Interim Chief Medical Officer / (medical) director

Work Experience

2006 - present. Director Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, RIPAS Hospital, Brunei Darussalam. Advisor to the Government of Brunei Darussalam in the design and development of Rehabilitation Medicine and allied health services on a national level.

2001 - 2006. Director of medical affairs and research / Consultant in Rehabilitation (physiatrist), Groot Klimmendaal. One of the largest rehabilitation hospitals in The Netherlands, 120 beds (including 8 medium care beds for ventilated patients, 135,000 therapeutic treatment hours, outpatient facilities in six different locations throughout the region, national function for traumatic brain injury. Over 500 employees in the Arnhem center.
Responsible for all medical and related affairs, general medical management and strategy, development of guidelines. Development of medical and general strategy towards 2006. Major change of course towards a client oriented (demand oriented) center with strong development of positions in surrounding hospitals and decentralization. Building of problem (demand) oriented expert teams. Together with alliances, development of a client centered regional rehabilitation network from a situation of separated centers. Development of higher level of efficiency through cost-effectiveness. Duties include those listed below.
2000 - 2001 Manager dept. of research and development / Consultant in Rehabilitation (physiatrist)/ , Groot Klimmendaal. Responsible for development of external alliances, reorganization of dept., strategic development of dept., guidelines for research, development of process of academic fusion with rehabilitation center St. Maartenskliniek Nijmegen and University Hospital Nijmegen. Development of major research subjects (brain injury, Parkinson disease) Member of research advisory committees on Brain injury, Parkinsons disease, eating disorders in children, treatment of spasticity.
2000 - 2001 Consultant in Rehabilitation (physiatrist)/ manager dept. of Brain Injury, Rehabilitation Center Groot Klimmendaal, Arnhem, The Netherlands.
Reorganization of dept., team building, development. Design and development of a new rehabilitation program ‘Brain Integration®’, considered by health insurance companies as one of the most important innovative projects for patients with brain injury. (Het brein belicht, van Montfort). Development of outpatient clinic for brain injury.
Design of comprehensive reorganization of RC Groot Klimmendaal, from a situation of separated inpatient and outpatient clinics towards an integrated patient oriented network organization.
1996 - 2000. Medical registrar in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, SRL Hoensbroek.
1995 - 1996. Medical officer/manager, National Vocational Health Service De Twaalf Provinciën, Arnhem.
1994 - 1995. Medical officer anesthesiology, University Hospital Nijmegen.
1992 - 1994. Medical research investigator, Dept. of Pain Treatment, Institute for Anesthesiology, University hospital Nijmegen. Design and coordination of a multicenter trial (Government finance) to establish the efficacy of radiofrequency lesioning treatment of the cervical spinal dorsal root ganglion in patients suffering from chronic neck/shoulder/arm pain. Research extended towards extensive neurophysiology. Substantial role in foundation of working party on neck/shoulder/arm pain, Expert Centre for Pain Treatment.


2004. Certified (TNO, VRIN) audit consultant for the National Quality Assessment Board of The Association of Rehabilitation Centers in The Netherlands (VRIN, now RN).
2003 - 2004. Top Class. Advanced management for directors in health care. CMDZ (Business School University of Rotterdam / Dutch Association of Directors in Health Care)
2001 - 2002. Management training (medical management, strategic management) TIAS business school, University of Tilburg, “most promising manager of the year”. (360 degree assessment upon request).
May 2000. PhD in Medicine, University of Nijmegen.
1996 - 2000 Specialist training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, SRL Hoensbroek, specialist registration Dutch Board of Medical Specialists (MSRC) march 2000.
1992 - 1994 Internships, Medical Degree, October 1992.
1984 - 1990 Medicine, University of Nijmegen, graduation (doctoraal) june 1990.
1983 - 1984 Physics, University of Nijmegen (KUN).
1982 - 1983 Military academy Royal Navy (KIM), Den Helder.
1976 - 1982 High school (VWO-b), Erasmus college, Almelo,


boarderless thinking and acting
natural leadership
innovative and analytical
building bridges
focus on challenges instead of problems
motivation and energy


dutch fluent
english fluent (IELTS 8.5 overall)
german fair
french little
french (poor)


Many (international) publications and presentations
Board member of the Asia Oceania Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Member Dutch Faculty of Rehabilitation Specialists (physiatrists), VRA.
Member of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

Board member Society of Institutions involved in assisted mechanical ventilation support (VSCA).
Member of the advisory board Medical technology, Health Valley Gelderland.
Member working party on brain injury, VRA.
Member of the European Brain Injury Society (EBIS).
Member of the advisory board Traumatic Brain Injury, Gelderland.
Member of the American Association of Academic Physiatrists.
1993 Foundation of Europain working party Chronic Pain and Disabilities.
1992-1994 Foundation of working party on neck/shoulder/arm pain, Expert centre on pain treatment, University hospital Nijmegen.


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