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trainer, coach, project manager, P&O-consultant, communicati

trainer, coach, project manager, P&O-consultant, communicati

Work Experience

Since May 1996 self employed communications consultant, trainer and certified coach with experience in:
1 on 1 coaching; group coaching and group facilitation methods; teambuilding; designing and writing tailor-made training materials and performing tailor-made trainings; project management; document writing and engineering; designing and writing educational materials; teaching; reintegration; conflict management & control; change management processes. Before 1996 (a.o): worked for 1.5 years at The Institute of Cultural Affairs, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Form: both with people in organisations/groups and individuals.
Branches: ICT, health sector, education, government/ municipality, (commercial) service providers.


University of Amsterdam, Communication Sciences, Faculty of Political and Socio-Cultural Sciences; research in communication networks, called ‘Developing Human Resources; About Communication Networks’.
Training: Personal & life coaching (personally trained and certified by Shad Helmstetter, PhD) - Florida, USA; Technology of Participation (‘participatory planning method’, ‘group facilitation methods’) - Institute of Cultural Affairs, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Zig Ziglar’s train the trainer; INK- management (Dutch EFQM).


facilitating and managing change, from inventory, consultancy and execution to evaluation and enhancement of the (organisational) change ; project management; counselling and coaching of employees in personal and professional development; personal coaching; business coaching, life coaching (1 on 1, group coaching and group facilitation methods); team role consultancy; training (knowledge, attitude, behaviour and beliefs, competencies, commitment); teambuilding; change management; teaching (children, vocational students, adults); document writing and engineering: designing and writing internal and external procedures and instructions, folders, brochures, annual reports, project design, web content, implementation procedures and business proposals; designing and writing on line help; software skills: HTML, MS Office, Visio, MindManager, RoboHelp, FrontPage, DreamWeaver, tailor made software applications.


Dutch – excellent in speech, script and comprehension, English - excellent in speech, script and comprehension, German – good in speech and comprehension, sufficient in script, Bahasa Indonesia/ Bahasa Malayu – sufficient in comprehension, French - sufficient in speech, script and comprehension.


Full time available for projects outside The Netherlands; willing and able to travel and relocate for a longer period of time! Certified as a life coach in de United States (Florida); certified by and registered with the NOBCO, the Dutch Order of Professional Coaches (registered under RC 03014); member of LSVB, the Dutch national association for supervision and other forms of counselling; style: involved outsider, enthusiastic, driven, bright and clear-headed; thinker and go-getter with a ‘helicopter view’ and eye for personal detail, background and culture; personal slogan: give from the source of unity and synergy will be the result; excellent communication skills; unattached and willing to travel far. Fields of interests: scuba diving, (power) walking (e.g. Nijmegen March), TM Siddhi techniques, tai chi, personal development and empowerment.


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